[Suggestion] Banning based on player accusations?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by NoXousX, Dec 10, 2012.

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  1. Fortress

    A community sticks up for its own. Stick around long enough, and you'll find out what I mean.

    Welcome back Sky.
  2. NoXousX

    Mind sharing some of those certs?
  3. SKYeXile

    Oh wait no, banned again. how the **** did i post that then...cant login to client though.
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  4. Naj

    Ahaha oh wow.

    Banned because of a spike in KDR?

    Seriously SOE?

    I feel like such a tool for spending money on this game.
  5. Crazedmonk86

    Spikes in K.D? .... like all those times where a good player goes afk comes back then hits the crown for a meatgrinder and killed 80-150 people and dies once or twice like I do? Now im scared the SOE ***** will ban me cuz some whiney brats report me.
  6. Saiph

  7. daskleineviech

    I'd rather not, but thanks anyway.

    So now that this issue has been resolved, is SOE now good or bad? If we're starting to split into different factions, can I get my own pillow fortress?
  8. Fortress

    It means SOE is fallible, and that hack detection is not an exact science. Calls for review are justified, and pitch forks and torches should be left at home. If Sky has been banned again, it is all the more reason to be skeptical of the exactness of their process.

    Also, I don't know why you are asking me but sure you can have your own pillow.
  9. Saiph

    I agree completely. Blind trust is possibly one of the worst things a player base can have. It leads to the inevitable GAMECOMPANY can do no wrong attitude. It's great that they are making an effort to stop cheating and the like, but the system clearly needs revision.
  10. itsDaish

    if you dont hack you wont get banned

    the people you know who got banned used hacks
  11. SKYeXile

    yea like i obvoiusly play as infantry and vehiclewhore its pretty easy to get owned at a tower, and go like 1:1 in a meatgrinder where your been camped, but you run out anyway with your shotgun and frags cause maybe you will kill somebody...but then you get a mag and GET BANNED!

    Heres some shots...


    but yea in a more avg session...where you change roles, that spikes down.


    ...still cant login to game :/
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  12. Naj

    Looks like someone didn't read the whole thread.
  13. daskleineviech

    Then let's all hope this staggering revelation will be remembered the next time some unknown guy gets falsely accused. Although we probably will get back to burning him alive again, so no lesson learned at all.

    Also: I see a lot of BR70 here. I think I'll shoot myself out of shame now.
  14. Naj

    Well you have me beat. This is the best I was able to do over the weekend.

    Markov definitely raised the best killwhores though. =]

  15. Saiph

    Careful you might get banned for being better than 90% of the other players.
  16. SKYeXile

    and more!


    They said they have a deep set of data and i did paraphrase what smed said, but still, banning off stats... :/
  17. Natir

    I didn't think SOE released why someone was banned... Care to post some screenshots or are we just taking your word? But officer, I swear that gun was not in my car. She said she was 18. Those drugs are not mine, I am holding them for someone. Also, abnormal spike in KDR? HE or Lib farming... Pretty sure people have not been banned for that...
  18. Gheeta

    This is a real issue for highly skilled players. I have played FPS games at the highest levels, i have won real money and tournaments. Getting cheat accusations is something that happens almost every day in any fps i play. I really hate the cheaters as much as the next guy but the worst thing that can happen is that legit skilled players start getting banned.

    The differences in skill levels are huge and i hope the GM's realize this.

    Banning for "spikes in k/d"...? Are you kidding me? You have enormous spikes every time you find a AMS with something HE or just have a good run in general...
  19. itsDaish


    skyexile is a girl?
  20. SKYeXile

    sorry i posted paraphrased info, i wont be repeating what more of whats said at risk of taking things further out of context.
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