bad night ..why can't my AP vanguard kill a sunderer?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Dunkman, Jan 14, 2014.

  1. Dunkman

    I kept firing and firing and firing...I shot AND HIT it 20 times....


    then a bunch of mana turrets kill me later...

    I even filmed it ...not fun...bad game...not fun....bad....

    This game isn't fun anymore...WHY PULL AP VANGUARD??? I CANNOT KILL A SUNDERER!!

    SHEEEESH :mad:
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  2. AirborneCarrot

    video pls.

    also, were there like 20 engineers repairing it
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  3. Epic High Five

    It is my experience that, provided there isn't much in the way of tanks shooting my butt or 15 engineers repairing it, there is nothing a Sunderer can do to STOP my AP/Enforcer Vanguard from killing it. I takes my secondary alone 10 seconds to kill one and that's before you factor in the big ****off doom cannon and the shield for if things get hairy.

    That said, it isn't hard for 2 engineers to outpace your damage with repairs for quite a long time, so you should always be running with a gunner.

    In fact you should just always be running with a gunner in general.
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  4. Dunkman

    I have level 4 reload for my AP main but YES I was not running with a gunner...

    Seriously though??? a sunderer???

    So a 1/2 AP vanguard sucks and cannot kill a sunderer..

    NICE TO KNOW!!!!

    P.S I was going to upload a video here but since you say solo 1/2 AP vanguard sucks and cannot kill sunderer I won't bother..

    Nor will I bother running vanguards anymore..i wasted so many certs in this thing..

    I grow weary of this game :mad:
  5. y3ivan

    5 engis to be exact 4 + 1 as backup repairman to outrepair a damage by vanguard AP + enforcer
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  6. Dunkman

    I wish I also filmed the part where a platoon of mana turrets took out my vanguard from some mysterious location miles away shortly after I was unable to kill a sunderer with my AP vanguard..

    That is something I could of showed my grandkids one day as they were sitting on my lap and I was telling them about this CHEESY game grandpa used to play.

    :mad: :mad: :mad:
  7. AirborneCarrot

    solo AP 1/2 vanguards can kill a sunderer.
    stop trolling.
    upload video or lock topic
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  8. Nhilys

    You're just bad. Like really bad. I mean it.
  9. Dunkman

  10. AirborneCarrot

    good, that will help us identify the issue at hand
  11. Dunkman

    A lot of fishy stuff goes on in mattherson ..especially with VS.
  12. Dunkman

    Notice the liberator attacking it too.. :(

    I can never kill VS on mattherson...

    Talk about buyers remorse after I spent all those certs on the vanguard, lol

    VS Mattherson is all like this!!
  13. AirborneCarrot

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  14. Nhilys

    Obviously some engineers repairing it, what did you expect? Being able to take down any vehicle under any circumstances?
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  15. Paqu

    Notice the white glow on the sundie before you even start shooting? It means its being repaired and in this case there has to be 3+ engineers doing it. So in other words you cant kill the toughest ground vehicle in the game if its being repaired.

    Especially when you just solo and do only ~50% of the damage than what your tank is capable of. With a gunner it would have required at least 4-5 engineers to out repair you.

    So I dont see whats your problem here?
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  16. DashRendar

    ik right? It's not like it's an AV MANA turret or anything.
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  17. Nhilys

    Very funny but even an AV turret wouldn't out dps multiple engineers repairing.
  18. Dunkman

    OK a 1/2 AP vanguard stinks...what I was and learn.
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  19. Nhilys

    I wonder what you'll do when you notice you get the same result with pretty much anything in this game.
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  20. Dunkman

    I need to upgrade from my vanguard to AV MANA turret!! hehe! :)