Best Vanu LMG?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Ned, Apr 26, 2013.

  1. Hisenburg

    I honestly don't believe a single word LevelCap says. He's payed by SOE to do those reviews. Not to mention that he's pretty bad at the game in general and doesn't really know what constitutes good weaponry.

    He's the same guy that was arguing and campaigning for unlimited ammo for vehicles during the PlanetSide 2 Beta, if we all remember correctly. And he's also the same guy that said attackers should have forward mini spawns at outposts so we don't need AMSs anymore.
    • Up x 1
  2. Rentago

    use the orion, the stock is pretty good, the flare because you can use it for medium and long range bursts, but overall the orion is just god damn fine.
  3. Deathrus

    It's not bad, it's TTK is horrendous compared to the SV.

    And only 50 shots, yuk.

    SV is not better at long range it's a close/medium range fast TTK lmg, however the Flare , Polaris or LSw are better at longer ranges than the orion and even better with sidegrades..

    I still prefer the T9 over the orion anyday, I hate the gauss, reminds me of a janked Flare.
  4. Whargoul

    I like stock Orion for CQC and Flare for medium to long range. I put 2x scope, forward grip, compensator, and HVA ammo. It kicks like a mule but it puts out the hurt.
  5. Rentago

    i thought the TTK was fast, though the per bullet damage was low, and it has a fast reload.
  6. KanoHe

    Watched he's video about battle flow improvements ?
    Well generally speaking it was very obvious that he had no opinion on that theme and just been reading from a piece of paper...

    His Weapon wise reviews doesn't even have any comparisons ...

    And this thread isn't looking for a best weapon based on other people experience nor skill level... nor intended weapons range...

    So post away random stuff guys... odds are 1/8 that op will be using gun you suggested anyways )
  7. Deathrus

    It's faster than a Flare, but not The SVA-88 has the fastest muzzle velocity out of all of the LMGs if I am not mistaken.

    The point of the SV is to get headshots while hipfiring and it does decent damage while not hip firing. However at a distance it can be hard to shoot someone. I use the 2x myself and find the flare/lsw/orion better suited for longer ranges.

    I really hate the 50 shots, irks me bad, thank the Polaris/T9 carv extended mag for that one.
    for getting me use to 100 => rounds.
  8. that_darn_lurker

    Its whatever weapon is best at cqc. Its either the Orion or sv-88. I saw some metrics z while back that showed the SV-88 gets the most kills for VS. The Polaris, however, is really good with compensator and grip, and if SOE ever fixes long range infantry combat it might turn out to be the best VS weapon.
  9. NateTronic

    I have Auraxium medal for Flare/Orion/Pulsar/SVA

    SVA is the best all around gun in my opinion. (no it doesnt have the fastest muzzle velocity but its close)
    Most kills with SVA and i find it easy to kill at range aswell
    Seriously its mostly about feel But as far as stats are concerned the SVA comes out on top for most categories that matter for me
  10. Deathrus

    I am in the same boat. I am trying so Hard to get the medal on my flare and LSW. Just end up swapping back to the SVA-88.
  11. Purg

    Ursa looks similar to the EM6 in most stats. I've been using the SVA-88 and at range it does kick around a bit in the horizontal.

    Trial or VR the Ursa. Much more manageable at longer ranges but you will be penalised CQC.
  12. WalrusJones

    He would simply pick the highest rof gun for every "Best" gun he chose.
  13. Sumguy720

    If you take each LMG and fire it fully automatically from a standing position, aiming down the sights, this is what you get.



    Hope this helps!
  14. Zan_Aus

    Orion for me, I hated the Flare.
  15. NoctD

    Pulsar LSW - good ROF, accuracy, and that 2x reflex option the Orion is missing. Can't stand the vertical recoil on the Orion. I don't own the more expensive options though, but the Pulsar LSW is definitely a worthwhile upgrade from the Orion. Just use it with a 2x or IRNV and laser sight myself.
  16. loleator

    When I tried VS I liked the 88 the most.
  17. Zan_Aus

    I just don't get why people think the Flare is a good long range weapon, its always worked badly for me, maybe I got a second hand one from the store =/
  18. Clutchstep

    I like the Pulsar LSW personally. My style is that I run, stop, aim and take a few shots, then keep moving. The Pulsar LSW works well with that kind of play as it has pretty good ADS accuracy and low recoil. Its also got a good sized clip and decent ROF so its reasonably good at CQC in a pinch.

    The Orion is pretty good for run-and-gun hipfiring at close to medium range, but if you buy any of the SMGs they will be better for that. At long range the Pulsar LSW, Ursa, or Flare will be better.