I create this tread to make a list about tride rework/up suggestion. Please write here all the idea you have about this useless passive medic ability. Actually, you can see triage description here.
how about 0.5m healing radius like the ability but weaker and passive and slower. Like the autohealing of biolabs but a little bit faster
I wouldn't go so far as to say it's completely useless, as it has definite applications for combat vehicle crews and squads toting a few MAXes around in a Sundy or Gal. That said, it could stand to be a bit more versatile. Maybe make it so that it has a slow NAR-type effect on infantry outside the vehicle, within a few meters. Essentially it'd turn the vehicle the medic's in into the infantry version of a repair Sundy.
I don't say it's a bad idea, but create a passive AoE heal will look like too much to the active AoE heal, I prefer see something new. I have 3 idea for triage : -A passive that give regeneration for ALL infantery class you play (not only the medic, except MAX) -A ability for ALL infantery class you play (not only the medic, except MAX) to increase the heal received when healed by ally medic or restoration kit. -Give a small shield boost / bonus resistance when you heal an ally with the healing pistol.
That sounds good but i have another idea how about being able to "overcharge" health for being nearby a medic like extra 100 health (you would need to get healed to this point and after running out of his aoe you slowly lose health to your normal value
A character wide passive regeneration cert line is, as far as I am concerned, completely out of the question as that'd negate the premise of two other game mechanics (consumable health items and Bio-lab ownership) by spending cert points into a single class, which then spills over into the other classes. The only certification lines, that currently do this that I am aware of, are shared arsenal weapons and health consumables - and even then it's an active choice to bring them. However, making the Triage ability be an AoE around a vehicle would make sense, as you could setup "field hospitals" that way, but it'd probably be of limited use, considering that in the case of an AMS Sunderer, people can just pull a medic themselves and heal up far faster than a passive AoE probably would. You could of course also make it apply to other vehicles, so you could make "ambulance Harassers" and whatnot, though I doubt it'd be very popular or useful at that. Honestly, I think Triage just needs to go the way of the do-do and the Medic given another ability like the Engineer has turrets and ammo boxes in addition to his main tool - maybe some kind of deployable or an active use item which confers some kind of passive benefit in the area of effect. I'm thinking something like a Portable Shield Regeneration Booster (PSRB), which decreases shield regen startup by up to like two seconds in its AoE - essentially giving the benefit of having up to Advanced Shield Capacitor ~3 when the line is fully certed. This would then stacks with Advanced Shield Capacitor itself, making the two items synergize (and make Advanced Shield Capacitor a more attractive choice compared to Flak or Nanoweave). By having an item focusing on improving shields, it would also have no impact on the current issues of MAX castling, making regular infantry classes a more valid option for defending points and areas. Essentially a deployed PSRB would provide a "health" benefit by allowing people to re-shield faster and thus be faster back into action after having been shot at, but without severely disrupting the current balance between classes. The "elegant" part of this solution is that Infiltrators already have a "hard counter" consumable item for this mechanic in the form of EMP grenades, increasing class interaction in terms of what is good for countering what tactic (though EMP grenades are currently a little lacklustre). An alternative could be a deployable Bullet Velocity Dampener (BVD), which essentially just adds "x" meters to how far a bullet is registered as having traveled when hitting a target. Increasing bullet distance traveled means that overall soldiers within its area of effect would potentially take less damage due to bullet damage drop-off being increased and pushed toward the lower end of a weapon's damage profile. Just some ideas, that I think would be more useful and fun to use than anything revolving around "passive" abilities (granted they just need to be deployed and then they are passive, but they require some action and decisions from the player to work proper).
