(BKB) Blitzkrieg Bastards

Discussion in 'Miller (EU)' started by Kaboum, Mar 27, 2013.

  1. Kaboum


    We are a German TR-Outfit, which is located on the Server Miller.



    And now we would like to introduce ourselves on the international PSG2-Forum. Our Outfit exists since the beta release of Planetside 2. With the official release the name was changed to BKB.
    On first place stands the Teamplay. We don’t need guys who kill teammates on purpose or running wild where ever they want.

    We want to be an outfit for evreyone who like the teamplay.

    Now only German- for our English friends scroll down:

    Wir sind eigentlich immer auf Membersuche; dafür haben wir kleine Vorausetzungen:

    • eine gewisse geistige Reife ( Bei uns gibt es jetzt keine gewisse Altersbeschränkung, dennoch sind 12-Jährige unerwüscht.)
    • ein funktionierendes Headset für unseren Teamspeak 3 Server
    • Aktivität im Forum und im Teamspeak
    • Allgemeine Aktivität in PS 2
    • Teamplayer, der auch die Anweisungen des Squads/Platoonsführers befolgt.

    Was bieten wir aber euch?

    • TS-Server
    • Forum
    • Homepage
    • tolle Spielatmosphäre
    • Events z.B. Videoday oder Flashrennen

    Noch eine kleine Anmerkung: Uns als Recruitment Officers bzw. Outfit Leader ist es egal, ob ihr grade als Neuling angefangen habt oder sogar fotgeschritten im Spiel seit. Für beide Arten von Spielern bieten wir eine Plattform.

    Solltet ihr nun Intresse haben, dann schaut auf unserer Homepage vorbei und bewerb euch dort oder haltet Ausschau nach unserem Öffentlichen Platoon. Diesen findet man meistens unter den Namen BKB.

    Now for our English-speaking people:

    We apologize that we dont invite English-speaking people. We have outfit internal reasons. An example is that we have some people who can´t speak any english. But you are welcome to play with us. Very often we have an open public Platoon. The Platoon is called BKB with associated continent.

    If you join the Platoon, follow some rules please:

    • Team play (Our outfit loves the team play)
    • follow the instructions of your Platoon/ Squad leader
    • stick by your platoon!

    If someone is not following these 3 rules, we have to kick him out of the Platoon. We don’t like the kick button, because everybody is an important person in our Platoon. Also you can use the Voice Chat or the Text Chat to communicate with us.

    At the end our offical Outfit-Video:

  2. Kaboum

    And Push: We are now Member of the TRAM. So we integrated in our forum a TRAM-Section. If you want to visit our forum, you have to register, so i can give you some rights for seeing the TRAM-Section.
  3. Yawnn

    Best PS2 vid I've seen so far
  4. MajorZbug

    Back to the top for our new TRAM bros <3
  5. Kaboum


    Thanks a lot. Ok now we got our TRAM Channel and we got new Members. We are growing and growing.

    For our TRAM bros you are invited in our forum. There we ha have a TRAM-Section. Attention i have to give you some rights!!
  6. Kaboum