So I just picked up the AMR-66, and I am absolutely in love with this weapon. I am curious as to which scope people tend to use, and why, on their battle rifles.
My advice with scopes is pick whatever is comfortable. Play around with each of them and choose the one which you feel gives you a clear view of your enemies and which allows you to comfortably control the recoil of the weapon. That said with the Battle Rifles I typically use the 4x crosshair which for the TR would be the TMS 4x Scope. The crosshairs are simple and clean which makes seeing what I'm aiming at pretty easy. The 4x magnification also makes targets bigger at range which allows me to stay back far enough that I can avoid getting into frontal engagements with any weapon that does more overall damage than the battle rifle, which is unfortunately most of them. =P
Personally between 3.4x or 4x scope. (on all factions, as the weapons are the same) It is not a CQC weapon, so no 1x or 2x. But the damage per shot is too low to be a sniper rifle. Sooo, 3.4 seems pretty good to me. Mid-Long range fire support.
I have to agree with Auzor. I've used 2x and 6x, but in my opinion the medium scopes are the best choice on the battlerifles.
For me, I only use croshair scopes. The NC has a really nice 3.4x croshair, along with the standard 4x croshair, and those are really the only two I use.
None of the above. You use Ironsights and a Flashlight, cause it rhymes. And rhymes are fhyme. See for yourself: On a more serious note, i used the 1x. Why? You are rarely fighting at longer Ranges in Planetside 2. Well, except for snipers, who dont get this rifle. And even when you are, its never so far that you have trouble spotting them with the naked eye. The Battle rifles are precise enough to consistently hit what you are aiming at. The gun is a semiauto, so just wait until the gun settles back after the recoil, and it points right at the same spot you aimed for before firing. Fire-Wait-Fire. Precise as a sniperrifle. With a 1x you are also less likely to be found with your pants down in cqc. Just go for headshots. I realise its meant for longer Ranges, but you cant always pick your engagements. In fact its easier to disengage at longer than at shorter ranges.
Definitely seconding this. I personally use a 2x, but reflex sights are the way to go. You really don't need the extra zoom of a 3.4x or 4x scope to reliably hit targets at a Battle Rifle's max effective range, and in a close-up fight that same extra zoom will make target tracking much more difficult, as well as the added time delay switching to ADS. On the other hand, using irons, 1x, or 2x, you just may find that Battle Rifles really aren't that bad close up, since they can drop a lot of damage in just a few shots. The video above is a great example of how effective BRs can be in CQC, despite the sarcastic tone used in the video. With a BR's high accuracy and high damage, if you've got quick and precise reactions you can drop people in just a few headshots a lot more quickly than you would spraying an AR at them on full auto. You're also likely use a lot less (relative) ammo since you can get a kill in just a few shots (from 1/4 to 1/2 a mag), whereas with an AR you'll often be dumping half a mag or more into a single target.
If you are running a Grip-Compensator combo, no more than a 2x or 3.4x. If you are running anything else, I'd go with a 1x or IRNV. The higher magnification is throwing away the Battle Rifle's versatility and unnecessarily handicapping it in short-range fights where it's already handicapped by poor damage output if you don't get headshots. And it's pretty hard to get headshots against people right up in your face with a high-magnification scope.
I like the x2 scope. But I think battle rifles are lacking firepower, I just found out that (according to my stats) I need 3 times as many shots from a battle rifle to kill someone than any other weapon (on average 52 shots landed per kill, while with my machineguns I only need 15 on average) and that while having higher accuracy (18-19% with machineguns, 26% with battle rifles).
Normally I wouldn't question a scope recommendation, since scope selection is a very personal thing and what works great for one person can be next to unusable for another. Plus it can be influenced by outside forces like your FOV setting, resolution, monitor size, etc. But some of these comments..... I personally never use anything less than a 3.4x scope on Battle Rifles. Usually it's the 4x crosshair unless I know that I'm going to be in short-range combat. If you want to see a 3.4x or 4x-equipped BR in action, click on the 2 videos in my sig. Not to pick on Nakar, but IMO he got it a bit backwards. Anything less than 3.4x throws away a BR's versatility by handicapping it during long range fights where it normally shines, and pidgeonholing it into a short-medium range weapon where it's at its weakest. And you can't always rely on headshots to get you out of a short-range situation. Shielded Heavies take FOUR BR headshots to take out at point blank, and that's a pretty tall order for most people. In CQC I either strafe while spamming hipfire (If I have Laser Sight) or switch to my sidearm (Underboss), since that's what those hand cannons are there for: To use in CQC when you think your primary will fail you. The Underboss is better at CQC than any tricked out Battle Rifle even when you throw in the weapon switch time, so I'm not concerned that the 3.4x/4x scope is hard to use up close. As for range.... The effective range of a BR w/ 4x scope is ~225m. Most people wouldn't even be able to see a target at that range if all they used was a 1x/2x scope. And the NV scope won't render targets past ~75m. Using those lower strength sights cuts your effective range at least in half. Sure they have their strengths during target acquisition, but limiting your self to only those sights is doing your weapon a disservice. But how often to long range fights take place in PS2? The answer is: as often as YOU want them to. Battle Rifle marksmen can fight at long range just as frequently as snipers can. Good situational Awareness and player maneuvers determine the engagement range, not the weapons you carry, and you can usually tailor your engagement range to fit the weapon you carry just as easily as you can the other way around. Lastly, something nobody has touched on yet is Precision. BR's excel at precision shots as much as they do long range shots, and the 3.4x/4x scopes let you make them at longer ranges. I've kill many NC @100m+ who thought they were safe behind cover, because only the crest of their helmet was just barely peeking over the rock,etc they were hiding behind. And at that range I regularly kill enemies through those mostly-blocked-off windows you see in buildings scattered around Auraxis. And the 4x scope is what lets me do it. I couldn't have made many of those shots with a lesser scope. -- tl;dr - Use the scope to suit your engagement range and the one that's comfortable for you, I use 3.4x/4x and either hipfire or switch to Underboss for CQC, you can get in long range fights whenever you want with good situational awareness and maneuvering, higher zoom scopes let you make precision shots more easily and nail people mostly behind cover. Oh, and watch my vids.
