According to the Oracle of Death, the Parallax is the VS sniper rifle with the highest KPH ratio. Now, with that in mind, keep in mind that every player have preferences toward how a sniper rifle should behave... the best is to test yourself.
Meh. VR training won't get you far. Take your rifle, chose your battle, and go kill people. Learn the hard way. Your weapon is viable at almost any distance (though you'll have a hard time with closer shots with a 12x, but I said scopes were a personal choice, and I'll stand by it: if you think it'll work for you, all is well), so all you have to learn is how much you need to compensate relative to the size and elevation of the target in your scope. You'll miss shots at first (too high, too low), but with practice you'll learn to know how your gun/scope combination works and things will eventually get instinctive. Only other advice I'd give you to begin concerns your movement pattern, not your shooting. If you are uncloaked, you must be on the move. If you are resting or looking around or aiming down your scope, you must be cloaked. The only moment you have the right to be both immobile and uncloaked is the split-second it takes you to uncloak-shoot-recloak. Even if you missed that one shot, don't stand around to take a second one: move a few meters in cloak, stop, and only then resume acquiring target. That will spare you a lot of counter-sniping, and the moving around regularly has the added bonus of keeping you aware of your surroundings, making it harder for pissed-off targets to get the jump on you. Also, every-time you are moving, switch to your pistol. Re-switch to your rifle when you cloak and stop to search for a new target.
When it comes to a certain range, practice hitting things across all ranges. I agree with ahandyman, it may take some getting used to, but eventually you will learn to adjust for your range on-the-fly. Until it becomes second nature, there's no shame in taking a practice shot to test your drop (be careful doing so, and try to avoid this method unless there are blatantly obvious targets, or targets that are grouped together at a safe range).
Couldn't agree with this ^ more. Avoiding an obvious movement pattern (and for the love of god, don't cloak and stand still. If someone notices you doing that, they will take a shot at the last place your head was seen, so make sure it isn't still in that place) and remembering that your shots are very noticeable are very important. If someone sees a shot whiz past their face, then you should strongly consider repositioning, because they now know your approximate location. A very large part of using this class to snipe is superior positioning and movement. Getting those down is the difficult part, as the shooting will come with practice relatively quickly. Once you learn to shoot accurately, move often, position yourself, and master your cloak, you'll be a wiz at sniping. Just Keep Strafing -MisterSlim
I have the Parallax auraixed, Phaseshift with 593, the V10 at 430, Ghost with 235, XM98 at exactly 160. For me the best stat a sniper rifle can have is OHK, then no drop, followed by no scope sway, followed by velocity which is why after I get the Phaseshift done I'll switch between the Ghost and V10 depending on the range I'll engage targets at and then once the Ghost is done it's on to the Phantom for the Parsec. Overall though, I would rank our sniper rifles as follows. Long range: Parallax Phaseshift V10 XM98 Close range: Ghost Phantom Specter The Parallax is fantastic. My stats aren't great with it since I was learning sniping with it but they're still in the high B range. The Phaseshift's main problem is that it really, really needs access to a 4x scope since without one it makes it a pain to hit moving targets with it's close range velocity. It's basically the perfect sniper rifle for Hossin though. V10 is a step down from the Parallax, but it's not a large step down and requires a minimal adjustment to switch between the two where the XM98 has scope sway and bad velocity which is why I don't like it. The Ghost is a dream to use since the only thing "wrong" with it is bullet drop. It's velocity is "low" but at the ranges I use it at it's not a problem. I trialed the Phantom on an alt account I've since deleted but even with just iron sights it was a great gun to use since to me it's just a harder hitting slower firing battle rifle. I really dislike the XM98 since it has low velocity along with scope sway and if not for the fact that I only needed about a dozen kills with it to gold medal it I would have never touched it again. The Specter though, good god is that thing a waste.
XM98 is fine for med range sniping due to fastest rechamber time amongst BASRs. It's low velocity (compared to Parallax) is easy to compensate with a little bit of practice (but I still prefer to use it against oblivious targets). DON'T YOU DARE TOUCH MY SPECTRE - this is a HELL of a killing machine when used properly: 8x, Silencer, FG - long range no-drop SASR. It was my first auraxium, and I still love it.
i love my XM98 just fine , even without any attachments it performs well enough and its only 100 certs , but it really depends on your game-play style , if i snipe , i prefer bolt action rifles with a range versatility on the field.
