We don't really have anything other than the SABR-13 that fits that style. Closest thing other than that is probably the T1 Cycler.
Default T1 Cycler is a really good assault rifle already. For longer ranges, I use the SABR-13. It's burst fire though, so it takes some getting used to.
The SABR is a great range weapon. However in CQC you gotta go with TRV granted it is bad at any kind of medium to long range. The TAR is a good middle ground. Also the T1 Cycler is a great all around gun. The new TORQ is extremely good at everything and is OP. It will probably get a heavy nerf. Don't get it unless you are willing to have to get used to the weapon again down the line after it is nerfed.
The AMR-66 exactly fits your description of ranged and high damage per bullet, but takes a lot of practice to use competently in close quarters. Even then, you'll be at a significant disadvantage most of the time. That being said, the Warden (NC equivalent) is still my most used medic weapon loadout, now that they opened battle rifles to the medic class. It has a learning curve to it, but is a brilliant weapon once you learn trigger discipline and to avoid oversampling while maximizing ROF. I still win a lot of CQC fights, after practice. YMMV Definitely recommend a laser sight and flash suppressor if you'll be doing any CQC. Running compensator and/or no laser sight will make hipfire 100% luck just because it will be so abysmally wide.
NS11-M Oh, TR? Sorry, thought you said VS. SABR13 then. T1 Cycler if you want a more well rounded. TRV for stomping over SMG users
SABR-13 is the best weapon for medium to long range the TR have in any category, I'd trade any of our pathetic mid-long range carbines or LMGs for it easily. SABR-13 is burst fire though, you will have to learn to deal with that to make it effective. Or there's the default T1 Cycler with forward grip, which is solid as an all-rounder and easy to handle.
TR assault rifles are high ROF low DMG - except the SABR-13 and the NS gun. The sabr is a burst-fire weapon though - high skill floor, high skill ceiling. Workable, but suboptimal for CQC. It shines in the 30-100m ranges though. When footzerging through the open plains of esamir, there is no better weapon. It's also an excellent weapon when you're playing in a proper squad - you have the range and velocity to reach out and touch someone, while still staying on the rearguard and outside of the line of fire. For when you just want to play medic and pretend you're playing COD doing frontline assaulting, you'll find the weapon to be inflexible and capricious. If you want an all-rounder with less long/medium range performance and a bit more CQC capability, the NS-11 would be a good choice. The TORQ is actually a pretty good weapon, despite being on the lowest rung damage-wise, along with SMGs.
For Terran Republic. TAR is my favourite. Holds a nice middle ground. Good for CQC to short mid range. It suits my style as I like to play aggressively. Also have it Auraxiamed
Can't go wrong with the default T1 Cycler. If you really feel the need to, throw on a forward grip and the sight of your choice, although preferably 2x and below. They're just much more versatile and don't obnoxiously conquer space on the screen
Medics have access to battle rifles now, so the AMR-66 is easily the highest damage and longest range gun you can get for a TR medic.
OK. So Medic guns Medium Longrange is going to be the SABR-13 CQC-Medium is going to be the T1 Cycler CQC-Short- is going to be the Baron(Or any shotty really) or the TORQ-9(My fav)