Balance Liberators right NOW! AV, AI and AA loadouts! ENOUGH with 1 OP loadout to rule them all!

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Peter Daniel, Apr 19, 2014.

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  1. QuakerOatsMan

    The liberator resource cost could use an increase, since it's the MBT of the skies.
  2. Quikloc007

    I hate to say this but when a Lib is around and we have no air support, I just let them have the base. I can't make it out of the spawn room alive as a HA. I have a tried many times but no more. I've played all the BF series games but this game air is very hard to take out. I like the idea of having them cost way more then tanks to pull.

    Just make it so that 2 AP shells destroy a liberator.
    and libs take 15 % more damage from flak
    Now they cannot take as much punishment from skyguards and they can't nose dive a tank.

    They do a ton of damage but take a ton of damage too.
    Lowering their damage resistance would help a lot.
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  4. eldarfalcongravtank

    too bad devs take the feedback from these whine threads

    consequently the libby gonna get nerfed soon. forumside has spoken
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  5. Deschain

    lets hope so, FOTM libs have had it too good for too long, and folks will stop playing if nothing is done, folks not playing = no revenue to soe.
  6. HellasVagabond

    Just check the stats guys, it's no coincidence that even new players cert their libs and start farming.
  7. JesusVoxel

    After the liberator update air problem got really out of control, before they were just really ******* annoying. Now they are everywhere and killing everything in sight. If they get hit enough they just fly away, fix and come back faster than it takes you to rearm your AA launcher.

    I used to hate the idea of airdomes in bases, but rather that than being constantly sniped By shredders. SOE should just remove the whole god damn piece of **** liberators from this game and completely rework it.
  8. Areski

    I thought you were supposed to be a valued community member whose feedback had meaning? Now you're just a troll?

    Try tank buster and dalton.

    Edit: Replied to the wrong post.
  9. Deschain

    My post is valid, don't like being farmed by Libs leave the area give up the base, it's as simple as that.
  10. Areski

    Well that was an embarrassing mistake.
  11. Deadreach

    Oh, You mean like Heavy Assault. god forbid the 150mm Round does massive damage
    GOD FORBID AN ARTILLERY, An instrument of Destruction and war, ACTUALLY KILLS. Thats not the planetside way! Nerf it becuase its too good at killing, a WEAPON is TOO EFFECTIVE, at KILLING. Stop the nerf becuase someone cant figure out this is a combined arms game, and that fights that seem wierd or wrong when its you trying to defend a base alone, or take on a vehicle ALONE. ARE BECAUSE, YOUR ALONE, Go team up man.
  12. Tentakewls

    SOE thought that since they were updating Libs, they may aswell buff them so the new weapons would sell more. Now we are in this mess.
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  13. dstock

    AV & AA

    I agree. Nerf it, that gun is OP.
  14. DG-MOD-17

    Closing this thread up as non-constructive.
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