Briggs Log-in success rate is getting ridiculously low

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by BeyondNInja, Apr 25, 2014.

  1. BeyondNInja

    • Up x 1
  2. Rebus

    4 days, 40 + attempts, 2 successes. None in last 2 days. Disappointing.
    • Up x 1
  3. Anasasi

    It's currently at ~11%.

  4. BeyondNInja

    Only 366 people online, yet we have a 6% successful log-in rate.
  5. Anasasi

  6. RapidShare

    I'm upset. Very upset. I paid for a 6 month membership to be an Auraxium member and yet one month into my membership I can no longer access Briggs which i've spent another $100 worth of Station Cash on.

    SOE has to fix the briggs server or port everything into another server, it's simply a breach of contract to not deliver what I paid for, worst of all without a proper resolution plan for briggs. It took me so much to **** up my Sunderer and i'm not prepared to let that go. If it's not fixed soon I have to demand for my cash back. I've not been able to access PS2 the whole month.