Bring back Infiltrators showing up on IRNV

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Belarod, Apr 18, 2013.

  1. SkepticJerry

    Like it's helped them. It's fine.
  2. Dragonblood


    The only class with more handycaps are Max units.
  3. XRIST0

    Actually you cant see them at all while cloaked .. completely opposite to how it used to be

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  4. Littleman

    I was on board with SOE giving the LA some more utility, and then they gave them access to shotguns. Hell, I'd prefer to give LA access to rifles and carbines instead of letting them have shotguns. Not that carbines are actually weaker than rifles except where damage fall off is concerned. I actually wish I could equip the Trac-5 on my Medic.
  5. Jac70

    One word -'no'

    Having the Inf show up on NV just makes the cloak absolutely pointless. A good majority of troops use it and practically all vehicles.
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  6. Rohxer

    No, but they can't stay cloaked for more than several seconds at a time, after which they are visible for several more seconds. Plenty of time to close the gap and get a bearing.

    Don't use IR/NV then, duh! You've picked that scope to make it easier to hit every OTHER class. You don't have to use it. Use your eyeballs to locate them. Then you can either hip fire, switch to a pistol, or wait for them to uncloak and fire. If you see an infiltrator, cloaked or not, and you get the jump on them, you will not lose - I promise (well, unless you forget to watch where you step).

    If an infiltrator is using his cloak, and you are not aware of his presence, then you're playing with sound turned off. If your sound is off, and you don't know the difference between faction cloak noises then we start to get to the realm of L2P.

    So you want the cloak to only work inside a smokescreen? Are you serious? And you do realize that infiltrators have no way to create a smokescreen...

    So you're OK when infiltrators are not a threat. You just have a problem when they can actually hurt you. :rolleyes:

    I primarily play infiltrator. And my favorite activity is hunting other infiltrators. I have NV/IR on my SMG and when I'm infiltrator hunting I don't use it! And you know what? I win some, and I lose some. But I don't come crying to a message board when I lose.
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  7. Shinrah

    Situational awareness! And FYI, anyone who gets a jump on you in PS2 with any weapon can gib you before you react if he doesn´t miss.
    SMG´s are nothing but overglorified carbines with bigger clips and way less accuracy and range.
  8. Deadeye

    If there is one aspect of infiltrators that needs to be looked at, it's the cloak and fury equipped ATVs. At least on foot your buddies can deal with the infiltrator after he kills you but when they're invisible and can show up behind your squad and blow it bits before you can react (even with flak 4 like I run) then disappear and do it again to another group at the other end of the battlefield, there needs to be a counter.

    I can understand the cloaking ability was put on ATVs to give infiltrators a sneaky way to cross the battlefield to hack stuff, but it's being used more for loltrolling with the 40mm fury.

    My suggestion would be either make the ATV show on NV scopes or make the cloak a defense slot instead of utility so the infiltrator has to choose cloak vs mine guard so at least you could set up minefields to stop them.
  9. Dragonblood

    this is so easy to counter.....just not by a band of heavy assaults. The wraith driver doesn't see other cloaked sniper with NV optics either.
  10. PieBringer

    Are you kidding me? In the first day alone, I lost count of how many times I was killed via headshot while going full speed and cloaked... With a full auto weapon, while my Flash was completely unharmed.
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  11. Rohxer

    Storytime: Last night, I had just spawned a reaver at Saerro Listening Post. As I veered south over Echo Valley Substation, I saw the strangest sight - more than a dozen flashes spawn at once and spread out across the tundra. One by one they started cloaking. Despite this, they were pretty easy to follow. So myself and another couple ESFs and a Lib that were nearby started picking them off one by one. And once they were damaged it was even easier to spot them with the billowing smoke. Especially easy because they were infiltrators, with absolutely no counter against us other than small arms, which just makes them easier to hit. A couple may have gotten away, but there were quite a bit of them. All I know for sure is that whatever shenanigans they had planned were probably ruined.

    So there's one counter!
  12. Skeith

    do you seriously have trouble against a class that has a cloak that in insanely easy to spot lasts 12 seconds prevents him from using every weapon while active and 1 second after he decloaks and on top of it produces a loud as hell sound everytime it goes on and off

    if you cant spot an infiltrator close quarter dude get a pair of functional eyes

    give me a real cloak and then yes we can agree
  13. Deadeye

    So the counters to wraiths are bring uber snipers and aircraft and only fight on open tundra and hope they've all got your back....yeah....OK....:rolleyes:
  14. Village

    Thermal optics for vehicles should, IRNV for infantry rifles and 50 certs in vehicles shouldn't.
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  15. BiggLou55

    I don't usually play Infil, but I have to agree with those that say No to this idea of having them show up again in Night Vision and IR... For arguments sake though... IF they were to show up again, then I think the class should be given access to Shotguns to balance their the nerf... Everyone will be running HRNV again, so why not let them use shotguns since their cloak will be next to useless.. :)
  16. Zakuak

    I'm gonna say no to this.

    I hate infils sneaking up on me but that does not happen to often. More often it is me listening for wet farts (cloak sound) and hunting them down.

    Most vehicles have NV equipped so nerfing the Infils cloak by making it visible to NV would be a nasty hit to the class IMO.
  17. mooman1080

    New weapons? What new weapons? We got smgs and revolvers, both of which can be used by each class, and are only effective at short range.

    Cloaking on the other hand is a complete joke, and if you're having trouble with it I don't know what to say.
  18. Bard

    Everything that is good does not need a nerf. If infiltrators could cloak indefinitely then I would say ir scopes absolutely needed to see them. In this game, however, there is a very noticable sound (distinct for each empire), a finite cloak duration, and you can see them while cloaked. This means that anyone with a pair of stereo headphones can hunt down infiltrators. They don't need any nerfs, indirect or otherwise.
  19. Armchair

    This. I'm fine if they don't want infiltrators to stick out like a sore thumb with IRNV scopes, but they should at least remain as visible as they are to the mk1 eyeball.
  20. Teegeeack

    Okay I agree with this even though I play infiltrator a lot. I can clearly see a cloaked infiltrator when I don't use IRNV but he doesn't show up when I do? Senseless.