I guess I'm an old man (and 1080p) as I use 4x I think. I like Battle Rifles, they got that 'boom boom pow' (by which I mean, two headshots and a body shot for a kill!)
I'd stick to the same scope you use on other guns such as lmgs. It helps with consistency and also makes it so you don't have to get used to fighting with a different zoom level that might hurt you in certain ranges. I personally use 4x scopes will all guns, but I've seen that lately the 2x scopes are very popular. And if you want a recommendation aside from the 4x I'd say: 2x yellow circle/dot (for color consistency across factions) 1x yellow dot (same as above) 3.4x red dot (after the update the size of the dot is good) In no real particular order, just pick a zoom level you feel comfortable with. As a note, I wouldn't use the iron sights on these guns as the large pointer on the sight blocks your shots at mid range (still think there should be an option to purchase NS irons on all guns).
How often do you wait between shots? Do you use a Laser Sight? Do you not use a Compensator? There are some strong incentives not to go past 2x if you try to maximize ROF and/or are using a Laser or not using a Comp.
I try to hit the BR's maximum RoF whenever I can and try my best to avoid having to "settle" the recoil between shots, tailoring both my attachments and my positioning in order to stay within the range where I can maintain accuracy. My default loadout entails a 3.4x or 4x w/ a Flash Suppressor + Foregrip, but I regularly equip a Laser when there's likely to be some close range fighting, and I almost never use a compensator unless the fight is purely at 100m+. True, but IMO those incentives are mostly transitory and can be nullified through training and experience. Sure, using a 1x/2x does make your recoil and bloom look smaller, so by default it's easier for players to control since it requires smaller mouse movements. But you can train yourself to overcome the larger perceived recoil inherent in a 3.4x/4x scope to the point where you don't need to stay with lower-powered optics when using a Laser and/or Flash Suppressor in order to maintain accuracy. You can even use a compensator as training wheels in concert w/ the laser until you get better at controlling the recoil, or tweak your "Scoped" Mouse Sensitivity in-game to assist you if needed. And now that they've fixed the reticles on all optics 4x and lower, manually compensating for recoil has become even easier. Of course, learning to control the recoil of a 3.4x/4x won't happen overnight. It does raise the BR's skill floor a bit. But IMO it's well worth it. In the long run, using 2x on a BR ends up holding you back, because you lose the higher magnification required for long range and precision shots. There's really no situation I can think of where I would feel compelled to use a 2x or lower, and I don't feel at all disadvantaged by sticking with higher magnification.
I love the Trueshot 4x on the Warden. A quality scope with all the zoom you really need on a BR and fantastic visibility.
I really enjoy the battle rifles, too. The Warden and AMR are fantastic at medium ranges with their iron sights (the Eidolon is not, naturally. It has a bizarre teal 3-pointed iron sight that is just awful). You will want to alternate between optics for battle rifles. A high magnification scope can limit you at closer ranges. You will definitely be using them in CQC too, because fights inevitably happen point blank at random times and you will frequently move indoors even on open field battles. I prefer the 4x scope to fill the range gap. The 3.4x is sort of a compromise where you lower your performance at the longer ranges where you really need optics, and the close ranges where anything over 2x is disorienting. What you should never do is go beyond a 4x scope, because anything higher has view swaying. You cannot hold your breath like a sniper while using a BR, and beyond the limits of a 4x your weapon is very ineffective and vastly inferior to other accurate rifles.
Carry a good pistol for CQC. That way you don't have to compromise long range ability by equipping optics with lower magnification. The UnderBoss, Commish, Repeater, and Desperado are all better in CQC than a Battle Rifle too. Alternately, you can equip a laser on the Battle Rifle and just hipfire in CQC. The COF bloom resets almost completely between shots during hipfire so it's hipfire is more accurate than the reticle would have you believe. And yeah, the 6x scope isn't a good option for 99.999% of the players out there. Although, you can hold your breath with a Battle Rifle if you have a 6x equipped, just like a sniper. The problem is that you oftentimes can't hold it long enough for you to kill a moving opponent at 6x ranges due to the number of shots you need for the kill. The Hold Breath implants alleviate this for the most part, though. But you do need at least HB2. HB1 doesn't last long enough to be useful, IMO.