When I am on/behind friendly lines I personally prefer the Parallax with a 12x scope and the Supercooled coil attachment. The power of that loadout is one of my favorites. When I am behind enemy lines however, I actually prefer the Phaseshift VX-S with a 12x scope and a forward grip. The limitless ammo is so helpful in that instance, and I've perfected the charge up timing to the point where it isn't really a problem. Plus the different ways you can fire it are really useful too.
Ummm... not semi-autos, and not the Phaseshift... other than that, the rest of them are pretty decent.
Personally I never get past 200m and usually around 150m. Depends on the base but once you get to know the good hidey holes you want to be shooting everyone, not just the afk ones. However, learning the drop of you rifle inside and out is one of the most important thinks you can learn. My tip for practicing is to not use a marker and gauge distance off the size of the people your shooting at
Honestly, I prefer the Ghost with either 2x red dot, or 4x for all my sniping work, even out to 300+m. The way I see it, you have to take into account the game's inevitable lag, bullet drop, actual velocity, enemy run/walk/crouch/ADS speed, shooting angle (level, from high to low, from low to high), landscape angle the enemy is moving on (downhill, uphill, level, dips or bumps, etc), to get a clean shot on someone with a 4x. Throwing in extra long distances, scope sway, and extreme zooms with the 6-12x's, and I'm surprised people even bother with dedicated long range sniping, especially when you put in that much effort to line everything up and end up missing because the person changed direction in the 2-3 seconds the bullet was in the air. If you want to hunt AFK's from 500m out, go for it, but realistically, anything outside of 250m is pushing the "Sniping" into the "Bullsh-- luck" territory.
Infantry only render out to 300m. And bullet travel time out to that is no more than .54 seconds. =] The skill it takes with those shots are the reason I do it. I go to a target rich environment, climb up on a hill and plink away, usually from about 200m-250m. Effective shooting lanes out to 300m are harder to find, and generally less useful unless you are using the top-tier rifle. I prioritize targets that are non-moving, but nothing -NOTHING I SAY!- in this game beats getting a headshot OHK on a dude sprinting sideways from you at 200 meters.
Pretty sure infantry can render much further than that, depending on server load and area population. Servers dynamically change infantry render distance based on those parameters. If you are in the zone next to a zone with a 12-24 per side battle going on, you can see people running around, but if you are in the same zone on a 96+ per side battle, you sometimes can't even see people across a couple of rooms.
Max infantry render distance is 300m, no matter what. I make a living in PS2 doing long-range BASR stuff, and this is important for me to know. You can google/search the forums for more confirmation, but yeah. 300m is max. The ONLY exception to this is people in the rumble seat of a vehicle, or (most noticeably) an engineer in his turret. Those toons are treated as vehicles and can render much farther out (like 1000m-ish?), not as people. Google for confirmation if you don't believe me.
I agree with this completely. I would run with the ghost with 4x everywhere. You can snipe at range and snipe cqc. The re-chamber is ridiculously fast for a follow up shot if needed and there is no scope sway. This is of course depending on the size monitor you have and your eye sight. I araxed the ghost waaay faster than the other BAS weapons. When I get this whack SAS araxed to complete the directive I am on ghost permanently. Plus it actually makes you effective in battles as you can be close to the action OHKing people while still hacking terminals and capping points. Just make sure you don't hang around the point to defend them . If you can headshot people the ttk on the ghost is non existant making it a superior battle field weapon at medium ranges. Of course you can do this with the other bolt action snipers but when two or 3 people are charging you, the ghost will be able to knock them down before they can close where you are pushing it with the long range snipers. There are few things funner than plinking people at 20-30 meters. If you've ever sniped in HALO, it's very similar.
Lies. Several things beat it: The ultra-rare three-way sniper duel that will happen between one skilled sniper of each faction in an area. Sniping down a C4 fairy from 250m. Waiting for a would-be countersniper to cloak, then getting the headshot whilst he is cloaked. Locking eyes with a HA that launches a rocket at you, firing through the rocket, getting the headshot, and watching the rocket de-render 10m in front of you. Just to name a few things xP
I just unlocked the Parsec the other day and was looking for info on where it OHK'd to due to its odd damage falloff (hitting minimum damage of 400 a full hundred meters before the 'lax and the other rifles) and happened to find this thread; thank you for letting me not have to make a whole new thread for one question that would probably have remained unanswered otherwise.
I first bought the XM 98 right after my first post on this thread. Very nice weapon I just bought ....the beast ...a Parallax. it surely makes a statement I also got a 12x scope and will buy my supercooled coil today. I've been playing 98% engineer using.explosives(c-4 makes a unambiguous statement)....and an AV turret. Sniping with a rifle seems to have a few similarities to using the AV turret. Thanks or all the great advice..I've tried to learn from it.