Best NC/NS Stalker Cloak Pistol?

Discussion in 'Infiltrator' started by BenNet1700, Oct 30, 2016.

  1. BenNet1700

    I'm currently using the Rebel, but I feel like it is weak, and I don't enjoy it. I want to choose a pistol with a high damage output, that I can quickly put an enemy to rest and run away, i'm currently deciding between commissioner or underboss, any suggestions?
  2. Diggsano

    It depends on how you want to play

    If you want to go Silenced, then try:

    Close Range:
    Rebel (hard hitting with silencer)
    Desperado (Burst with Silencer, high DPS)
    Mag-Shot (more spammable)

    QCX Hunter (Crossbow silenced outside 10m, very hard hitting, Oneshot Headshot Infiltrator within 42m, Bolt-Knife Combo is nice, does Destroy Small Deoplyables with one shot)

    If you want to go loud:

    Close range:
    Underboss (hit fast and little bit more DPS than Desperado)

    Close-Mid range:
    Commissioner (Hard hitting Alpha Dmg, does Destroy small deployables with one shot, also Oneshot Infiltrator within 8m when he does not have Aux shield)

    Mid-Long Range:
    Blackhand (Same as Commissioner but only within 4m, Nearly no Bulletdrop)

    So if you are thinking about Underboss, i'll suggest you try Desperado first because it is nearly the same but Silenced.

    And there are Playstyles which includes a non silenced weapon to get attention.

    Also note that small Deployables are:
    Tank Mines
    Anti Infantry Mines
    Ammo Packs
    Medic Shield Bubbles
    Spawn Beacons
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  3. Campagne

    Really, the Rebel is probably your best bet as a stalker, for that lovely silent two-headshot-kill.

    But if you don't want to keep using it, then the Commissioner is even stronger but of course brings its own disadvantages to the table.
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  4. Moz

    Emissary / Commisoner / Blackhand.... In that order.
  5. Diggsano

    Dude....hell no
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  6. Eternaloptimist

    My personal preference is the Desperado. Similar DPS to an Underboss AFAIK but you can equip a suppressor. Also fires quicker than most other NC sidearms - handy if you are not a great shot (that, and the burst function)
  7. Moz

    Dude.... totally! haha
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  8. Eternaloptimist

    Not so bad if you are a good pistol shot and like to engage at longer range but I like to go point blank myself. I tried the Emissary when it came out (an auto pistol man......a frickin' autopistol!) but I found the ttk a bit low, meaning being uncloaked a bit longer. Went back to burst pistol eventually.
  9. Scudmungus

    Personally I prefer the Blackhand at all ranges - with Stalker, we should be getting the drop. If they have a chance to fight back then we need to reconsider our approach. As they say, ''Stick and move!''.