Betelgeuse Modifications

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Sauvatoir, Aug 29, 2014.

  1. Sauvatoir

    The Orion is one of my favorite weapons on the VS. As such, I was very excited to have unlocked the Directive LMG: the Betelgeuse. What I was looking forward to the weapon was that it had 15 more rounds in the magazine compared to the Orion. This made the Betelgeuse, in my opinion, an upgrade to the Orion, which is what Directive weapons should be.

    However, after the August update, the Devs decided to add an overheat mechanic to the Betelgeuse along with other VS weapons and reducing the 'clip capacity'. In my opinion, the Orion's greatest downfall is its already small magazine size of 50 rounds, and trading a smaller clip capacity for unlimited ammo is not a fair deal.

    Pre-update, I was able to mow down 3 enemies before having to reload with the Betelgeuse, and still stay in that short reload time. With the Orion, I could do that with 2 people (I am not an exceptional player). Now, with the heating mechanic, I can only take down 1 player, and then I have to run for cover to either reload or wait for it to cooldown. If I take down 2 players, I am forced into a long reload time.

    What I want changed for the Betelgeuse, if the Devs decide to keep the overheat mechanic, is to increase the 'clip capacity' to at least 50 rounds before overheating. This will ensure that the Betelgeuse is a direct upgrade to the Orion, just as, imo, the Butcher and GODSAW are all upgrades to the T9 Carv and Gauss SAW respectively.

    If, for some reason, this idea is unbalanced, then I want the Betelgeuse to revert back to its 65 rounds. I would rather have a finite amount of ammo than be vulnerable more often because I have to wait for the cooldown.

    NOTE: The only time an infinite amount of ammo is useful is if one is far away from a Sundy or friendlies. This is what makes the Phaseshift SOMEWHAT competitive with other sniper rifles. The chances of a Heavy Assault to solo take a base, or be 100m away from an engineer, weapon terminal, or Sundy is highly unlikely, if not nonexistent.

    Please post your thoughts.
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  2. tgipier

    Agreed. Heat mechanic on an LMG is stupid. Its completely worthless at the moment. You get WAY too much DPM lost.
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  3. Matt879

    Same goes for the darkstar. As soon as you fire more than 10 of the 20 rounds you're better off reloading the damn thing rather than waiting for it to cool down. They just nerfed our auraxium weapons, that's all.
  4. Hatesphere

    sorry but no they shouldnt. why do you deserve a weapon that is all around better just because you like to grind achievements?
  5. Koldorn

    I'd say it's not an issue with the 'heat mechanic being on [weapon type]', more that they're ball-parking it to make adjustments later.

    Report your findings, offer feed back and above all..

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  6. tgipier

    Nanoweave makes you more powerful. More heavy shield cert make you more powerful. Both are the case where you grind for something. Are you saying grinding shouldnt not make you more powerful? That everyone player is on the same level as a BR1? Your point?
  7. Hatesphere

    a few ranks of nano or heavy shield upgrade net you statistically similar results and require very little grind. I also dont need to jump through flaming hoops to get them.
  8. Tommyp2006

    Because everyone has access to those exact same upgrades, but not everyone has access to every weapon. The weapons are intended to be sidegrades for a reason.
  9. tgipier

    Not really, max rank nanoweave and adren shield cost quite a bit. In other words, you dont want to do the work to become more powerful? OK.... None of your weapon is being nerfed. If you want to grind, you get the weapon. If you dont, you lose nothing. Unless you just dont want someone else to have it and are being completely selfish.
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  10. tgipier

    How? A BR1 can get all the LMGs?
  11. Gambitual

    The Betelgeuse being an upgrade to the Orion is mainly in his opinion. Even so, that extra ammo does make the Betelgeuse an upgrade. I believe it has more recoil or something to compensate and make it statistically a sidegrade though. But again, the Betelgeuse in itself is still a sidegrade to the other VS LMGs while being, again only for the most part, still an upgrade to the Orion.

    In any case, you completely missed the point of the thread. I don't have any of the Auraxium weapons to judge, but by what I hear the mechanic needs lots of reworking or needs to be scrapped.
  12. tgipier

    Less recoil, but 20% more COF boom per shot.
  13. DatVanuMan

    Don't worry. Soon, they might actually make our weapons accurate and recoil-less, just like the other factions claimo_O
    I love the heat-mechanic, but I can't use it, so way to go SOE:rolleyes:
  14. Hatesphere

    You were expecting an overpowered orion and didnt get it, I just think its a selfish idea to think that a weapon must be superior to its counterpart because you chased some achievements.

    aslo i wasent talking about max nano or adren. statistically speaking the last 2 ranks of nano are almost un-needed. you dont need to max it to get its benefit. same with the adren shield. its a pretty small cert/time investment. I can also easily get adren for my heavy while playing any other class.
  15. tgipier

    The 54-A is never OP? It trades a COF Boom for more mag, which most ppl actually hate. Its not exactly achievement. The game already have tiered upgrades cert only that are already superior. Aux weapons are just more version of those. Think of C4, or vehicle stealth 4 on jets, or jump pack 6, medic gun last rank etc. There are plenty of things that falls into the range you have described, yet you never had a problem with it all along? So you are ok with a small advantage? Well, 65 round orion is not a exactly huge advantage since you cant use Laser sight or grip on it. Also for that last statement, are you ok with SMG aux being an upgrade? Since you can grind it out on all classes?
  16. Nexus545

    I don't know how the overheating has been implemented in this game so far but I've seen many games make it work really well. All you have to do it fire in fast bursts, the extended fire time this normally gives in games can be phenomenal.
  17. Hatesphere

    nope, in my opinion all infantry weapons should be side grades, not upgrades from the standard weapons. top tier medic gun has allways been an issues (insta revive is annoying as sin) they said they will be allowing sights and attachments on the aux weapons at some point from what I remember, so that not really an issue. hell the entire vehicle cert upgrade system is an issues at the moment too, thats why i stopped tanking and flying.

    in the games current state I can compete well as a BR1 against a br100 infantry player if i play smart. the vehicles though i will get creamed.
  18. tgipier

    Only sight. Not really, no. If you get lucky yes. You suffer from a gimped ttk and likely much less specialized weapon. So no.
  19. nubery

    Vanu really are the whiniest faction in this game. Why can't you people see the potential benefit in unlimited ammo pools and ask for the overheat to be tuned to take longer? Adjustments can be made. Why just cry to flat out remove something that isn't tuned perfectly first go?

    Massive respect for OP because he actually hatched out a constructive post instead of just bawing like the rest of you. He's an example of how we all should behave.
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  20. tgipier

    Because the potential benefit does not outweigh the con of taking a long time to attune it right. Better off not bothering.