Ban the person above you, planetside edition

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by RainbowDash9, Nov 4, 2015.

  1. TherealScrable

    Banned for not belonging to the Closed Beta Group.
  2. Armcross

    Ban for not giving me bata key
  3. AxiomInsanity87

    Banned because i am the lord of the ban.

    And i'll ban you all, wherever you may be

    And i'll ban you all in this thread said me.
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  4. JobiWan

    Banned for being Michael Banley
  5. RainbowDash9

    banned for being Charles bankley
  6. JobiWan

    Banned for buying Celo Green camo.
  7. Dennisz125

    Banned for replying this thread
  8. Goldmonk

    Banned because I feel like it and my feels are always right
  9. TherealScrable

    Banned for the feels. Oh the feels
  10. JobiWan

    Banned for being feely
  11. Bindlestiff

    Banned because Christmas has been and gone. And it is nearly new year. I'm not feeling the new year. So bans for ye all.
  12. Dennisz125

    Banned for not replying to new year resolution thread
  13. Armcross

    Ban for not showing link to new year thead.
  14. Bindlestiff

    Banned because GoldenCPU, the muppet that he is, has pushed this to page 9 of the forums. It isn't at all because everyone forgot about this. It was him.
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  15. AxiomInsanity87

    Banned for saying the name that should only be mentioned in whispers lest it summons the daemon again.
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  16. Goldmonk

    Banned because don't worry, they'll never find the body.
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  17. AxiomInsanity87

    Banned for something to do with adult content and dead bodies.
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  18. Bindlestiff

    Banned for assuming dead, not a prolonged state of unconsciousness
  19. Savadrin

    banned because you aren't Miracle Max.
  20. Lection

    banned because i search what you meant.... and made absolutely no sense...

    (here is the image)
    (unless that was a quote.....)

    Also..... POST #500 fools. :cool: