Base Wall Update shots

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Deschain, Jan 17, 2013.

  1. LordMondando


    Though to be fair to them, they appear to have got it half right as is. You can notice the firing ports on the new ones if you look.

    Stick HA there. Defend base wellz.
  2. Lucidius134

    Wow i'm just eager to see how poorly optimized these base panels will be! I hope my FPS isn't even worse now!
    - My first thought
  3. Stordito

    i still think CY should be EMPTY for DEFENDERS to stage the last defense.
    we don't have base interiors to defend right now, so at least we know what we are defending (except the capability to spawn in a complex facility with no purpose or defense capability whatsoever).
    this is the whole point, as far as I can see, there is no reason to bother defending in a harsh CQC environment where you cannot see what's going on in the CY (too much crates and useless buildings) and gives no tactical advantage for defenders.

    I would go as far as saying that every facility seems to make defense harder than it would be to guard your territory with 8 manned tanks in a circle, 2 Sundies (1 AMS and 1 repair Sundie) and infantry and 5 AA maxes in it placed in the middle of indar desert.
  4. dumbo

    But what are you defending the base from exactly?

    The majority of amp station defences/attacks that I've seen:
    - a sunderer deploys outside the base, hard up against the wall (usually near one of the corners under a blown up turret). There is no real line-of-sight from the wall to the sunderer - HA cannot kill it, the most likely death comes from tanks driving out of the base and finding it.
    - LA from the sunderer fly over the wall, whilst snipers/HA run through the nearby 'gateway', hugging the wall and protecting them from anyone trying to defend the wall. Any fight occurs at the gateway.
    - squads deploy beacons on the ground next to the wall with the sunderer (allowing them to land on that wall) and eventually deploy a beacon on the top of the main base.

    The only time the wall becomes important is when the attackers don't have a sunderer, and that's irrelevant as the attacker cannot win.

    (and that's ignoring driving a sunderer inside the base and deploying it, rendering the wall useless)

    And all of that is nonsense if an attacker can simply hit 'deploy', land inside the wall and compromise a generator.
  5. quicKsanD

    That is a little better Matt, but listen towers need it too man.
  6. JP_Russell

    My thoughts exactly. Amp station walls are the attackers' territory, and it's never had anything to do with a lack of cover.
  7. Deavonere

    It's quite simple from IT point of view. When you have large number of players, servers are crying with electrical tears. With three players, their every move is send to the server and then server is sending that information to your client (and to them as well). Now multiply that by 100 or 200 players. You now can see the problem. Bottleneck. This is why we have rendering decreased. At the beginning you could see what would happen if you have massive fights with many players. Servers seems to cry and stop responding.
  8. warmachine1

    & there is still big hole in place where interior turrets are, those are basically useless for defender cause they can be sniped by tank spam from outside & cant even retaliate.
    But u have to destroy them somehow as defender, or they gona be hacked & used against u!
  9. Wardancer

    Biggest issue with the bases is not that the walls are crap, its that they are so bloody big and open. To be able to man the walls of an amp station you need 2 full platoons... The bases should be more compact, with more indoor areas were tank/air fire cannot reach.
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  10. Revanmug

    I give you the right to laugh at this 5min paint job. I'm just that good.


    It's clearly not exact but I hope it give a better idea of what we had and what we are getting.

    Those "added panels" are on the outer section of a wall since the 2 high floating wall are facing the SS. It's the view of an attacker looking at the base from outside. It offers 0 protection against tank overlooking the wall since the middle section is completly denude of protection making it a easy target for splash damage.

    It changes absolutly nothing really.
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