My turn to whine on the forums. Does anyone else on the NC get confused in the heat of battle between their pistol and their engineer gun? Part of the problem is that I use the mouse wheel.
Before this change, TR had the same potential problem with the white repair tool looking slightly similar to the pistol. Seems it would be better to make it look similar to the Medic tool with a side panel. Easily distinguishable even in the heat of combat and would only be an issue if you were trying to remember if you spawned Medic or Engineer (at which point, you have other issues to worry about).
The unlock pistol and the thing are very similar. Maybe they should just color it in an empire specific way.
No. I know what stuff in under what key. I dont look at what I pull out to know what it is. 1 Primary , Gauss Compact S 2 Grenade Launcher 3 Pistol 4 Repair Tool 5 Mines 6 Turret/Ammo (7 Squad Spawnbeacon) ^ I dont have to think to know this. I highly suggest you go use the number keys to switch equiptment, its far more efficient. Faster, and it improves your play overall
A minor annoyance compared to the lingering issue of dropping an ammo pack, switching to repair gun, starting repairs, and having my primary weapon re-selected for me automatically when the ammo pack deploys and dropping some rounds into a friendly. And don't get me started on the under-barrel grenade launcher issues. Sigh. Such a fun and yet infuriating game....
I thought the update would make our repair beam 'black'... but it's still as bad a fleshlight... How does making the gun dark in color make Engineers less visible when we actually use it? NC at least... there's been no change since update.
Also having a multi-button mouse helps alot, as this game doesnt support usual "Q" weapon swapping i found that having Razer Naga makes using number swapping alot more userfriendly.