To put it this way. If you removed all the shotguns from the game on all faction, but gave the Piston abilities to the JackHammer. NC would have loved the JackHammer more than VS and TR "love" their HA special weapon combined. Thats how good the Piston, and its other factions counterpart is, among the shotguns. And every class can use it. Even Infils could use it at one point, but that got nerfed for obvious reasons. Most would probably argue its best in LA since you can sneak around people.
Lasher is not the best weapon in the game, but it serves a purpose. Just like the MCG. The Jack is... impotent.
I will admit that if SOE announced they were switching the Lasher for the Jackhammer I'd yell bloody murder. I'd take the T7 over either however.
Sweeper. As a heavy, the extra 2 rounds in the magazine and 12 rounds overall go a long way and you will often survive long enough to notice.
Sweeper. The sweeper is not a situational shotgun and can be used effectively at close and medium ranges with a GD RefleXR, Laser, and Slug Ammunition provided that you do not zoom in at close quarters. Making use of the Laser at close ranges, the Cone of Fire is smaller than a dime. When using at medium ranges, the shotgun is zoomed into its 2x Reflex Sight and the user compensates for bullet drop, which is surprisingly low when using Slug Ammunition. Anybody reading this and is stuck beteween Piston and Sweeper, PICK SWEEPER!!!
Thread necroooooooooooo! Though it's interesting to see how things have changed. Jackhammer, king of the shotgun hill now, baby!
I haven't used the Jackhammer since the last update. Was it altered? If not, pre-patch it was great. Piston is by far the easiest to use, but it's 4m spread is a drawback. Sweeper is handy because of it's 12rnd mag (w/ ext mag). It's spread is 3.5m. Mauler has a 3m spread and the fastest reload. The pump-actions are very powerful (and fun), yet they can be challenging. I like 'em both. However, if I had to pick one, I'd probably go with the Bruiser because it packs a bigger punch (extra pellet).
as a rule of thumb, i would advise the one sweeper (bigger mag and ammo pool), the piston is great for engineers, but otherwise EATS ammo. I do not know enouph about the jackhammers current stats to say anything. also one year necro, been alot of those recently
Necro, but what the hell, I'll comment. Laser sights don't change the spread pattern of shotguns. They might make the reticle change, but fire it into a wall and see. With that in mind, the Sweeper with extended mag is awesome. 12 rounds of carnage with negligible recoil.
Dumb Necro Alert. Jackhammer is my main cause of death. It's the only shotgun with which someone can turn around and murder me in .1 second > Maining VS
The NC05 Jackhammer: it has been described as the King of Cannons, the Doomsday Bazooka, and the BFG of Auraxis. All other shotguns bow down to this monstrous abomination in utter reverence, and Death himself praises it in song. It is the Walking Apocalypse, and you are its Herald. Have fun mauling the poor underlings that stand on the other side of the barrel and go right before they die.
NC heavy = Jackhammer. Way better effective range than all other shotguns. Maximum shotgun ammo pool with extended mags (12 shots) Ability to instant kill with triple shot for very close range. And must i repeat ? VERY accurate. Best all around shotgun in the game.