Average Headshot Rates?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by DashRendar, Apr 3, 2015.

  1. DashRendar

    Has anyone compiled any data on what could be considered average HSR in this game? Preferably tiered relative to skill level, for instance 0-10% = noob, 10-15% = average, 15-25% = above average. Etcetc. Just putting up numbers here, curious if there is any data on this. I've heard people say "my headshot rate is slightly above average" so there must be something.
  2. Ballto21

    ive heard that average HSR is 20%

    you cant really tell though since headshot ratio only goes up for the final blow, you could get 3 HS with a 143 weapon and finish them off with a bodyshot and it ***** your numbers
    • Up x 1
  3. AnuErebus

    Just going off Dasanfall's server stats: http://stats.dasanfall.com/ps2/worlds/

    VS and TR usually have roughly 16-17% headshot ratio while NC is usually around 18%. Of course that's with all weapons and vehicles so you'll actually see that average decrease for higher BRs. 12-13% is the average for BR 100s of all factions.

    If you're looking for specific weapons you can look at the weapons categories: http://stats.dasanfall.com/ps2/items/weapons

    And if you're looking for your personal performance you can always find your character on Dasanfall which gives you a grade based on your performance. SenTerran posted the link to help you make sense of grades.
  4. Demigan

    I'm better with the "aim for the neck" method. Gets you less Headshots overall, but gets you a more consistent damage output. I'll go back to shooting heads with weapons or games that have almost no recoil, where it has a better success to aim there.