Hello Auraxians! There is currently an issue effecting some players using Avast that is causing this software to flag parts of the client as the virus Win32:Hoblig. This is a false-positive, so rest assured that your system is not at risk. We're working on getting this issue addressed as quickly as possible. Please check back with us later for more information. Thank you for your patience!
I was having this issue on Avast and Windows Firewall but i now that You (Soe) dont want to give me virus so i let it to be on my pc.
there is no way they gonna say you "sorry, the virus has got into system, please stay away for a week until we clean everything up and release hotfix without virus".
False positives are very common, especially from ****** antivirus companies who don't bother to actually try to determine real threats from "possible threats" and just flag everything down as bad. You can be fairly sure that this is legit - relax. -Stigma
LOL yeah like windows fire wall and AVG for me... Both AVG and Windows firewall along with my personal fire wall all came back as false positives? I seriously doubt PS2 has some malware in the most recent patch but all of these coming back with threats removed is not a coincidence.
They could all be using the same detection methods. So far My firewall, Microsoft Security Essentials and SpyBot S&D are all saying it's fine.
if SOE DID install a virus in their game, it would not only be a PR nightmare, but a pretty good case of negligence, in which case we are talking big $$$ class action lawsuit. You can't disclaim negligence and the EULA would be shredded (in this instance) by even a 2nd year law student should sue try to use that as a bar to a lawsuit. if it's a heuristic detection method (like many do in order to catch mutating virii), then there is a good chance any AV program using that method will come back with a false positive.
Heuristic just means the code is acting outside what a normal AV "defined" safe program would do. So in this case false positive. Not false positive because the code isn't doing something naughty or intrusive, it does since online anti cheat systems dig deep.. False positive because we all agreed to the EULA/TOS which gives broad control and trust of our computers to SoE. Unfortunately with rapid patching in modern games, unless developers worked really close with AV companies $$$, this will likely be a common reoccurring issue.
i sometime have this issue with avast from time to time. i just disable my shield for 10 mins because apparently it only effects starting the game up and doesn't do anything when you make it ingame.