[Suggestion] Biolab Revamp (Ikanam)

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Nalothisal, Jul 8, 2015.

  1. Nalothisal

    Why Ikanam? Cause that lab already has a bad reputation.

    Biolabs SUCK to really fight at. It's a farm fest back and forth with not much of a clearly defined winner. My suggestion is something of a rip from Unreal Tournament Assault mode but it would require a base redesign. Firstly the central column on the ground level would have to be hollowed out to add in some grav lifts. Secondly a first and second floor balcony around the underside of the biolab with full access from the ground levels via local jump pads, grav lifts and stairs. With the new balconies in place, there will also need to be at least 6 medium stairways leading into the main lab itself with plenty of cover. And to add a bit more sense of flow.

    With that out of the way, the second thing that needs to happen is that all the points get moved into different spots with each control point having some shields connected to the status of each other, the first two at least. The first, (A) point should be placed at the vehicle pads on the ground floor, with a generator that powers those shields separately, possibly located in a chamber directly beneath it with access stairways. Capturing this point is like taking a control point at an amp station, the new ones, with shields connected to it that guard the control point on the upper balcony. If (A) falls the shields and the teleport at the vehicle pads deactivate and the new teleport on the upper balcony activates for the defenders until they can take (A) again.

    Next the second point, (B) point should be moved to the upper balcony in a small shack like room. This point should have shields around it that is connected to the status of the control point down stairs. If (A) falls then the shields go down, leaving (B) venerable to attack. If (B) falls then the attackers can push upwards into the main lab itself and the teleport for the defenders shuts down until they can take the point. The final two points, (C) and (D) and the SCU Shield Generator again should have shields around them that are connected to the status of (B). If (B) falls then (C) and (D) and the generator become venerable. The same rules of capping apply to the points inside the lab as well as the main generator protecting the SCU, (Though I have been juggling with the possibility of allowing that generator to be the one keeping the main dome shields online though if memory serves that idea is fairly unpopular...).

    Let me know what you think.

    *EDIT* Before I forget, the teleporters at Ikanam should be reverted back to their original state like the labs we have today..
  2. AlterEgo

    I love bio labs. Only problem I have is with Ikanam, where people can mine the neutral teleporter. Mines, being complete scrub weapons, instantly kill anyone (or any amount of people) who decide to use it. Since the telechamber the teleporter is in is neutral, therefore not having any shields, anyone can just pop a mine, and induce massive rage.
  3. Kulso

    I love Bio Labs for 1 major reason. I don't have to deal with Air or Armor.
  4. Nalothisal

    Yeah I kinda figured that was the case... Though giving importance of "Hey you don't want to deal with air? Keep that generator alive," I find very appealing. Sadly I don't think everyone shares the same opinion.
  5. Nalothisal

    Yeah I fixed that bit in my post. I hate that they changed the teleports at Ikanam.
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  6. FieldMarshall

    Gotta love SOE.

    -Make changes to Ikanam on test.
    -Create feedback thread asking for suggestions.
    -Overwhelmingly negative feedback.
    -Ignore all feedback and put test changes live without explaining anything.
    -Ignore all further questions regarding Ikanam.
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  7. HadesR

    That's on a good day ... On a bad day they are an exercise is monotony that stagnates tactics and fights due to their over reliance on choke points and management of said points ..

    So while I'm not against your idea I don't think it goes far enough ...

    Personally I believe they should do one or more of the following

    1) Scrap the design and make new bases they are less about choke point management and more about movement and cap control

    2) Move the majority of the cap points outside the Dome.

    3) Connect the satellite bases to each other by lattice lines allowing for much easier bypassing of the Lab .

    4) Reduce their number to 1 per continent if no other changes where forthcoming ..

    5) Take off and Nuke the entire thing from orbit
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  8. Nalothisal

    HAhahahaha thats how I feel sometime and ******* Ikanam.
  9. Gremmel

    Remove the domes and the teleporters or better yet just remove the biolabs all together. They're ruining the game, putting new players into a meatgrinder they don't understand and lets older players grind certs with their tears. It's frakking stupid and the fact they haven't been removed yet just proves SOE is just as dumb now as it was ten years ago with Star Wars Galaxies. Nothing has changes, game designers at DBG are the dumbest in the business. Even EA has more quality in their games, Battlefield 4 included.
  10. Nalothisal

    Never. Mention EA in front of me again. ESPECIALLY with that comment. As bad as DBG is they are NOTHING CLOSE to being as bad or as wretched as EA. See Sim City and Dungeon Keeper Mobile.
  11. Gremmel

    Exactly, I bought Sim City and tried to get a refund after playing it for 10 hours, they didn't have any refunds back then. I even called my bank and tried to get them to hold the payment I was so frakking angry. I still say that game was better designed than what letting Biolabs stay in this game beyond beta have done to this game.
  12. Nalothisal


    quick question does anyone know where the SCU for Ikanam Biolab is?
  14. JustGotSuspended

    lol there's no SCU

    Before it used to be a glorious bio like all the others, perhaps more notorious cuz it was on a good lane. Think of allatum but on amerish. Then they revamped it for some reason. Also they kept playing with the biolab spawns for some reason until they decided to add no deploy circles for defensive sunderers (so people can't easily spawn near the teleporter) and removed the spawn point satellite facilities provided which basically means you can't attack a bio from satellite bases as it just takes too long and you can't attack using a sunderer on or under the pads cuz...that was never a good idea. Oh wait. I guess you can if you outpop the defenders 9 - 1. Yay fun!

    Idk why they decided to molest the most fun base in the game, but what they did to Ikanam was a prelude and they finally did it, killed all the bios on esamir with their containment site monstrosities and killed all the bio fights by making attack impossible unless mega zerg. Never had a fun fight at new ikanam or the contaiment sites, stay away from those lattices dude there's a reason they're always empty.

    Yeah anyways sorry for the rant but basically there's no SCU at Ikanam bio and no (fun) fights there anyways.

    damn well thanks for telling me man
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