Simply because it requires you to reload/zoom out...doesnt that just imply that bolt actions are specifically designed for headshots? Its not like you can kill someone with 1 bullet on a body shot....and if you go for the head...and you miss...if theyre even halfway intelligent theyre gonna start doing their little spasm running around to ensure you dont get another good doesnt this just prove that bolt actions are just for head shots? And if so...arent we just better off with the phantom or a semi auto sniper rifle...since at the end of the day what counts to the "war effort" is kill counts...not headshots....since theyre one in a 100 anyway...wouldnt we be just better off with just the semi auto sniper rifle? since with them you can actually kill stuff efficiently...2 3 body shots and target is dead....even if theyre moving around jumping dodging in hopes of avoiding me i can still kill them...
It is easy to get a headshot if they are standing still. For a good player it isn't a 1/100 chance of landing a headshot. It is 1/1.
Just get one of the guns with the higher bullet velocities.. Such as the LA80, or the Longshot. Makes hitting moving targets easier.
Yes, the bolt actions are primarily for head shots, 1 shot 1 kill. And, you are right, what matters is your kill count. But, the two are not mutually exclusive. A talented bolt-action user in good position can rack up some kills and absolutely disrupt an enemy defense or attack. I think the position being the most important. I love seeing enemies bug out of a good defensive positions after I have dropped a few of their comrades. Or, better yet, not realize that I am the one doing it and just keep feeding me kills.
You should always be aiming for the head regardless of what gun your using, especially a bolt action, however even body shots with the bolt actions are effective. One body hit will more than likely clear an enemies shield out making them much easier for you or your allies to drop.
probably the best most well reasoned and thought out reply ever... yeah, iv found that the best way to get kills is to 1. get a great position and 2. being lucky.....luck and positioning are the 2 most important things i found so far...
Bolt actions are made as a joke to the players that watched Enemy at the gates or Shooter one too many times. I love my LA80...but I'll never tell her until they let me increase the infantry render distance.
I use my Ghost like a long ranged knife... If I can headshot them on decloak fine, if not I've just scored a body shot and stripped off their shields and a good chunk of heath. Few follow ups from the Manticore sorts them out fast.
More or less. It's more accurate to say that they're designed to deal alot of damage in a single hit. If that hit is a headshot, w00t. The idea is you can pop out of hiding (cover/cloak/both), dealing a big hit or one-shot-kill very quickly and hide again.
yeah maybe its just because im new to the game but iv found that if i go for a headshot but get a body shot instead...the other player (if theyre very good) will INSTANTLY be able to pinpoint my location....within like a second and be firing at me....when this happens to me im never able to figure out exactly where they shot from...the stupid direction indicator isnt very helpful.....i look in the direction it says the shot came from, but to no avail....cant find the person who shot at me....maybe theres something im missing? And whats that "Q" button for? its keybound and is supposed to be for something, anyone know exactly what its for? Also i saw a video of a supposedly pro sniper, teaching 'how to snipe' as infiltrators...he got VERY far away, found the biggest mountain he could, took like 10 mins just to get to the top...and somehow got VERY VERY lucky....there was just a shooting gallery infront of him..with like 20 non moving guys.,..and he was able to pick them off one by like 10 kills in 30 seconds...i tried that last night...didnt work so well...but that probably makes sense...a lot of open space on the ice map.....not so many on other ones......i find i work best in medium range, with a good position, and a bit of luck i can rack up some good kill maybe kill 10+ people in one big battle...without getting killed
People stand still more often than you think. Getting a long kill-streak as a sniper is about taking the time to find a good position, preserving your ammo for 1- or 2-hit kills, knowing when to escape, remaning undetected, and of course having good aim. That video you mentioned (Koolaid's infiltrator handbook series?) is actually a great example. It's on the more extreme end of things considering the time it took to get there but it was a great spot, worth every minute it took to get there. When waiting for someone to stand still, watch their weapon. When they raise their weapon up to their shoulder, that means they're aiming down sights and will be slow enough to headshot, if not standing perfectly still. Ideally, wait for them to start firing before you hold breath and fire. Snipers and HAs with their rocket launcher in hand are prime targets. Once you've gotten used to hitting stationary targets and accounting for bullet drop, move on to attempting shots on people moving in a predictable manner to get a feel for the bullet velocity. Start with body shots. When you can reliably body-shot people moving predictably, move on to attempting headshots on moving targets. As for people moving unpredictably, don't waste your ammo. Wait for them to find a reason to slow down or stop. Q = spot. Look at a person or vehicle, press Q, your guy shouts "Enemy medic spotted!" (or heavy, or tank, or whatever). This puts a red triangle-shaped marker (aka the dorito) on them and makes them appear on the minimap of all nearby friendlies. If those friendlies have a clear line of sight to the target you just "spotted", they get the "dorito" too. Be aware that when you shout "Enemy spotted!", your enemies can hear it too. So don't do it if you're trying to sneak around I've hunted down many an enemy camper by sound.... and given myself away plenty of times To remain undetected after firing a shot, try this: Flank flank flank. Try to be to the sides or behind your enemies. Pretty much anywhere that they won't be looking. Find some cover. Something you can duck behind and ideally shoot over when you're standing up. Use this cover to remain hidden while your cloak recharges and/or while you reload. If there is even a small chance that someone will be looking in your direction, use your cloak while taking aim. Cloak immediately after firing. If anyone saw your bullet's smoke trail, they will be looking at their minimap and in your direction. Your cloak removes you from map and sight. If you think someone has spotted you, move. To find an enemy sniper or other shooter: Firstly, check your minimap. Red dot? Look there. Or, assuming you got a directional indicator or saw a tracer/smoke trail, look in that direction. Assess what you can see - is there a hill (many people stand at the top of hills and "skyline" themselves nicely), a crate, a bush, anything that can be used as cover? Where would you be if you wanted to fire at your position? Focus your crosshair on points of interest and spam the Q button. Use your scope if you're sniping. If your attacker is in view and not cloaked, you will Q-spot them. If you find them, you have to decide the best way to take them out. If you saw a sniper bullet's smoke trail but can't see the infiltrator in that direction, that means they're being smart. Initiate point #5 (above), and keep checking the area you think they're in. If they haven't moved, you'll spot them and they'll probably still be looking at where you were before. Finally, a body shot followed by a few pistol rounds or a slash of your knife can often allow you to win close encounters. Hip-firing a bolt-action is a gamble but sometimes you have to do it.
