There was surge of aimbotter/cheaters around the time i left. is it bad or ok now or about same? I used to like flying ground support but the enemy AA was so hot that flying ground support over any battle more than 3 people strong wasn't too fun back when i left how is that now? same? IN general how is the reaver now? Is it decent? or still a mosquito/scythe wannabe? Is dogfighting still gimmicky hover battles where u face each other and shoot? has it changed at all? oh i got 9000 certs and 5000 station cash and no idea what i will spend them on if i come back lol. (i usualy flew reaver, drove vanguard, or medic..some infiltrator too. Thanks.
Well the blatant cheaters are few and far between mostly. The cheaters using less obvious hacks, well not sure. I have been playing for the past year and things seem good as far as that goes. The ones I have suspected haven't played for quite awhile, I assume they quit. There is still air support. AA is still hot. Yes the hover tactics are still there but many new players and such also. No reason not to come back but there has been some changes in management recently. So we will see how that goes.
I don't feel the game ever had a surge of Aimbot/cheaters, sure they exist but in my experience that problem has always been over exaggerated, ESP would probably be the most likely hack, but that is next to impossible to detect. If you felt aimbotters and cheaters where found under every rock, then you may still feel that way, but in actuality I think they are fairly rare. The game is in a great state IMO, sure it has its quirks, but then it wouldn't be planetside with out quirks. There are a few new weapons especially for the Reaver and plenty of new cosmetics and other nice stuff to spend your station cash on. And as JudgeNu mentioned game just got bought out by a new company, so we are all anxiously awaiting to hear what they have in mind for the future of planetside, from what I understand Planetside was one of the reasons they decided to purchase SOE, so that makes me hopeful they will shake things up. Welcome back!
RUN RUN! AND DON'T TURN BACK! Give it another year or two.. Nothing has chanced since you left.. It's still CoDSide.. with no meta, and meaningless scoreboard for try hards, and Farming as much as possible to keep up with the poor Implant drop rates, that only new players suffer from.. (SoEs moto was/is to punish New players to make them spend money because the Vets have everything)
Turn around and don't come back. Planetside 2 is no longer owned by SOE and the company 'Daybreak' is owned by a New York investment company. Layoffs have taken place and they downsized on the dev teams running all of the games. Turn around and go play something else, everyone is abandoning ship at the moment.
The investment company at this point has only given Daybreak additional resources, all lay offs have been from daybreak itself, IE Smed. Not sure what he's doing.
I'm pretty certain Columbus Nova required that a certain portion of the staff be laid off, and Smedley/Daybreak chose who to let go. Supporting evidence from Reddit.
PS4 version is still on track. Don't listen to the Chicken Little panic princesses. SOE was bleeding for years. Sony as a whole is struggling and trying to right the ship, so they sold SOE. The new owner is making the hard choices necessary to bring expenses back in line with revenue. PS2 lives and will continue to be improved. This is certainly a period of uneasiness. But you've already spent the money. There is no reason not to come back and give PS2 another try. If you don't enjoy the game, stop playing. Don't worry about the back office.
There do seem to be less cheaters around - probably because they got bored of the game. A lot of people have left and there have been several server merges as you can see. I can't tell you how the air game has changed as I generally don't use aircraft for anything other than transport or CAS. What I can tell you is that we are seeing more and more bugs appear and reappear - old and new, we are seeing more massive fights that bring performance down and less of the 1-2 squad fights. I personally do not enjoy the game as much as I used to. At the end of the day you must decide for yourself if you want to give it an other go, I can't give you a recommendation.
i only started playing again a few months ago and i havent seen anyone clipping or flying has infantry or vehicles like in the past. nor have i seen entire rooms of ppl die to 1 guy running in with a machine gun killing everyone with head shots. overall i dose not feel like anyone is cheating
If people are cheating, I don't see it. Weird things happen, but on closer inspection they usually turn out to be just a bad case of random. Very rarely I have a reason to think "yep, that guy's a cheat, no question about it". I've seen maybe five definite hackers over the two years, and each one only for once, so I assume they were banned shortly afterwards. If you listen to people here, game is riddled with cheaters, but not all of the people are worth listening to: Out of curiosity I played on Russian planetside 2 servers. During second session I was accused of being a hacker, and I can understand their suspicion - high scoring low BR player with good accuracy? Clearly something fishy here. My point is - just because it looks suspicious doesn't mean it's definitely a hacker, and just because people say there are many hackers doesn't mean there are.
he was referring to a specific point in the past where they where a huge amount of hacker using very obvious hacks. aka flying tanks or tanks underground // people overloading generators/reactor in biolabs from underground // watching bob walk into a room fire at full auto headshoting everyone in 3 seconds. it was really really bad at one point has there was publiclly uploaded hacks. but i agree that for a long time now we haven't seen any
Yeah, I have been playing since beta and I dont remember any of this happening regularly. At most i remember a short stint of speed hackers and a few aim botters spread out through the life time of the game. but its mostly died down to a non issues at the moment.
i believe it was for a few months around june of 2013 i could be wrong here a video of wallhacking in a spawnroom