As above poster said, battle rifle. If you want range, you're not going to beat a battle rifle. Otherwise stick to the SABR or the NS-11A. Sadly TR doesn't have a reaper dmr or corvus
If you want the best range and high damage bullet(s) then TR is not your faction. Vanu and NC have the best medic guns imo. Corvus CME Carnage AR Reaper DMR Tross
WHAT? Neither the NC, nor the VS can even come close to our AR arsenal. Range and high damage - SABR-13; accurate and versatile - T1 Cycler; high DPS, controllable CQC-medium powerhouse - TAR; face-melting CQC - TRV, ultra-customizable turbo-ROF all-rounder - TORQ-9. Claiming TR ARs to be subpar is heresy.
This. I'm not a huge fan of the TRV (TAR for life), but creaming a cocky SMG-totting cheeser with this baby before the guy even manages to drop my shields brings a huge smile to my face.
If you score headshots like a robot - perhaps (same goes for any other gun though...). Otherwise, although a very good weapon, it just won't stand toe to toe with TR's top contenders. It'a mostly personal preference though.
Best AR for medic rly depends on your playstyle and on what grounds you are fighting. For me as an NC it's basically Warden for long range support/plains/desert, and Reaper DMR for full offense/pushing/forest/jungle/buildings.
200 and 125 damage weapons have a TTK edge if every single shot is a headshot, but that's not entirely realistic. Even if that were true, the Reaper is not the fastest kill. Reaper: 3 STK, TTK ~0.24s GR-22/TAR/H-V45: 4 STK, TTK ~0.225s TRV/TORQ: 4 STK, TTK ~0.21s The Reaper's TTK is comparable to the Cycler's, but it gets a bump from being slightly more headshot-efficient. The TTK difference between it and the Cycler with headshots is almost insubstantial though. The 800 RPM bullet hoses and the TRV/TORQ will still outdamage it when headshotting. Of course it's wildly unrealistic to expect that. What's slightly more realistic would be getting a single headshot, in which case the Reaper's STK is 4 to the 6 of 143 guns or 7 of the TORQ. The TTK is a bit more competitive there. Of course, don't take this to suggest the Reaper's bad by any means. It's one of the most accurate assault rifles and has very high alpha damage and very high minimum damage. The fast reload is also nice considering its DPM isn't even that bad since the bump to 24 (it was abysmal at 20 though).