Bring back the beta night!

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Seaker Drone, Mar 27, 2013.

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  1. ZoldiK

    increase the time of sunset and sunrise on10-15% ,decrease time of day-night on 10-15 %
    i really love those fights when sun only rise above the horizon it's so cinematic
    +1 for darker nights,in beta i love it,also we use headlights of our vehicle,now nobody use it
  2. ZoldiK

    the same with flashlight attachment of weapons
  3. Emotitron

    I'll just keep bumping this as well.

    Add a lunar cycle so that pitch black night happens once every 5-10 nights.
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  4. Irondove

    have the devs said anything yet....somewhere in the 72 pages?
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  5. Marsodian

    We need this so much!
  6. GruntForce

    +1 I tought this post got burried in the forums. Yes to darkers nights! I'd say a lunar cycle for more dark nights and full moon lights that would light up the sky.
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  7. Dieter Perras

    how has this still been ignored by the devs :'(
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  8. CrazyCanadian24

    Because SOE is insensitive and have no idea what they're doing.
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  9. DeadliestMoon

  10. GruntForce

  11. GruntForce

  12. Elite

    I would LOVE to see this! I really do miss it! I even remember one of the devs (possibly Higby) talking about PS2's actually dark nights as if they were a feature since it's never done in any other games. WTF happened?
  13. BenjaFriend

    Sometimes I don't even notice that it's night time until I randomly just look up into the sky. I agree that it needs to be way darker
  14. Hiding in VR

    This game has a night time?
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  15. Hetman

    This post have 10 mounths, and 1435 posts in it, yet all we get is SOE mark.
  16. GruntForce

    Keep bumpin! They bump ain't stopin until the night is rockin!
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  17. EvilUnicorn

    You know, SOE ignoring a thread as popular as this kinda shows how much they care for the community. Don't get me wrong, I think PS2 is a great game and all but there's so many good suggestions out there like this that they don't bother taking a good look at.
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  18. GruntForce

    Sadly, I agree. Tweeted Smed, but no response.
  19. Predator01cz

    500+ likes
    70+ pages of constructive comments, suggestions and feedback.
    never bother responding or addressing this discussion.

    But try to call someone a troll once
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  20. CrazyCanadian24


    Just noticed I typo'd "loses"... FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF-
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