Best weapon for starter medic [TR]

Discussion in 'Combat Medic' started by Bodynasr, Jun 4, 2014.

  1. Bodynasr

    Hello, I am a new player and I was advised to play medic but I kept googling about medic weapons of TR and I can't really find a guide showing them and if they are nice for starter [Cheap/easy to use] so I would love if anyone could tell me, whats the best weapon for medic class in TR :)
  2. Iridar51

    Your default AR - T1 Cycler - is already very good and versatile weapon. If you want something more close-range oriented, then TAR is a good choice, and it's fairly cheap at 250 certs, if I'm not mistaken.
    • Up x 2
  3. CorporalClegg

    The TAR is probably one of two TR guns that kills me the most (BRRT MCG being the other). It has an incredibly low ttk at close ranges on par with shotguns. Throw on some laser sights and giggle as you mow everything down that opposes you.
  4. Takoita

    Both TAR and TRV for closer ranges (both of them are ~250 certs, only the second one has 2x scope), SABR for longer (burstfire only; 167 dmg per shot, 1000 certs), with T1B (burstfire only; 100 certs) and T1S (500 certs; good choice of attachements) somewhere in-between. There is also AMR-66 (single shot only; 250 certs; can also be used by Engineer and Heavy Assault), shotguns (also useable by Light Assault, Heavy Assault and Engineer; you should have one for free already) and SMG (useable by anyone sans MAX; 1000 certs). There is also the new addition TORQ (1000 certs) and it apprently tries to be an alternative to the default gun, but I haven't tried it out yet, so no comments.

    Not all of them are starter friendly though. SMG and shotguns are very strong at close range but are severely limited outside of it, burstfire and semi-auto guns will require some re-learning in terms of mouse clicking, what scopes do you use and maybe even movement and positioning in general, etc, etc.

    The best advice I could give is to head into VR training room (accessible from the terminal with a globe on it in the central building inside your warpgate, look for small green button in the bottom of your screen) and try all of these for yourself for about 30 minutes or so and see which ones are easier for you to handle - and that is the most important factor that trumps any and all numbers and statistics I could show you. Use the gun that feels right in your hands.

    If anytime down the road you start feeling that this have changed for whatever reason or just want to try something different, repeat the procedure and choose again. You may find yourself surprised by guns you've declined before.
  5. Bodynasr

    nice, I guess I will go with the TAR but what attachments should I purchase?
  6. Takoita

    Scope of your choice (since 3.4x is a bit too long range for it, IMHO, the choice would be between IRNV and 1x) and either laser sight (tightens your cone of fire when you are shooting without zooming) or forward grip (reduces side-to-side jitter when firing while zoomed). I don't remember off the top of my head if there is soft point ammo available, but if it is, I'd suggest you grab it.

    You could try how it handles with a suppressor or see if you need a flash suppressor to keep the screen clear of your muzzle flash, but I'd keep the barrel slot clean if possible.
  7. Nanomorph

    The Cycler TRV is a great gun and you even get it for free on a new character.
  8. Nakar

    I would strongly recommend just using the stock T1 Cycler for a few hundred kills before you get any other weapon. Particularly the TAR/TRV.
  9. CrimsonEpsilon

    Best starter for TR, a touphy. The T1 Cycler is very, very good possibly the best medic weapon overall in the game. If I were you either stay with the starter or T1s Cycler. If you want a bit more CQC go with the Tar or the TRV. All of these are good choices.
  10. bubbacon

    T1 may be the best starter wep in game and one of the best all around. Its Versatile, cheap, and damn deadly.

  11. NCstandsforNukaCola

    T1 Cycler.
    Cheap and Easy to use.
  12. Aeravic

    Cycler TRV is an excellent choice. Use Iron Sights/HRNV and slap a Forward Grip on it. I say iron sights as the other reflex sights are not centered properly. The result is a incredibly powerful weapon that can pour out a torrent of bullets accurately both at mid-range and close range.

    TAR is more specialized for close quarters combat. It's only good for it's hip-fire accuracy. Even with it's lower RPM of 800 and a Forward Grip, the TRV is still more accurate while aiming down sights AND has a higher RPM.

    The last choice would be the default T1 Cycler, as people above mentioned, it's a good weapon that works well out of the box even without any attachments. It's more suited for mid-range combat due to it's RPM of 750 and max damage tier of 143 and min damage tier of 125. However it has horizontal recoil that drifts towards left and right which can be slightly minimized with a Forward Grip.
  13. Mekeji

    You gotta start with the good old trusty T1

    However once you have had some time you might consider grabbing a TAR for close range. It is a great weapon and will let you mow down a lot of enemies.

    Just remember to put away your gun every now and then and help up your fellow TR.
  14. geekrider

    Well if you've taken the quiz you probably got the TRV for free. Unless you chose something else. Anyways your stock T1 Cycler is the best. Followed by my personal favourite TAR for close range combat. TRV is also a good contender. Both TAR and TRV are cheap I believe. Followed by SABR-13 for medium-long range combat. I never used this weapon but my fellow Terran brothers swear by it. In all honesty, TR assault rifles are some of the best well balanced weapons in game.
  15. PastalavistaBB


    You don't need anything else.
  16. Kulso

  17. Epic High Five

    This is using data from the time before the 0.75x accuracy nerf, which hit the TAR really hard. I can't think of a reason to recommend it over the T1. The default is free and is one of the better guns in the game. Laser accurate, big mag, good reload, dakka dakka dakka
  18. TeknoBug

    A new player should be starting as engineer first to rack up some certs before starting with medic, a medic with almost no certs into the medic tool and nano-heal is going to struggle for quite some time. A starter engineer can get more done with supplying, repairing and tailing a MAX.

    On a side note, Cycler TRV once you have 250 certs. I stopped using the TAR and SABR-13 so the TRV is my main TR medic's weapon now, fast firing and accurate at almost any range.
  19. Epic High Five

    Says the VS with all of the lame ARs :D

    Gauss Rifle or T1 Cycler are all you need, get killing and reviving son, no need to play the nerd class :cool: