I've started considering buying some camos if they might be useful. Is there any common knowledge or thought on what the best camo or camos are? (Presumably it may depend on continent.) I'm a Vanu Infiltrator that spends most my time sniping at range.
Camos don't make too much difference for a sniper. It's your cloak that will keep you from getting shot. Just buy whatever you think looks best.
+1 to this. Camo on a cloaker is the cloak. Anything else is a nice paint job. When it comes to buying a camo, it's best to just keep fashion week in mind!
I do not agree with the above posters. I find that not wearing white camo on amerish really improves my survival skills as an infiltrator long range sniping. Personally i do not play Vanu, that being said try to look for something that will blend in with whats behind you. As a sniper it's always good to have something at your back that you can blend into. The cloak is a camo, but I do not feel it is the only 'camo' that can be useful. I was sniping NC on Amerish everyone was facing away from me so i was just raining in the shots. I realized one infiltrator who was wearing a yellowish green camo never caught my eye like the rest of the guys did. He blended in so well, when I finally killed him he pm'd me and said he had a 70 something kill streak. That is what camo does. -Kiwi 56RD
A friend and I are working on a camo guide at the moment. This was after a late night discussion on how players often overlook "good" camo and tend to buy ones which are just bad - thinking they are good - purely based on colors alone. I'd recommend reading articles on "disruptive coloration" to understand what we are getting at. Depending on the background or soft cover being used camo can be incredibly effective. I caution you... we have discovered both male and female Vanu character models spread their camo patterns differently across the body. Which means some camo's which were excellent for concealing Ygdrad , didn't conceal me as well. You really need a friend, and video recording software to show these camos in action. Otherwise your never going to know honestly if its a good camo, or an incredible camo. Things which are a pain to conceal: Our purple markings restrict us into using colors which mute the intensity of the purple. Generally speaking colors which have some gray tones in them when it comes to leafy green type patterns. Stay away from bright happy intense greens. When hiding in a bush darker colors must be present. You can never truly rid yourself of the purple however, so what your basically going for is trying to get someone to "overlook" you at first glance. Anyway our first video is going to cover male and female VANU camo choices for Indar. Highlighting exceptional choices people have probably overlooked - and where we feel happiest to use them. Sadly NC and TR's will more then likely mean different camo choices because of the need to tone down the red and blue respectively. Anyway for Ygdrad and I stuff like this is interesting. (I also had to find something else to do while waiting for a moderate priority quick - knife bug fix) **cough** I'll be sure to share a link when its done.
i can only suggest you a camo for each continent, one white, one dark green, one brown and (maybe) one grey. It's not hard to recognise a vanu infiltrator, but maybe you can try with a grey camo and "no helmet".
Only cosmetic I ever bought for my vanu infiltrator is the ski-m Ifrit Mask because that bright cross in the middle of my face made me feel uncomfortable for some reason. But frankly, I don't think it does anything: I had a big orange pumpkin on my head for the whole Halloween event, and my K/D didn't change one bit. When I snipe, I follow a very strict always-cloaked-if-you-are-still ruleset, so when I'm immobile my camo pattern is irrelevant because I'm cloaked anyway, and I seriously doubt any camo in this game could "conceal" you while moving. When I don't snipe, I'm close enough for my cloak to be useless, so nevermind the camo. Lastly, I have yet to get killed by a guy and think "oh, his camo pattern took me completely by surprise!". So, yeah, I'm on the "camo is only cosmetic" boat.
When you get it done, I'd love to take a look at it! An outfit-mate and I are working on getting several cloaker-oriented guides done, as part of a "Complete Cloaker Guide" series. This series will try to encompass every aspect of cloaker antics, from stalking to sniping to everything in-between (the sniper's guide is in my signature). Thanks in advance! -Keep on Cloaking MisterFr0st
Here is a little teaser for what I have been working on Keep in mind I still need to do passes on different graphics settings but so far things are looking better then expected.
You'd be surprised how much a good camouflage can keep enemies from noticing you. I actually sorted my loadouts by camouflage (and weapon/ability). Giraffe camo works pretty well on Indar. I use Amerish Brush on Amerish, and sometimes Hossin. I also use Delta camo if I plan on being near the mountains on Amerish. The Ground (too dark to color) camo blends in almost perfectly with Hossin dirt, I use it on vehicles there. I use Snow camo on Esamir. If I'm not planning on blending in I use the Grey Scale camo (bought it before it was reduced to one camo, It'd be a waste not to use it). Keep in mind I bought these over a year ago, there are probably much better camouflage options now. Edit: After typing this comment, I realized I didn't know how to spell "camouflage."
Oh how you tease me so xD Keep up the good work, and keep me posted on your progress! We shall make the cloakers of Auraxis an understood, accepted people, a little at a time!
That teaser of yours, CuteBeaver, is just plain good work. I hope to watch your guide closely and I hope even more that the majority of players would. If so, then we could have some little tactical revolution, especially when it comes to non-stalker Infs as they shine when they know their camo and use their cloak as all-terrain camo for relocation. As VS sniper (slash LA) I love your work (and yours too, MisterSlim ) - keep it up you both!
Nice to see that what we do is actually helping the community (every little bit counts!). Also nice to be appreciated! Keep up your awesome attitude! Stay Fr0sty -MisterFr0st
Yesterday I was getting a few more kills with the Ghost (almost auaxed but not really focusing on it) and this TR infil sets up shop about 3m in front of me. I wasn't cloaked at all and was wearing Tech camo.
I'm also intrigued about camo. I wear cells for now because that's all I have besides nothing, but I was wondering what camos worked best. Cells might work if I hug a crystal or whatever those things are on Esamir, but aside from that, I need more. Bear in mind, I can't stand Hossin and would rather hop in a phalanx as an engi on that planet, but I do occasionally do infil on there if no other continent is very populated. I read the above posts, and saw giraffe for Indar, Amerish brush or delta on Amerish, and snow on Esamir? Most of the time I snipe, I spend a lot of time climbing (if I haven't taken a Valkyrie) and I get as high as possible to where most people are picking off ground targets or focusing on vehicles. I use a suppressed Parallax and get tons more spot assists than kills, but I am familiar with the drop and can get a few headshots undetected.
I can't edit my post, so I will just do this. I bought scary faces, Esamir snow, and giraffe. I also bought Ifrit Mask since the camo looks good on it and it has a visor or sunglasses covering the eyes.