Best gun for all faction and class List.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Lolla, Dec 9, 2012.

  1. Lolla

    I need everyone to make up a up list for the faction you play and you think are best gun and attachment are.

    I will start off.

    Faction - vanu
    Light assault and engineer - The VX6-7
    Heavy - SVA-88
    infiltrator - VS10
    Medic - H-V45
  2. VKhaun

    It's really better to recognize the patterns in the attachments.

    On NC I like:
    Carbine: GD-7F
    AR(medic): GR-22
    LMG: EM1

    It's not that they're the 'best guns' , these guns just all have access to the advanced laser sight and soft point ammo, so they're the best guns for using up close as hip firing weapons which I happen to prefer.

    Don't worry about the TTK charts. They were made to show the need for bursting and don't reflect real combat except among people who use their weapons badly and have the exact same suit slots. Try out different configs and see how you play on the different classes, and pick a gun with attachments that complement it. That will get you much better results than theorycrafting with data sheets or asking people what the 'best' gun is.
  3. Gramps


    Engineer/LA: TRAC-5 w/Laser Sight and RTA Reflex Sight(1X)

    Reason for: Extremely accurate with hipfire, extremely good ROF which translate into damage adding up fast, close range fights are a guaranteed victory, OK at medium range, recoil highly manageable.

    Reason against: Small magazine size means you'll die to reloading more than losing a gunfight, don't even try long range engagements or you'll be outclassed, the laser sight can be distracting unless you turn it off when aiming rather than hip-firing, desperately needs the sight upgrades or much harder to manage.

    Stock gun: 6/10
    Upgraded gun: 8/10

    All around awesome gun and fun and easy to use.

  4. Pax Empyrean

    I agree with the Vanu list, although I can't speak to the sniper rifles. The NC list is solid as well, although I prefer the Gauss SAW to the EM1, since hipfire (even with advanced lasers) is less effective with LMGs than carbines or assault rifles.

    The TRAC-5 is a decent starter gun, but the Lynx is far better. And you're listing a 40 round magazine as a downside? You realize that everybody else only gets 30, right?
  5. Gramps

    Wasn't comparing it to the other factions guns. Was just listing the magazine as a downside due to ROF, I find that if I come into a room with 2 people and take them unaware I have to usually switch to pistol if I miss even a sixth of the magazine.
  6. Pax Empyrean

    There are no Carbines or Assault Rifles that have a larger magazine than the TRAC-5. The magazine size on it is not a downside.
  7. Rivenshield

    This is all subjective, of course... but I find even a skill-less schmo like me can hunker down with my minigun and the extended magazine and, under the right circumstances, wreak utter havoc. I call it my F--- You Gun. Get in the corner, take a knee, put the reticle on a stairway or door, and go F-------------- YOOOOUUUU for what feels like half a minute.

    Does it necessarily have a faster TTK than anything else? Nope. Does it put a big grin in my face? Yep.
  8. Ixal

    Why not the Trac-5s which is practically the same gun with certed ammo and grenade launcher?
  9. Gramps

    Again, wasn't comparing it to the other factions carbines. It's a downside for the gun, especially in relation to magazine capacity and ROF.

    Absolutely is a downside, IMO. It's also the best carbine for TR atm, again IMO. I've tried the LC2 Lynx with a lot of different configurations and find that it's and again, this is my opinion, a side grade to the TRAC-5 especially considering the higher CP investment. I find that the LC2 Lynx performs slightly better but I think it might be my guilt ridden subconscious forcing me to perceive the gun as better then the TRAC-5 when in reality, it's miniscule is anything.

    Just get the TRAC-5, you won't be disappointed.
  10. Pax Empyrean

    The TRAC-5 S actually has a slightly longer reload time (2.7 vs 2.6), 12% more recoil (although the first shot isn't as bad), and about 7% slower rate of fire.
  11. Gramps

    Haven't used the Trac-5s, I've read a lot about it though and looked at some spread sheets in relation the weapon stats. A lot of the spread sheet information is slightly off especially when it comes to practical application but it seems like a great gun. The customization options are good definitely, accessibility wise/CP cost wise though I'd just stick with the TRAC-5. I'll eventually try out the s though and might change my opinion.
  12. Pax Empyrean

    Regarding the TRAC-5 and the Lynx, the Lynx has one disadvantage and a whole bunch of advantages: RoF is 800 instead of 750, you can double its effective hipfire range over the laser by using the advanced laser, you can put soft point ammo on it, and the ADS movement multiplier is 0.75 instead of 0.5, meaning you're 50% faster while aiming down the sights than a guy with the TRAC-5. The disadvantage is that it takes 2.8 seconds to reload instead of 2.6. The TRAC-5 is a decent gun, probably the best of the starter carbines, but it's not as good as the Lynx.

    As a general rule, any assault rifle or carbine that can fit an Advanced Laser is going to be an awesome weapon. The Lynx, the Cycler TRV, the GD-7F, the GR-22, the VX6-7, and the H-V45 are the best carbines and assault rifles for close to mid range combat. All of them offer 800 or 846 RoF, 143 damage per shot, excellent hipfire rets, and reasonably fast reload speeds, and they can all fit the Advanced Laser, which is an excellent attachment.
  13. Ixal

    Sounds nice. Maybe I will save up for a Lynx then instead of a Trac-5s.

    If I just hadn't blown 1000 certs into the ARM-66. Horrible bugged pile of garbage.
  14. Lolla

  15. Zerlu

    NC Engineer:

    GD7F with laser and Reflex Sight

    NC LA:

    Gauss Compact S with Reflex Sight and underbarrel grenade launcher.
  16. ST4LK3R

    check out Parallax.
  17. Antivide

    Any TR gun.

    In all seroiusness:

    NC Medic: GDR-22 or whatever the heck it's called. The fast firing AR.

    Only good weapon NC has, and well worth the SC to buy it.
  18. Lokarin

    The TRAC S, nothing else matters.
  19. Lolla

    Bump for more pst
  20. myrmexaw

    VS engy = solstice SF why bother buying all the other when you can buy the select fire version and get 3 gun at the same time with a grenade launcher/shotgun to boost .