Bolt Actions need to be able to kill again

Discussion in 'Infiltrator' started by Valena, Jun 15, 2013.

  1. Kaisuke7

    he shouldn't have to.
  2. Valena

    Worse yet, I used to say that a good sniper knows the value of her suppressor. It used to be a vital component in remaining hidden, but now, in a twisted stroke of irony, you're better off going loud behind enemy lines. The reason is that suppressors shave at least 20 meters off your effective distance, meaning that a suppressed Parallax/Longshot/RAMS has to be within 52 meters of a NW5 target to OHK. Who the hell snipes at 52 meters? What is the point of that?

    The whole purpose of a suppressor is to keep yourself hidden, but the moment you land a shot that fails to kill you give yourself away regardless. So while the suppressor may keep you off the mini map and make your shots far less audible, you're more likely to be discovered while using one.

    Isn't that some ****?
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  3. Scan

    It is indeed.... it is indeed....

    I use the RAMS because it's relatively reliable, even with a supressor on it. I seem to get less "Bing" and more "Ping" from the XP rolling in when headshotting people.

    Yesterday, I tried using a standard BASR with a supressor, because I felt the quicker reload times would be benificial at closer range. It was a nightmare....

    I felt like firing balls of paper, and after shooting 6 targets, all headshots, but not killing one of them, I just was like.....

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  4. Get2dachoppa

    I'd actually find that a much more amusing taunt in game then that "Your best is my worst" we have now.
  5. Valena

    Yeah, I tried that too. I was eventually found and murdered because none of my shots were kills. You have to be within 30m with a suppressor on a standard BASR, so, yeah. At that range I'd sooner take, well, anything else.
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  6. Aimeryan

    Mines are passive additional tools. Bolt-action rifles are primary weapons. That is a huge difference.


    To most of the people who don't understand or don't have an issue this is because the issue is range-based. If you are not a long-distance user it will not affect you much.

    The biggest issue is not that you can no longer OHK but that bolt-actions are balanced around OHK. Take away the OHK and they are very poor weapons. The bolt-actions either need to retain OHKs up to a significant distance (preferably any distance since it rewards more difficult shots), or they need to be fundamentally re-balanced to take multiple-shots - however, you lose a unique playstyle that other games offer...
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  7. Valena

    And if Planetside 2 loses that playstyle I know that I and others like me will leave in favor of them. I don't think SOE wants that.
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  8. Steveru

    To those of you not getting the point here (I think it's mostly you three), the point is: Being sniped in the head should kill you. Two exceptions, HeavyAssault with active shields and MAXs. Asking Infiltrators to pull off a head shot and a body shot, or two head shots or three body shots and five Hail Marys simply isn't fair.

    It's like, one of the most golden rules in all of video games. Snipe a guy in the head, and he dies, how anyone can disagree with that is beyond me.

    If anything, NW should ignore HS damage from ANY weapon, not just BARS. It's gross to think that veteran players are simply "tougher" than normal, there needs to be some sort of equalizer here, some element of skill, or else we run that slippery slope of MMO to MMORPG.

    Let's just remember that at the moment, it's still a shooter, and in shooters, snipers shoot guys in the head, and they die. It's the gritty truth, and it's horrible to think about, I know, but there's no other way around it.

    and I'd much rather get killed by a super pro sniper infi than an infi that just decloaked and shot me with an smg point blank.
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  9. Aimeryan

    Never quite put my finger on it before, but you definitely have it right with the idea that there needs to be a way that a skilled BR1 player can defeat a non-skilled BR100 player.

    The idea of making headshots not give NW protection has been mentioned before. Players are not likely to get headshots by accident, especially in fast paced combat, which means NW still gives a huge benefit (+50% health). However, a player who knows they are up against this problem can at least try to bypass it by getting headshots, something which is quite skillful.

    It also solves the problem with bolt-action sniper rifles and headshots, while still giving NW users a benefit if the sniper is not skillful enough and has to go for bodyshots. This is really the ideal solution I feel - however, trying to get this up the chain to the devs is more difficult than trying to rob a bank.

    Implementation should be 25% resist damage, only applies to body.
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  10. Effect

    Looks you guys are beyond help.
  11. Steveru

    Haha, not to mention these forums are HORRIFIC! We can't rate anything, we can't get things put on the roadmap, or even suggest things for the roadmap, or down rate simply horrible ideas (just saw some idea for a self-revive tool for the LightAssault... I mean... really??). The roadmap forum has a scoring system! Why not make that ubiquitous throughout all the forums??!?!?!

    Been playing since beta on and off, but I've only been on the forums a week. It's been very disappointing. Duplicate threads EVERYwhere, no rating system, good ideas getting swamped with bad ones, and I swear to god, it's getting to people, because it's as if everyone got a dump taken in their cereal on here!

    ....*rubs temples*....

    Apparently Twitter's the way to go when it comes to contacting these guys and they're actually encouraging twitter spam. I'm down to do it if you guys are.
  12. Chris Bingley

    I think you missed my point (you also left out the part about which sniper rifles I was using, i.e. the low damage ones). So I'll put it here, again, so that you understand.


    Now, I'm not the best player in the game. I'm certainly not the best sniper in the game. Yet I have none of the problems that people here are complaining about. Players use all sorts of suit upgrades. A lot of medics use grenade bandoleers with revive grenades, a lot of dedicated repair/pilot/tank engineers use flak armour because they are more likely to get hit by explosions (and as flak reduces the weapon damage it's still better than nanoweave in those situations). Defensive engineers, who stick to mana turrets, mines and C4 use utility harnesses. Anti-air and anti-tank HA use flak, or munitions pouch (having enough rockets to kill and MBT or sunderer is nice). Player who fight using hit and run tactics, or who snipe, tend to use shield capacitor. Nanoweave isn't a problem. As far as the protective suit upgrades go, it's the most expensive. Essentially, the point I'm getting at here is that I have yet to headshot somebody and not have them die.

