Best TR weapons to blow Station Cash on?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by SynthMinus, Apr 1, 2013.

  1. Littleman

    Medic: TAR or stick with the T1 for med and close ranged combat. TAR is the best at CQC. SABR-13 or T1S for med to long, though the T1 with a foregrip is no slouch. Best damn AR the TR have in my opinion. So versatile out of the box. Technically the TAR (and TRV) can be the most accurate weapons in the TR medic's arsenal, but the RPM's in conjunction with the recoils can make maintaining accuracy during burstfire problematic, and if you're resorting to a foregrip, there are still better ranged oriented options to pick... like the T1.

    Engi/LA: Lynx or Jaguar for CQC. T5 AMC for the long range goodness. You can skip taking the NS carbine if you take the T5, though the NS carbine IS for all empires, so it's more bang for your buck if you have alts. All weapons sans the Jaguar has a single directional pull, so the Lynx can technically be mastered and become the "best in slot" weapon, if you're familiar with MMORPG terminology. The Jaguar does have a tighter hip-CoF with an adv laser but... the Lynx is already very competitive in regards to tight CoF amongst every weapon in game.

    T32 Bull or MSW-R. Both are great in CQC as far as LMG's go, the former is just stronger over greater distances, the latter is stronger over shorter distances. Technically, the MSW-R is the best weapon to go with, having a higher RPM and a single-directional recoil pull, so it can be mastered with skill unlike any other LMG available to the TR, which is multi-directional (multi-directional being impossible to predict, thus a lower skill ceiling.) However, an RPM of 750 in conjunction with the recoil of an LMG can make it rather difficult to use over longer distances even firing in short bursts without the level of skill required to negate it, where as the T32 makes it absurdly easy to burst several rounds into a target over greater distances... it just can't have an advanced laser pointer like the MSW-R (still a damn nice CoF for an LMG with a laser sight.) Both pack a rather short reload time for an LMG. Honestly, the downsides to these two weapons are marginal in the hands of a good player. I can understand the allure of the TMG-50... but it's essentially the NC's Gauss SAW S and EM6.
  2. SgtBreastroker

    Anyone recommend the Chain gun? For lulz?
  3. GhostAvatar

    It all depends on what class you play. For engineer or LA, go for either the Jaguar or Lynx. The Lynx has the same recoil pattern as the default, but gives you more DPS. While the Jaguar has the same DPS as the default, but an even recoil pattern. Both of them will also give you a better movement speed with ADS.
  4. vulkkan

    Lynx/Jag, Uppercut/Nighthawk/Haymaker are your definite buys. The T1S Cycler is HIGHLY underrated. Think of it as a NS-11A with higher DPS, a larger mag, a burst mode, and underbarrel attachments! Hold out on the TMG-50 until Wednesday when the new NS-15M LMG gets released. Rotary cannon is a must-have for any ESF pilot, but get this with certs. The Striker and AV turret should make good buys as well, since vehicle XP has been buffed, and these are fairly powerful weapons.
  5. Rebelgb

  6. gabarise

    Yeah it's definitely one you have to try before, because it's fit for a specific playstyle that not everybody likes. I find it fun too and think it's at least good for harassing masses, taking down maxes, and general offense scenarios where you expect enemies.