Best NC weapons

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Estinhorto, Apr 27, 2013.

  1. DashRendar

  2. Zaik

    my preferred primary weapons:

    HA: LA1 Anchor, use adv. laser dot.
    Medic: GR-22, default works perfectly fine though. use laser dot for both, adv for GR-22
    LA/Engineer: probably default, i'm not that big of a fan of the GD-7F, it really doesn't feel as good to use as the GR-22 despite the higher RPM. also, you'll notice a lot of people who aren't NC will tell you to get the AC-X11, don't listen to them. the term "long range carbine" is an oxymoron, they all drop off two damage tiers rather than the one that ARs/LMGs do, and the AC-X11 has a big 20 round mag with a slow reload. use forward grip with the mercenary
    infiltrator:lol yeah right. if i was ever going to actually use it, i would probably use whichever SMG, which you already have. ext. mag with cyclone or adv. laser dot with blitz.

    also the claw is pretty overpowered atm, pretty much the best shotgun at every range other than 20+, and only the jackhammer is better than it at that range. i don't buy it because i know it has a nerfbat incoming on it's pellet spread, but you could probably make 1k certs with this weapon before they get around to it by just one shotting people all over the place with it.

    MAX: don't buy anything for the MAX until we see where flamethrowers are going to be at when released. i expect them to be superior to scattercannons if only because of their large magazines, the changes to kinetic armor 5(16k eff. health vs. small arms) are going to make the piss poor magazine on scattercannons be even more of a liability.
  3. DashRendar

    I'm an NC and I love the AC-X11. Definitely a niche weapon, but I like using it.