Better and more music

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by Irishdrunk, May 3, 2013.

  1. Irishdrunk

    I'm a TR and I'm very sick of the same music all the time, how bout rotating the music between the 3 factions and also add some new stuff.....
  2. Hemi

    And hear that Vanu meditation crap? Or the cheap sht the NC has? No thanks... I do think we need more music, but keep it in style of the faction.
  3. Bsur

    the first thing you do when you log into a game is disable the music anyways, so who the hell cares?
  4. Hatamoto

    The first thing i do is keep the music on if i like it, in ps2's case i do ... more of it would be awesome :)
  5. ENGTX

    mute game music . play n hear whatever you want .
  6. Paperlamp

    Few different choices for each faction would be nice.

    Maybe also a few different leader voices.

    I like NC's leader voice, hate their music. VS music is alright, leader is meh. TR is decent for both.