Best TR Carbine

Discussion in 'Light Assault' started by Slev, Dec 4, 2012.

  1. Slev

    I recently switched from VS to TR and want to get the best carbine for the TR LA. I'm getting frustrated with VS beating me every single firefight. I was VS, they're stupidly easymode... is there a TR carbine that outperforms the ridiculousness that is the VX6-7?
  2. h1perkarma

  3. Slev

    I guess I'll trial it tomorrow. So far the more I play TR, the more the VS feels op and I feel like all I'm playing is a bad sci-fi port of BF3.
  4. h1perkarma

    Naw, I'm a TR Medic, I have a SABR13 and have a 90% success rate in 1v1 combat. Most games I go 10+K/D + rack in XP from revives.

    Depends if you played beta or PS1, give it a week or two with a new gun, get yourself a nice reflex sight unless you like iron sights, and your obvious grip ect for removing recoil.

    If you still don't like it, re-roll medic get SABR13 with Reflex 2x, advanced grip, high velocity ammo. You'll never lose, even if you start to die pop "F" and full hp. :]

    Personally having played LA for most of the Beta and ALL of release, I used the Trac 5 S. It's like our stock model but a little better overall I think. The reason I loved the Trac 5 S was mostly for it's attachment capabilities IE it being the only carbine that we can use under slung weapons on. My usual two set-ups with it were

    3.4x HDS (red dot)
    Underslung Grenade Launcher
    Soft point ammo

    That was for capping bases or running around buildings mostly, for long range encounters I used this:

    High Velocity
    4x Scope
    Set gunfire mode to single

    Worked like a charm until I unlocked a shotty and put slugs on it, but that's a different story all together and you wanted carbine info.
  6. Deladin

    VS have the best carbines in the game, though some of the TR carbines are damn close. However, if you want to smash VS roll heavy and use the CARV or MSW-R...the two best LMG's in the game.

    Of course I find if Ironic that you said VS were easy mode...then went to TR....pathetic dude. TR are far easier then VS. IF you were serious about not wanting to be on an easy mode empire you would have gone NC, but of course everyone knows NC is hard mode and not for the CoD/BF kiddies.
  7. Verenz

    Actually the "S" versions are slightly slower ROF and slightly slower reload than the stock carbines. But they get access to everything, take KHAAAN's second "long range set up" for instance - other than the foregrip and sight none of those attachments are available to the base model. The grenade launcher is incredible tho.

    As a rule of thumb don't use the laser sight. If you want the laser use the base gun (with its higher rof/reload) which is better suited for close quarters, the only advantage would be the ability to equip soft points which is probably not worth the trade. Deficiently don't use the under slung shotgun, laser is far more useful.
  8. Slev

    Actually I went TR because my friends play for them, I played NC as well. But, I forgot this was the internet, so everything must be an insult.
  9. Conq

    I play too much, I have the 1000 kill medal for the Lynx and am close on the S. Both guns are superb but you can really tell the differences in RoF and accuracy. Lynx is the best CQW we have, it's even better than a shotgun due to the mobility and short TTK. The S is the only long ranged option we have since the AMC is trash. For new players, I'd pick one of those.

    My favorite gun though? The Trac-5 Burst. It has no full auto, it's default fire mode is burst but it has the same high RoF as the default Trac-5 so you can fire it non stop with deadly accuracy. It's a big *** repeater pistol. I doubt it's for everyone but I love it and kill much faster with it than I can with the Lynx or S.
  10. EaterOfBabies

    I just wanted to comment on this thread to ask why folks might not like the AMC? Perhaps I need to trial the Trac-5 S, but I've been using the AMC and have been wrecking with it. I threw on the NV scope, HV ammo and a foregrip and medium range fights are a cakewalk most of the time. Sure, when I get in close I have to dance a bit more since it isn't as good as other guns in its class at that range, but as long as I can keep the fight at a medium range I almost always win.

    Is the addition of that underbarrel nade that important?

    Oh, and as an O/T aside, I finally got the balls to spend the certs on the C-4 and wow am I glad I did. Gliding over sunderers and tanks and ruining their day is sooo much fun. Cant believe I held off for so long.
  11. MarlboroMan-E

    I enjoy the AMC, I smoke fools at mid to long range. Up close it takes some fancy footwork, but I do ok. Considering getting the jaguar for close up work when I don't want to commit to the shotgun. Undecided. Gotta decide what you want: I find that a mid to long range engagement is highly weapondependent, and I can make up for cqb with skill, while the opposite is not true if you get a cqb gun and have to make longer range work. Dunno.
  12. xealotusa

    Arccording to the excel sheet, the Lynx wins
  13. Suriakk

    My set up is the LC2 Lynx. I have 1x reflex scope, and forward grip and a suppressor. Admittedly I need to put laser sight on it.
  14. Stealth1

    I actually went for the Jaguar over the Lynx. Better hipfire accuracy, and only vertical recoil (hopefully conserves ammo, always running out) so it suits my playstyle better.

    I'll eventually get the Trac5-S but mainly for Engy, as only the Lynx and Jaguar have 0.75x movement modifier when aiming down sights (others are 0.50x), and I like to be nimble as a LA.