Biolab Alerts

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by AzureKnight, Jun 8, 2013.

  1. AzureKnight

    Anyone else just hate these? I mean, when it can take upwards of an hour to capture a biolab normally, I don't exactly see how this was a well thought out idea.

    Problem comes down to whoever's in it is going to stay in it until a MAX zerg decimates them back to the spawn room. That's really not fun in the slightest and all parties camping for an hour is about as fun as trying to use a saw (tool, not weapon) as dental floss.
  2. Daddyo540

    Max Zerg vs Decimator barrage.... but no i quite like them IMO especially defending the counter attack
  3. IamDH

    I hate the new alerts :S
  4. Daddyo540

    I like them for all the certs you gain for participating :D and also that i don't usually join squads/platoons/outfits so i like to have some form of goal other than randomly run around shooting everything that look blatantly not purple enough.
  5. IamDH

    Quote from my thread made by me
    Pretty much sums up what i want.
  6. Daddyo540

    Ahh seems reasonable enough, but in the end we just have to sit back and wait to see what SOE does next.(ns weapons ns weapons ns weapons ns weapons PLZ NS WEAPONS)
  7. IamDH

    I think pursuit of faction independance should start instead of an NS wweapon
    Go with the lore instead of having 3 near idenntical factions
  8. Black March

    Yeah, I love them. It's the ultimate certfarm bonanza, always been a fan of biolabs.
  9. Tommyp2006

    "tanks destroyed" and "air destroyed" would literally just turn into NO ONE pulls that type of vehicle. You can't kill what isn't there.
  10. IamDH

    You are right i wasnt aware of that
    tanks killed by tanks
    air killed by air
  11. Tommyp2006

    Now that I can get on board with! That would be fun.
  12. IamDH

  13. Chubzdoomer

    They're the absolute worst.
  14. Tommyp2006

    They're ******* awful. Can't stand meat grinder alerts. It's by far the most boring fight in the game. I've logged off on multiple occasions as soon as biolab alerts started
  15. IamSalvation

    I love em... must have something to do with Coblat VS winning all the new Alerts so often with dominating victory... ;)
  16. CaptainYamerica

    I just hate biolabs in general
  17. Gisgo

    I dont like the new alerts if someone likes biolabs can play there during "regular" alerts...
    What about a CTF instead?
    Capture the alien artifact and hold it for 2 hours. :eek:
  18. AtroposZero

    Alert started at 11pm last night (Friday)... great participation from all factions. Mattherson Vanu almost had it. :)

    ...ok, "almost" is a stretch. We would have had to have a lot more presence on Indar to get close enough to secure Saurva. Was a fun alert, all in all, though.