Triage was good for Harassers and that is about it. I wish they would just finish balance stuff and then start rolling in new abilities (passives and actives)
The 3 Roles of Medics: (One is Missing) #1) Support Based Medics have the typical healing and squad support role. The basic, sometimes considered boring, but oh so critical element that makes good teams unstoppable. Perfect with Revive grenades and all the fixings we typically see. #2) Attack Based Then there is the wonderful "combat" medic approach using the regenerative AOE abilities and C4 to be more aggressive. We have all seen these lovely bad ***** before tearing things up and being sneaky. Taking calculated risks, and using cover and their AOE heals to their advantage. #3) Advantage Based However there is something distinctly missing from vehicle medic game play. I'v often wondered why medics didn't get the ability to equip various vehicle addons like infiltrators do. An ambulance module would be a great thing to add. I could see this being used to various degrees depending on vehicle. AOE heal radius on a sunderer would be nice. Maybe a smaller one could be used on the harrassar as well. Or even a small "first aid" kit mounted on the back of a flash so allies could interact with it. Essentially allow medics to create a recovery area, and use vehicles like deployables. Hell I would even go so far as giving them a "triage" station they could drop on the ground. Switch out C4 to enable them to drop one on the ground and allow allies to interact with it for heals. This could be useful for attackers in setting up recovery zones inside rooms in bases. Its not a solid spawn point, but regardless people can go there to get heals. It becomes a good place for engineers to drop ammo for resupply and helps attackers develop a foothold inside the base. Thoughts on Triage: As for triage in its current form. Its nice for what it does INSIDE vehicles... Our group honestly does use it with a squad and a half full of Maxes. Honestly it could use a re-work. The medical station idea would be a good idea to provide allies with a recovery location outside vehicles as well as inside of them. I don't know where the solution lies, or the finer details. I just notice a gap of content which if developed could make the game more strategic in terms of vehicle play. It would also make things far less demanding on the medic, allowing them more freedom. I have a problem when people say there are too many bad medics. I think what happens is allot of public medic players have such high volume of healing demands on them while in ZERGS they just can't keep up. Overall it makes them look like bad players when they just are overworked in most cases.
So little people even have Triage that hardly anyone knows you can heal MAXs inside vehicles as well as every other infantry. Also the overcharge health think won't work in Planetside 2, in my opinion.
We have the same idea for triage : make the medic able to "buff" ally. On your idea, you want a small bonus to survivability but with an AoE. Personally, I prefer a better bonus but on a single target. About the ability (AoE or 1 target), I think it can give a % resistance bonus during the heal and stop at the same time. It will stack multiplicatively with mano-armor, flak-armor and resist shield. Triage shouldn't stack with an other medic's triage. This %resistance bonus will change with Triage rank. @Seventwo : D'oh ! I admit I've forget that. For "healing-box", " ASC-box" and "Bullet dampener" they are good idea, but that's not passives ability. However, it can go into 4 slot and probably remplace C4 or medkit/restokit. I'm almost certain I've seen these idea in thread like "rework healing grenade" and "give more tool to engineer".
Haha, yeah, well the more ideas we get out there, the better chance someone in the system will take notice and get inspired by them. Don't remember to upvote good stuff though - it's a metric for identifying "good" (subjectively good) content on the boards.
Pick whatever you like (all numbers are just examples): -Leaves a lingering healing effect for X (2/3/4/5/6) seconds that has the Y% (25%) effectiveness of the medic-tool. -Healing a friendly target chains to Z (1/1/1/2/2) other nearby friendlies within Q (1/1/2/2/3) meters at W% (5/10/15/20/25%) effectiveness -Grants a healing aura effect to Sunderer repair and ammo systems that heal friendlies in the area by P% every second
My Idea: - If Sunderer have Proximity Repair System, the triage heal in radius around sunderer. Higher PRS, th bigger is radius.
BATTLEFIELD There, I said it. Now stop trying to be different SOE and give us the droppable medkit(Triage) and Paddles(Med gun). There is a reason why that **** was in like seven Battlefield games. Because it just works.
Only thing I can think of that seems appropriate would be a Small Deployable Healing Beacon. Sort of like the Engineer Ammo, Drop it and it heals for a Small percent (Perhaps the same Percent as controlled bio-labs, stacking with the Biolab heal, but not other Triage Beacons) in an area of 2-5 meters? So then it wouldn't be a huge heal, but a minor passive one that could benefit those taking cover. Shoot, Cover, Reload and heal a bit. Repeat. Would greatly benefit squad fire fights and assaults and defensive positions. It'd also help the medic join the fight more often for smaller conflicts where an extra rifle is much more effective. The bouncing or Chaining heal-gun I see being abused Via someone Hidden in cover, healing someone in cover arcing to someone across a door way and so on. % = Bc x 2 Whereby Bc represents biolabs controlled by friendlies on the continent?
