OK I've got a new one now. Fighting the oncomign TR zerg on indar at one of the common tower models. They had a sunderer on the bottom floor by one of the teleporters. So I left the spawn up and ran by a bunch of TR guys trying to camp the top, went through the teleporter and mined the sunderer, I then noticed a lightning in there in the middle of the building. I went back through the teleporter to the top, ran across the room through 6 oblivious TR guys, into the other teleporter. Back on the bottom I ran up behind the lightning that was looking the other way and mined it. I continued using the teleporters to shotgun people from all sides for 6 or so kills before I was taken out..
for me the funniest mine kill was in mani biolab i place a proximity mine at the generator and another in the door way my first kill was a MAX and second one was an Infiltrator who was the same guy in the MAX suit that blew up it repeated for about like 18 times before i asked " you gotta be kidding me, how many times is he gonna fall for the same trick "
Every mine kill is my favorite. Some are spiteful ones where i'm being shot at by some unseen guy who has me on the chase in an open field - so I plant a mine around a rock and he, following me for the kill goes BOOM and I win! Like bouncing from tower to tower being chased and shot at only for them to land 3 towers in to a BOOM from my mine, then the guy behind him hits the next one.
I killed an engie in a bio lab trying to fix the scu generator. As i ran up i planted the mine on the side closest to me and then ran around to shoot him. Trying to keep healing it he ran to the other side and BOOM!
An exploit? I blew up a Sunderer that was conveniently placed right around the corner. Dropped my mines and got 19 kills since the entire area was swarming with NC. (Although it might've been 18 and 1 TK or something along those lines.)
That's fine then, you got real lucky there. Just the only mine kills i've seen that have netted that many kills are usually people exploiting spawn rooms (or primarily teleporter rooms in bio labs)
Every single AT mine kill I've gotten on an MBT where I've been under heavy infantry fire but managed to make it up next to the inattentive tank driver busy spamming out HE rounds. There have been a lot of those.... lol
I had one of those where I was down to one AT, so I noobtubed the guy to get him down so I could mine him. He got out to repair and never bothered to check his surroundings. I ran up up, knifed him, then AT'd his tank with my last mine. =p
While mining a Vanguard driving around an amp station I was defending, an enemy lightning comes past him as I placed them. Twofers are nice.
I always like barreling up to a sunderer with a lightning, getting a bunch of roadkills, jumping out when near it, dropping mines and running into cover then doing my best to pick off as many survivors as possible. I've come close to blowing up 2 sunderers at once but one survived at 1/4 health. :[
Instant Action to the top of a Tech Plant, come across a Burster MAX. Drop a tank mine and shoot it to kill him. Also, full Sunderers. Baiting a tank to chase you around a corner into mines is fun, but the above stick out more.
Run into a building, only to find a dual something-shotgunny MAX inside. Shoot a few rounds at it, then run back through the door. Set an AT mine in the entryway...shot it to pulverize the MAX. AT mines: always superior to C4
Placing AP mines on my Magrider and boosting in a group of enemies. Magrider roadkill inability solved.
Too lazy to read more than a third of this thread, but not too lazy to add my own: I drop a couple mines in the middle of a road, then take a few steps back as a sunderer pulls around the corner. 1/12. He sees me, adjusts his steering, expecting a free kill, while I just stand in the middle of the road, looking at him. When the explosion happens the debris goes flying both over, to the left of, and to the right of me... without hitting me. Best free kill ever. If a player isn't attempting to avoid you when you go for a roadkill, use your brain: There's landmines, dummy. Don't even go near him. I pull up behind a lightning in a sunderer, and get out. The lightning turns his turret around slowly, expecting a friendly ammo sunderer. While he's doing this, I'm already behind him, laying mines on his blind side. "Enemy sunderer spo-" *Explosion*
My best AT kills was when a platton was leaving quartz rigdge heading upto hrav tech, i placed 3 mines on the road, redeplyed to the small spawn next to the road, watched 2 sunders coming up the road, first with 9 2nd with 8 players, then a lighting i thought crap lighting gona use the mines but it stoped. anyways first sunder came alone the road as i was hoping my way down the hill he died, again lighting stoped to see if he could kill anything, and the 2nd sunder came up to me, by which time im on the road placeing another 3 mines the gunners where shooting me and killed me. but the sunder still drove towards my body and death, 6 mines, 2 sunders, 17 kills another time same road, as above did the same againt 4 players each used a sunder and drove straige into my mines, 12 mines, 4 sunders 16 kills.
I got a couple: Full Liberator, left a spaced pair of mines on a flight platform we were losing. They lasted about 30 minutes before the flash of XP came. 7 Person Galaxy landing at a Bio Lab, mines were just to the side of the ammo icon. 12 person Sundy to a stacked pair at East Canyon - there is a well known sunderer "shortcut" there. 15 infantry in an Allatum spawn room, 2 AT mines boosted by medic C4 in an out of the way location.