Rigsta's points are all very good. One thing I would like to add is that sometimes the best spots aren't necessarily where you are behind cover. It's also very important to have something behind you. Being silhouetted on a hill side is probably the easiest way to get counter-sniped in this game. Even from a distance you stick out like a sore thumb if you have nothing but sky behind you. In addition, some of the best spots are just odd places where people don't, for whatever reason, tend to look. My favorite spot on Indar overlooks a base and is within 150 meters of it. There is very little cover to hide behind, but a good spot where I am not silhouetted. And, who knows why, but folks just don't tend to look there when they are looking for me. As an example, tonight I got 51 kills from that spot before anyone even fired a shot at me.
A lot of good points here, some I may disagree with as a matter of personal preference. Most people tend to go for flanking/finding a good spot but that doesn't always work out. I usually snipe from a completely obvious sniping spot just behind the front lines but the trick is to use your cover in a way that makes it very hard for your enemies to do anything about it. In this case, the most important thing is situational awareness, which you will learn as you play more. Look for the spots where the enemies are most likely to be, where and which directions they can flank you from, which directions are covered by your teammates, whether or not someone can sneak up from behind you, etc. Then, use your cover well, don't just stand next to it, you should slowly be looking around it, exposing as little of yourself as possible to the enemy positions while clearing each one before you move to the next. Also remember, for most forms of cover there are two angles you can play. If you find yourself pinned down, move to the other side and shoot from the other angle. A few more things to keep in mind: 1. Being cloaked won't always save you. If you think an enemy sniper is on to you, you MUST keep moving around even while cloaked. Even if you don't think they have spotted you, moving around while searching for targets is still a good thing to do. On a side note, the only thing more satisfying than killing enemy snipers is killing enemy snipers while they are cloaked and think that they are safe. 2. While searching for targets, don't use your scope too much. Using it a bit is fine and often necessary, but also searching unscoped using the Q button or simply looking is not only easier, but also helps you keep aware of your surroundings. 3. If someone is trying to run up to you, you should know about it. Look at your surroundings periodically, listen for nearby gunfire, footsteps, red dots on the minimap, and the dreaded "enemy infiltrator spotted" shout. If you notice someone coming up to you, proximity mines are your best friend, try luring them onto it. Run around your cover or run away cloaked, don't stay in one spot. You can even run around and flank them with your pistol.
Here is the basics on how find and kill targets: 1. Find a good flanking position with a line of sight, usually one with COVER(to hide behind) not necessarily high, you don't want to be up against the sky for all to see.(1-5 minutes) 2. Spam Q across a wide area to acquire targets. Ignore anything that doesn't show up as infantry unless its damaged, they'll usually park and get out. If they hear you spotting, go to step 9.(10-15 seconds) 3. Cloak, pick a target, take aim, scout the area around them. (5-10 seconds) 4. Uncloak, wait for the shot to line up, if they're about to get out of range/sight take the shot anyways. If they and their buddies turn to you, go to step 9.(5-20 seconds) 5. Cloak directly after shot, hide behind cover. If spotted, go to step 9.(5 seconds) 6. Peak out and repeat steps 3-5, if lacking targets repeat from step 2. Avoid attracting attention from overhead aircraft and nearby tanks, failure to avoid immediately go to step 9. 7. ??? 8. Profit. 9. Bug out, don't come back, don't look back, don't even try to fight them, start back on step 1.
@op do you know how to held your breath as a sniper? It's the most important thing before shooting so it is not luck but pure skill to hit the head. practise as much as you can and you will also learn how long your bullet will take to hit so you can aim infront of running targets and hit them while running. these are the most exciting kills as a sniper
Honestly i thought he got EXTREMELY lucky with that....i mean just the fact that he goes up on top and discovers magically that there just happens to be a few sunderers there and a dozen stationary targets....honestly, how often does that happen in combat? That's almost NEVER happened to about great luck
It's not luck at all, it's about positioning. Spoiler alert: First thing you should be doing as an Infiltrator whenever a big fight breaks out is look for where they're coming from, and how you can get an angle behind their cover.