    Likewise, having headshot protection in shooters isn't a new thing. Team Fortress 2 is fairly old now, and that has a set for the sniper class that makes you immune to bonus damage from headshots. Team Fortress 2 doesn't have level progression like Planetside, you get these items as random gifts whilst you play, meaning that unlike Planetside you don't have to earn them. And this is just one example, I'm sure I could think of more if I wanted to put some effort in.

    Now, you may say that I'm obviously not an infiltrator player. To a certain extent you would be both right and wrong. I play all classes, and pick what my squad needs me to do, based off what classes it already has. Sometimes that requires me to play an infiltrator. When I'm not in a squad and I'm just off doing my own thing, then I almost always play infiltrator (except when I need to pull some anti-air or anti-tank because there's no infantry around).
  13. Aimeryan

    So, to round up, you don't have an issue. Fine. Now leave us.
  14. Steveru

    Okay, okay. Sorry Chris. I was just skimming, looking for some of the posts that seemed to disagree was all. And anyone whose played TF2 instantly earns points with me!

    TF2 is also a brilliant example of good game design. SOE seriously needs to go out on a dinner date with the team behind TF2. Go to Olive Garden, enjoy the unlimited breadsticks, because you're going to be there a while, SOE.

    That Croc-o-Style Loadout you're talking about not only makes you immune to headshots, but you can not perform headshots yourself, since it's the sniper class. So essentially it forces other snipers to get into a body shot contest with you (that would be the equivalent to NW armor giving up something precious as well). See, I told you SOE's got a lot to learn.

    And random drops!?! Oh man! I would love that in Pside! And hats! And rare items! And taunts! And Character backstories! And domination lines, and chuckles and maniacal laughs! "What's the matter fat man? Fat got your tongue!?!" "You got Blood on my suit" "Eat it up, Pancakes" AHAHAHA! GETS ME EVERY TIME! *sniff* sniff*

    God, Chris, why'd you got and bring up TF2? You know that's an emotional subject for me. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to watch some "Meet the Team" videos over a big tub of ice cream. I promised myself I wouldn't let this happen again... but things are hard for me right now, okay!
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  15. Morti

    I agree.

    Bolt action headshots should one hit even with a suppressor(needing to account for the extra travel time and drop is enough penalty for a suppressor imo)

    If you take a .50 cal round to the face in RL your head becomes a smoothie. People who take a .50cal round to the face in PS2 walk it off while yelling for a medic.
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  16. Scan

    Ofcourse mate. All these dedicated infiltrator players here that are in disagreement with you, have no idea what they're on about.
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  17. isiy

    I got tired of only getting headshot hitmarkers and quit 3 or 4 months ago and decided to check the forums here and see if SOE ever fixed that whole imba Nanoweave thing. It appears they have not addressed this issue.

    In hopes of them ever resolving this issue, see you gentlemen in another couple months.
  18. Rudmed

    You are a wise man my friend. I particularly have always seen Nanoweave as a problem not just for snipers, though it's a huge problem for us, but also a general problem for the newer community. New players get dropped in and have to fight just to understand the game, they don't know what is the best gear? They will base it off their experiences

    For example, New player A gets killed by tanks and explosions more than infantry. He/she will of course pick up flak armor, which has been nerfed to oblivion. New Player B will end up picking Nanoweave because he just wants to turn and see what the heck killed him instead of just dying. This might also explain why some people say, "Sniping is fine, I get OHK all the time." This might because they end up killing newer players who have picked up something other than nanoweave.

    I fear this game becomes a pubstomp where the better geared players just dominate the lower ranked players who have no idea what they're doing. Anyways that is another discussion, but for now back to sniping.

    Also to the people who say sniping is viable, I have just one little thing to say. Viable =/ Effective/Where it should be. Something can be viable, which in bare terms means that you can do it, but it may not be the most effective. Right now sniping is viable, but it is not at point where it is most effective. Right now, I feel as though sniping is more punishing than rewarding. Why? Because now people are starting to hunt me down just to get rid of me. Sadly, they often come after they pop a medkit. However, the news gets a bit worse. A pistol does not outdo an LMG at a rather close range.
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  19. Steveru

    This is another part of the issue. Sniping is almost always going to be one of the hardest classes to be GOOD with, I mean, really hold your own on the scoreboard. In all games, sniping is a role that rewards players for skill and punishes them heavily for a lack thereof.

    The gigantic, gaping-hole-in-logic issue with Planetside is that highly skilled snipers are rewarded very little. MULTIPLE headshots are required on regular targets, and consistently no less with non hit-scan weapons. And a lack of skill, or even, a ton of bad luck in running into NanoWeave, results in VERY harsh punishment, i.e., Not only are you not rewarded a kill, but your own targets hunt you down and kill you quite easily, and suddenly that once, trusty Bolt Action would look a lot better to you as an SMG.

    And why do enemies so painstakingly hunt down and kill snipers? Because it's in the collective consciousnesses of so many gamers that snipers are a HIGH-THREAT priority, labeled: NOT TO BE IGNORED!

    Except in Pside... they're sort of just... there. Ignore them if you want. Their existence is punishment enough. Go enjoy your CQC, go enjoy your dogfights, your MAX rushes. The snipers in planetside will watch harmlessly from the sidelines. Oh sure, they'll maybe score a kill here and there, but their influence in the battle is ultimately impotent.

    This just astonishes me though. GRRRRR. It's like some awful gaming nightmare: "The Headshots! They don't kill anymore!"
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  20. Effect

    Thanks for agreeing with me.