I always has. Triage will heal anything that gets in a vehicle with you. Very effective -though not super useful, every little bit helps- for harassers. A medic driver with max triage, an engie gunner with max repair tool, and a max in the back seat. The engie hops out to repair when needed, the max does his thing, and the medic drives around giving the max about 6 bars every 10 seconds (Yes, it does very little, and at 10 second intervals, which is INSANELY slow. But hey, it's passive).
I have a few suggestions. -First off, it should heal at .5 second intervals, not 10 second intervals. Like the new update that makes base capture point progress bars update more, but for the amazingly overpriced medic-only ability. -Second, make this ability heal more health, faster. Right now, it heals something along the lines of 25 HP in 10 seconds. (Note, I have 100% on my medic cert tree. All the numbers I am giving you are based off the Max Level, also, these are close estimates based on some testing I did when they changed nanoweave to what it is now.) That healing speed is so incredibly terrible I am having a hard time finding words to describe it. I spent 1,350 certs on this, it really should put out some hearty healin' at the max rank. (I'm thinking something along the lines of a starter rank medic tool's healing speed for the max rank of triage. Obviously less for max suits.) As well, it's XP output is TERRIBLE. All in all, it currently takes about 200 second to heal someone from 1 hp to full. That's 3 minutes 20 seconds! At the max rank of Triage, I get about 5 XP per heal base. So I get 100 XP in 3 and 1/3rd minutes. I'm better off trying to draw attention so an enemy will finish the guy off so I can rez him! That'll take up a fraction of a second, rather than taking well over 3 minutes. I know I can do better than a score per minute -or SPM- of 30! (Over 9 times that, as a matter-of-fact.) Alternatively, rather than making Triage better, just add the darn thing to the ranks of the self-heal device and give us something that we will actually get some use out of. How about rename it "Miasma" , and make the ability weaponize the nanites in the self-heal? When the self-heal is active, you heal as normal, and any enemy units within it's regular area of effect who do not have any shielding left start losing health at the same rate as you are healing. Those with shielding would not be effected. It wouldn't be much, but it would certainly aid you on a regular basis. I really like the sound of that word. Miasma. "The sun is a Miasma, Of incandescent plasma. The sun's not simply made out of gas. No, no, no. The sun is a quagmire, It's not made of fire. Forget what you've been told in the past."
All the ideas I see here seem to add more ways to heal or "overheal" in some form or another, but I don't feel that Medics really need more healing power. However, seeing as Triage is a healing cert, it should at least boost healing efficiency if not effectiveness. With that in mind, here's my two-part proposal. 1- Move In-Vehicle healing to the current Nano-Regen ability. Triggerable only in a passenger seat (closed or open-topped), it heals infantry in the vehicle at the same rate as it would if they were in range of your aura at your current cert level at the same rate of drain (just like clicking it on while on foot). No healing outside the vehicle, as that seems to have incredibly marginal utility at best (how often do you have room to park a vehicle in the middle of an infantry swarm under heavy fire?). 2- Change Triage to a toggleable (what key? A second Ability-slot cert instead of Nano-Regen, or a Toggleable Passive?) HUD-assistant that helps you find wounded / dead teammates (squad / platoon only?) more easily. Highlight friendly names or healthbars, or add a new glowing dorito (even more visible / colored than the current "Need a medic" callout icon) to friendlies below x health threshold, out to y range (improves with cert ranks), automatically without the use of the current callout icon? Make dead bodies / wounded friendlies glow (through walls?) as if seen through an IR scope? Waypoint-style icons directly on the HUD? Audio notifications to alert you to nearby casualties? All of this would have to be filterable, at least with a selection between public/squad/platoon.