I have a lot of fun setting up chains....Claymore set up behind a bio lab spawn tube during a full on assault as we are losing the base. Right in front of said Claymore is Tank Mine which is in range of another tank mine, and another tank mine leading to the door, which are then near a pack of C4 near each side of the spawn room infront of the spawn tubes......1 guy pops the claymore and i get 10 kills and a max after we leave the biolab.
I love the mine kills at the lower level of a biolab, where a magrider goof is turning at 45 degrees to stick his nose turret in the shield and shoot everyone inside. I hop around the other side, place a couple of AT mines down and boom. One person was so upset at me for getting him 3 times in a row. Tough bananas.
I love running behind enemy lines and droping mines on chokepoints (particulary the NC area on indar) where the enemy HAS to use the road to get to the next base. Every once in a while I'll get a popup and 5ish certs from blowing up fully loaded sundys traveling from the warpgate.
Not my mine kill but... Defending a tech plant. Someone orders for engineers to mine the back doors. I head over and place a proximity mine down at the first door and when I get to the next door, I can see someone has already mined it. So, I unholster my carbine, step outside to see who is out there- mine explodes behind me and kills the enemy infiltrator who was coming up behind me from inside the plant. I look down at the body... and toss down a replacement proximity mine where his body is. TR were using infiltrators to hack our vehicle terminal and spawn sundies. I just plant AT mines in front of the vehicle platform. Next infiltrator who hacks and spawns goes boom. We also tossed AP mines in front of that same terminal a few times as well. And, we were intentionally not repairing that vehicle terminal, but something "underhanded" was going on with the TR forces during that fight since all VS in the area were told repeatedly to not repair it, but there it was repaired again....
No new mine stories to tell? Was in a fight on Saturday after the patch rotated the warpgates. Southeast Indar held by VS when NC galaxy with six soldiers get past the Tawrich Tech Plant and take over Red Ridge Comms. I AT mine the bridge that goes downhill between there and the Spec Ops Training Camp. The NC group attack Scarred Mesa Skydock next where they are greeted by VS defenders who blow up their galaxy, recapture the point, destroy their spawn beacon, and throw them off the mesa. I head north to Regent Rock Garrison and receive the message that I've killed a Sunderer and six soldiers. It took a while for them to go that way, but I'm happy they found my mines.
Had two fun ones last night. Ran out of mines, was running with C4. Dumped two on the back of a sunderer before being gunned down. I see two enemies looking at it, then one of them gets a bunch of teamkills. Don't shoot the C4, guy! Another one was at Zurvan, I was playing (more or less) dedicated sunderer clean-up. TR had another one by the wall, so I swing around in my ****** out flash, and it goes a little further along as I was putting mines down. Now the surprising thing was, rather than shooting me or my flash, a bunch of TR were just STARING at it. I mean, it's pretty sweet and all, but jeez.
Would be more interested in seeing some tutorial video on making use of chained explosives configurations with regards to spawn rooms, towers, tunnel exits. Maybe someone that has every explosive fully certed out and makes use of all AT/AP mines and C4 in various chain configurations triggered by foot traffic? Would also be useful to point out undocumented changes the patches have had on things like spawn rooms or various areas of the base where CE mysteriously disappears once it flips. One thing that I found out the hard way was a friendly tank spawning on top of a friendly AT mine will blow you up and the explosives you placed on every terminal at the bottom of a tower. Did a search on youtube but can't find anything on mixed CE patterns or their relationships to each other and other base objects like turrets.
My favorite is when I'm solo capping some random base. Guy gets the drop on me and I'm sitting there with little to no health. Poke out the side of a wall or something back up toss an AP mine and run away knowing they'll follow. 5 seconds later boom kill. Its simple and not very exciting but it always makes me smile.
I have everything except the third AP and have no idea how people can justify the resources for that sort of thing. Barely able to keep stock with normal use, never mind elaborate booby traps for infantry for a few yuks.
After the update I started using AT mines seeing as utility ammo pack isn't that great anymore. This video is me being reckless to get the kill, dying most of the time. Leaving them anything but wreckless...
