[Brainstorming] Triage

Discussion in 'Combat Medic' started by Halkesh, Dec 28, 2013.

  1. Frosty The Pyro

    the thing about triage, is its a passive. it is 100% pure gravy to the class. if you want it to be a truly useful ability, it would need to take up a slot (suit, ability, utility, whathave you)
  2. lyravega

  3. Heyitsrobbie1984

    move triage to the defensive slot for the sunderers for the AOE heals ;)
  4. NowBreathingManually

    Here's mine, it adds several certed levels of shield regen alongside any of medic's heals.
    Healgun, aura, and both grenades recover the target's shield by a percentage of the potential HP healed.
    This allows for medics to support their patients under fire far more effectively.
    As a downside, the healgun would have a cooldown like the repairgun.
  5. Halkesh

    I like this idea (keep ally instaid of revive them), but I think it should be on a new medic tool.
  6. Walrus308

    Max medgun and max regen is plenty healing.

    My 2 certs:

    -Deployable cover the size of an engi turret (low-ish health) for getting people up when pushing or that max that drops 2m too far from your corner.

    -Short duration chuckable. C4 range tossing. Sticks to surface and makes enemy medtools not work in a X meter radius.

    -Alternate fire for medgun, lets you have a toggle ON/OFF for STICKY for your healing/REZ nades (still would need grenade band for several uses)

    -The thing replacing triage now gives your nano regen a secondary effect of filling friendly jump jet fuel / stealth energy - does not effect heavies or too much rage would ensue.

    -Allows your Q button to mark enemy targets to X,Y,Z meters where it will designate hostile medics with a (+) or some healy icon rather than the triangle.

    -Deployable decoy that is a 1 hp default-for-your-faction medic hologram with the character frozen standing still with a medgun out. Infils should already have a version of this instead of decoy grenades but i digress.

    -Entering any vehicle now gives it SWEET RIMS, and BLARES ELECTRO DANCE REMIXES of 'I need a medic' until we all realize triage is here to stay :(
  7. \m/SLAYER\m/

    it's useless, such a rare situation to get some point from it, or it must be vehicle free slow passive healing, of just reduce price.
  8. reydelchicken

    I would like to see this moved into a sunderer utility/defense slot.

    So you can choose between repairing vehicles, or healing infantry with your bus.
  9. WTSherman

    I'd say this update was a step in the right direction, we've been asking for Triage to work in vehicle proximity for a while now, but it still needs some love.

    1: Display a HUD icon over the occupied vehicle's health bar to indicate a Triage medic is present.

    2: Increase the radius, and make sure it's measured from the hull instead of the center of the vehicle (this could especially be an issue for Galaxies, does anyone here know how Triage's range is currently measured?) Scaling the radius with rank similar to the shield recharger could be a possibility.

    3: Increase the healing rate to make it competitive with the Regen implant. Currently a rank 1 Regen implant heals twice as fast as a rank 5 Triage, that's ridiculous. Triage needs to heal faster. Our guns generally do over 1,000 DPS, I don't think we have to worry about Triage outpacing them. Maybe something like 20/30/40/50/60 hp/s (which works out to 4%/6%/8%/10%/12%).
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