Bastion montage

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by csvfr, Oct 9, 2020.

  1. csvfr

  2. ican'taim

    inb4 infantryside whiners start balance "discussion" #85849757489684
  3. Johannes Kaiser

    Most awesome Bastion figths imo is Bastion vs Bastion.
    Had a VS one running for about the entire lifespan of it. Unfortunately they did shoot us down afterwards, but that was SO worth it. :D
    Got a few screenshots of that on our latest newspost on our homepage, link in my signature, if anyone cares to look.
  4. csvfr

    IMO going up against enemy Bastions in a Bastion is NOT worth it, unless ofc it is the only remaining fight. Many reasons for this:
    • Low cert/xp gain
    • Bastion with higher altitude has a huge advantage
    • Skill of gunners - do they know where the weakpoints are?
    • Outfit size differences resulting in overpop of enemy fighters
    The only times it might be good is if the Bastion has little time remaining, and the enemy Bastion has just been pulled, otherwise I'd stay away from enemy Bastions
  5. Johannes Kaiser

    it's not about the farm though. In this case it was denying the enemy, and good old fun.
  6. karlooo

    Zergfit zzz...