Before "resource reservation" ruins the fun

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Halon, Aug 8, 2014.

  1. Halon

    Yes, there are probably too many maxes, and wiping out an armor push has less of an effect when the enemy immediately re-pulls an armor column.

    However, you should reward players for keeping a vehicle/MAX alive. Flat reserving 100% of the resources indefinitely is not the way to go about it.

    I think that if the devs solution to the force multiplier spam is to put resource reservation in, that perhaps it should unreserve a % for each minute you keep the vehicle/MAX alive.

    10% less reservation each minute? after 10 minutes no resources will be reserved?

    Personally I'm having more fun in my mag because I'm getting more uptime shooting enemy vehicles rather than staring at spawn rooms or the map screen. But the amount of maxes inside and outside of bases feels a little excessive.
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  2. doombro

    Seriously. I feel bad for all the baddies who play exclusively infantry. They're missing out on a whole lot of fun, and now they're trying to ruin the fun. :(

    Infantryside peasants, I swear.
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  3. Captain Kid

    It's just I really really hate the way vehicles handle in this game. I do not have fun driving one at all, only frustration.
    So I don't..
  4. doombro

    I hate it especially. I flip over half the time I pull a vehicle. At least now I won't have to wait 10-15 minutes to pull another one.
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  5. Halon

    Infantry would be more fun for me if it wasn't weighted towards spamming HA and MAXes. Add the lopsided zerg fests to my disappointing framerate in them and I'll pass.

    Otherwise I hope the resource revamp improves your vehicle experience, I'm certainly seeing posts about hopeful pilots getting a chance to practice finally.

    I just foresee phase 2 of the revamp having poorly implemented resource reservations and I'll be back to staring at the empty road leading to the next enemy base hoping for enemy armor to show up.
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  6. Inex

    Why settle? 0 reservation. It works - vehicles are out there. Skies have aircraft in them, roads have tanks in them, bases have MAXs in them.

    Working as desired.
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  7. Captain Kid

    The last two vehicles I got flipped over almost immediately after they spawned.
    I'm done driving vehicles.
  8. Lord_Avatar

    Why settle? 0 reservation. It works - too many vehicles are out there. Skies have too many aircraft in them, roads have too many tanks in them, bases have too many MAXs in them.

    Not working as desired.
  9. AshHill07

    I'd still say leave it as it is for a few weeks and go from there.

    At the moment we don't know if its people just spamming vehicles because that's all they'll ever do. Or if its people spamming vehicles because they suddenly can. If its because they suddenly can then let people get it out of their system and see if things calm down. If its still this level in a few weeks then tweak it a bit.

    Personally, I am happy with the current wait times and rates, at least for heavy armour, although I will admit that with cont lock benefits it can be a bit ridiculous how cheap vehicles are. I still reckon 9 - 10 minuites is a reasonable time to have to wait for enough resources for an MBT, especially if it starts ticking from the second you pull it rather than the second it dies. If you are good enough to keep your MBT alive for that time then you should be rewarded by being able to get it back. If you start forcing people to infantryside in order for them to do what they're good at / enjoy doing then you're going to start annoying people.
  10. Inex

    Or if it's people spamming vehicles because giant tank battles are awesome.
  11. AshHill07

    Well that's part of the question. Are people pulling vehicles because they're the most effective counter to what they're up against, or just because they can.

    The "Because we can" crowd will slowly die down, because "OMG CHEAP TANKS!" will only be fun for so long.

    The "Because we need them" crowd will never die down due to demand.

    Infantryside will continue to cry regardless, because Tanks aren't infantry, therefore evil.
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  12. RobotNinja

    Yeah...well...have you noticed the number of tanks?
  13. Halon

    I'm happy to see more vehicles, but I'm not sure the amount of MAXes is appropriate. I wanted to put my thoughts out there before the devs shotgun a resource nerf to every force multiplier.
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  14. Whatupwidat

    I don't mind vehicles - it's MAX units I hate.
  15. had enough

    So SOE have destroyed their own game by making territory pointless, far fewer alerts and when you do get one it generally puts 2 factions vs 1 faction..... Well I am now bored of this game so will go find some mediocre game to play that at least has some kind of game mechanics in play!

    But then this game allways did seem too complicated for a lot of people that were playing it so maybe they are just trying to simplify it step by step? (personally after a couple of days playtime I had it all pretty much worked out...).
  16. Halon

    There's more of them and I'm not sitting in the map screen furiously looking for a decent tank battle?
  17. Halon

    I was talking to an outfit member earlier about this. COD and BF don't have much of a point other than the recap screen at the end of a round. Whats the point of those matches? They don't affect anything larger. But I wonder how many people complain there is nothing to do in those games, or on their forums for that matter. The problem with territory mechanics is making it valuable to control, but not terribly punishing for those that don't have it. And the previous resource system was terrible for empires without territory that wanted to, say, pull vehicles. There was no point in staying on the continent if you couldnt actually mount a reasonable defense.

    The devs have talked future mechanics like an auraxium meteor that lands and each empire has to capture it and transport it etc. Territory would be important for that I'd wager. Those ideas are a ways off though.

    Honestly during off peak hours when an empire gets 40%+ global pop, 2v1 alerts need to happen. This is probably their first iteration of it. I'd be eager to see more general XP bonuses, say if an empire gets a large global pop then they give an XP bonus for actions done against them. More incentive for the other 2 to gang up on an overpopped faction.

    This game makes progress, but not as fast as I or others would like.
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  18. SavageBacon

    So it seems like this is an opportunity to create a mechanic to disrupt resource gains and starve an enemy off a hex. All hexes are joined by a lattice connection. If there was a junction for each lattice located somewhere around the bases (not necessarily within), you could destroy or hack these to cut off or steal an enemy's resources, thereby weening their combat effectiveness the longer they went without restoring the connection or falling back to resupply.

    Obviously a little more thought involved to flesh it out, but that's the gist of it. It also helps break turtling in major bases since defenders can't just post up in the tower/biolab necessarily and expect to win.