Balance, what is that?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by AnotherNoob, Jul 22, 2013.

  1. AnotherNoob

    There are numerous thread on this forum about the balance, or lack there of, between different items and upgrades. I would go so far as to say that most of the posts are regarding what people think is too strong/weak. What is funny is that I have never actually seen a post regarding how strong something should actually be to achieve balance. There is no point in arguing over if one thing is balanced or not, if the debaters doesn't have the same perception of the goal.

    To give an example of this, lets say that I think (just making up numbers here) that it is balanced if an HE tank 1/2 kills on average 10 infantry men and 0.3 vehicles before it dies, but the person I am arguing with over how strong the gun should be, think it is balanced with 5 infantry and 0.8 vehicles (again, just an example). If the current item perform 8 and 0.5, I will say that it could use a buff against infantry, and he say that it should get a nerfer. And then i say no, buff, and he say no, nerf. And so it continues page up and page down.

    So what is my point here really? I would like to make it clear that a lot of the arguments boils down to a difference in opinion about how strong stuff should be, compared to how it actually performs. You can't reach a satisfying conclusion regarding if X reaches the target, if you don't define which target you think is reasonable.

    Just something keep that in mind when you are asking for buffs/nerfs, and it might save you some headache :)

    Personally, I think that stuff should be balanced so that the 20th best of 100 players/users of each item hit the target, rather then just straight up averages, but that is another story :p (I am looking at you, Higby, and your MAX/MBT balance :eek: )
    • Up x 1
  2. Gustavo M

    Balance equals to the same amount of power(s) for all players, on all sides. Without any sort of restrictions: "If Player A can nuke a town with his eye sight... I want it too! Or the game or not balanced!"

    Simple as that.
  3. Nobalification

    Somehow says their side is too much nerfed (VS) but they dont get any nerf.
    There is dic* factor of kids which want everything what their side don´t have.
    There is impossible thing. Why TR have worst weapons and technology in this game. We don´t get our RoF and biggest magazines.
    I don´t know if SOE trolling or just lie.
  4. AnotherNoob

    So an infantry vs max should be a 50/50? Infantry vs tank? Even if that was a good idea, which i personally don't believe it is, it would require all weapons to be exactly the same, so we would only have one rifle per empire, and it would have the same stats as the other empires. Maybe with a few different skins...
  5. Gustavo M

    You can't expect infantry to brawl against a tank, or a MAX to start flying because ESF's can fly and they can't. But more like, counters to let em in equal fields/levels: "You have heavy armor, but I have my Rocket Launcher that can do as much damage as you can do towards me." And also, tanks are a much bigger(and slower) target compared to infantry, which "somewhat" lets it balanced.
  6. KenDelta

    It's an overrated word used as an excuse to "TWEAK(did not say nerf or buff)" any feature/mechanic deemed "OP/BROKEN" by our beloved "Community" because they simply can't "COUNTER" that feature/mechanic.

    TLDR : game is balanced. excluding strikers.
  7. Gustavo M

    Those are people PLAYING a game to "fix" ANOTHER game, actually. Not entirely "balance", so to say.
  8. K2k4

    Tanks are faster than infantry. They literally have every advantage over infantry. 1 shot from almost any tank cannon will instantly kill an infantry. nothing short of getting in melee range or using light assault to get above the tank, and dropping c-4 onto the tank, will 1-shot the tank back. Infantry < tank if you're looking at balance. BUT the balance comes in when you realize that everybody can pull tanks, that ESF's are often better at killing tanks than pulling another tank, that 1 tank is weaker when you get multiple infantry together to kill it. It's a system of perfect imbalance.
  9. dough

    You missed one small thing which clouds the picture a lot.. some folks are truly asking for balance, but I think a significant amount of folks are looking for an edge. Balance is one reason to post for nerfs/buffs.. another is seeking for an edge but doing it while looking like you are arguing for balance. Since all of this is so subjective anyways.. its just ends up being a big food fight.

    And in a game where teams can make a real difference based on how they are organized, how, exactly, do you determine balance?
  10. KenDelta

    Those "people" are actually 20% of the "actual" playerdata base , I'm happy SOE doesn't "TWEAK" everything these "people" whine about.