Both EU servers down?

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by Ancalagon, Nov 21, 2012.

  1. OneManArmy

    Yeah. What the point to buy stuff if u have to wait in que to use it?)))
  2. Jac70

    I think problems are to be expected in the early stages, I would guess the servers are buckling under the load - I have never seen servers this busy at this time of day. It will settle down as they refine the application and maybe open some other servers. As characters are locked to a specific server this could be a problem.

    Some communication is needed.
  3. OneManArmy

    Yeah SWTOR had problems in early stages...... 80% of players left game in 4 month after lunch.
  4. ChipMHazard

    The worst thing about this is that it completely screws over the faction which is the most dominant on a specific continent.
  5. Lazaruz

    If the server is up, I crash. If I don't crash, the servers go down. 3 of each is enough for me, think I'll call it a day.
  6. RadarX

    There is an issue in particular with Miller. We are working on a fix for it now.
  7. Jac70

    Miller was up a second ago but was experiencing insane, unplayable warping/lag - worst Ive seen yet by playing over the last month or so. I hoped that issue would have been solved with people playing on servers with decent pings.
  8. Vepo

    The EU server performance is terrible. People disappearing, glitching all over the place, random crashes and **** ... it's annoying as hell. Where are is the datacenter located?
  9. Ancalagon

    Give us free server transfer and I'll **** Miller within the hour.
  10. Slamraptor

    I have lunch every day so it isn't that bad. xD
  11. Shadestrike

    He's not being a drama queen, it's a genuinely bad start. Don't fanboy, its disgusting.
  12. Vindicar

    I'm on miller witch is probably the worst in term of stability and I still could play like 90% of my play-time... and it's not a little play-time.

    Have you ever witnessed what is a REAL bad launch ? I don't think so when reading you...
    I think you are just that kind of poeples that loves to rant because it's easy and helps you to release your anger.

    Me a fanboy... why not ? Is it forbidden to be impressed by the game technical and to enjoy it ?
    In my opinion OP and you are the disgusting ones... No patience, no respect and I'm pretty sure no idea of what is going on in the world... just you behind your screen crying because your FREE toy is broken.

    Excuse the horrible english... 'Am a frog eater so... you know...