Balance Issue with the LA60 Masthead.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by BreakerP16, Mar 10, 2023.

  1. BreakerP16

    So, I've returned to the game a few days ago after over a year of not playing and pulled a MAX for fun with engineers supporting and was moving to a point and died instantly to a weapon I had never seen before, "LA60 Masthead".

    So I keep playing finish the alert and hop in VR to check it out. The gun 1-shots headshot infantry, MAXes and can damage vehicle. At this point I already have issues with this, pulling a MAX requires a lot of resources and taking one down in 1-shot with low risk? That's a major balance issue but what makes it worst is that both VS and TR don't have any weapons that can do the same thing.

    I'm fine with AV weapons in the game, but there is a line, and that line is 1-shot on enemy max on a weapon with no resource commitment and worst giving the ability to ONE faction. C4 can do the same thing but require getting close and all factions can do it (they also require resources to use). A gun doesn't, it just requires bullets that are easy to resupply considering the class's that has the Masthead is also the class that can drop ammo packs.
  2. LodeTria

    I think all AMR's can 1 headshot kill infantry now (maybe not NSO one, eat sand bots), been that way for awhile.
    They can't 1hsko maxes tho, so something else must have hit you.
  3. JibbaJabba

    They don't oneshot maxes, quit lyin'
  4. BreakerP16

    Jump in VR kill one to make sure it's full health when it respawns and Shoot it in the head ONCE. Tell me it doesn't one-shot maxes
  5. Liewec123

    if it does oneshot now its a bug,
    all AMRs 2 shot maxes with headshots and 4 shot with bodyshots.
    (except dagr which kills in 2 headshots but needs 5 bodyshots)
  6. Yaesu

    Been playing my engineer more lately. I can't speak for the Masthead but the DAGR-81, holy crap, nerfed to useless. Used to be able to 'one shot' maxes. Not lately. Hell, yesterday I had a player surprise me. Literally just 8 feet in front, headshot with the DAGR-81 and it didn't take them out??? Are you freaking kidding me?! Pretty much a waste now against tanks & sundies too. And what weapons do in VR is NOT what they do in actual game play.
  7. BreakerP16

    Maybe it was a bug, since after checking your message I tried again and got 75% damage on a headshot. It's weird but if it doesn't one-shot and allows counter play I don't have an issue with the gun anymore.
  8. JibbaJabba

    it's 2 head / 4 body. If it oneshot maxes, I would agree it's broken and likely a bug not a design choice.
  9. OgreMarkX

    The Masthead was a terrible addition to the game.