I haven't gotten many hits from pre-placed mines but I did sneak up on a sundy that was pooping troops into a biolab, mined it up, backed off and got 23 kills. The xp notifications just wouldn't stop coming. It was like I hit the jackpot on a slot machine. All multipliers applied and I think it was 19 certs, maybe a little less. Still a shocking pile of xp.
Funniest kills. Always the infiltrators who destroy all gens at a tech plant or biolab then run off to the next one to farm more XP. Place proxy mines down, repair gen, walk off....sound of foot steps......boom! Having a HA chase me down while i was an engineer taking back an outpost. During that time I had placed a mine around the corner just in case he decided that he would also run up to my corpse which he did.
I was about to swap off Engi to play Medic for the day so decided to leave some mines behind as a parting shot. Laid 2 AT mines between 2 towers miles from the action and buggered off to the Stronghold (friendly) where I placed 2 AP mines and swapped class. Almost immediately a small TR team in a Sunderer drove over the AT mines and died. It was only 4 people or so but it contained at least 1 "High Threat" and an "Extreme Menace" so I got an epic tally of XP. Then I got another of them again in the Lightning they pulled: I'd placed my other 2 AT mines on a vehicle ramp next to the towers "jst in case those mines ever kill someone's ride" 20 mins after that I got a message from a friendly VS player who had just died to my AP mines at the Stronghold. So basically I laid 6 mines just for the sake and every mine paid off. Most mines actually do nothing before I logoff/crash or they detonate without a kill.
That must have been a badly damaged Galaxy coming into land as normally an AT mine does almost nothing to them. 2 AT mines won't even kill a Liberator.
My best mine kill was a Battle Bus Sunderer raging on his unffortunaly path in the main road to our little outpost heavily sieged by NCs, the Sundy driver must thought was a good ideia assault our "weak" defense line in the front, and BOOM! A high SC Sundy blows for 2 AT mines, giving me a total of 2500 XP lol (when i saw that +10 on certs i loled), and a 10 second XP source spawn, sunderer kill 500, high threat 300 x 3, group kill, kill streak bonus, etc etc.
some LA parked a sundy behind kwahtee and was destroying generators in a circle so i mined the first one and repaired it then moved on to the next. got him when he came back to that one so i resupplied and mined the next one. guess he thought i would re-mine the first room again so i got him a second time when he skipped to the second gen room. got him one more time before i blew up his sundy. also defending towers, i put a claymore on each of the yellow landing pads at the top. cant really avoid those unless you take the stairs
I would say my favorite was on esamir at haven outpost, we were defending it, i was on the east side where the canyons are and we had a large number of troops defending in the canyon as well as troops on the base side of the walls, there was alot of troops pouring in from a good sized force so they were spread out well along the outside wall of the ridge. There was a sundy pouring out troops who keep trying to get past the defences. there are HA's shooting the sundy to no effect. I was watching this for a good minute and was tired of the sundy spitting out troops. i play a bit on the risky side, so i pulled out my mines and decided to run up the ramp out of the canyon, make a u turn and head for the sunderer. there are explosions going off all over, bullets flying all around, i manage to make it up to the sunderer and plant the mines turn around and run back to friendly lines and get the sundy kill as well as the troops around it, all while never taking a single hit. i must have looked like a scene out of a war movie lol. i felt like it anyways on top of that, the destruction of the sundy meant the end of the assault
I don't find anti tank mine kills gratifying at all. These things are OP ... waaaaaaay OP. Not even funny. They are deployed too quickly and easily and set off just as easily. Makes no sense that they do more dmg than c4 and are both cheaper to get and easier and faster to drop than c4 ... while also being proximity mines ... thats messed up. Run to a vehicule ... drop 2 mines in a second ... boom ... yeah ... im so good right ? They should be deployable like ammo pack ... requiring a bit of preparation and foresight to use ... not improved C4 like ppl say. It's just annoying. Plus it kinda makes mineguard mandatory on respawn sunderers.
wrong. if i can get close enough to a tank or sundy to drop my mines then someone else isnt doing their job. plenty of ways to avoid tank mines, same as AP mines. ive had plenty of deaths driving like a mad man or not watching my 6, i dont blame the mines or the engi that dropped em.