AV Max Weapons are TERRIBLE

Discussion in 'MAX' started by RogueComet, Nov 24, 2012.

  1. Jaeger41

    How about an alternate AP round that you can cert into for your AV weapons? Just like certing into slug ammo for you AI weapons.
  2. Sandzibar

    Imagine a world where MAX AV was the same effectiveness as MAX AA.

    That would be hilarious.
  3. Arcanum

    They should buff reload speed for all MAXes. It's going to be the greatest thing ever.
  4. Armchair

    Unable to kill anything is "working as intended?" That would be hilarious.
  5. Skadi

    i STILL think the CoF on the comets need to be removed, i love them but it kind of ruins them for me, as for the AI weps? Yeah they need their CoF's tightend...
  6. Vorpal

    The VS AV MAX is indeed less good at killing tanks than an HA with lock on launcher - and that HA is more mobile and able to engage other infantry as well (and has more favorable rendering)

    And yet..the VS AV MAX is the absolute *best* of the AV MAX. I will occasionally see one every now and then (they don't kill me, of course)

    I've never been killed by any AV MAX in my tanks, ever.

    And it really doesn't matter how much damage the pounder does - it can't hit anything past "I may as well have been an engineer and dropped land mines instead" point blank range.
  7. TheEvilBlight

    I've killed some tanks near the Ti Alloys/Crown bridge, but that's about it. I wouldn't take my dual Comet to a real infantry v tank fight.
  8. Yutty

    Does anyone actually use the AV weapons on maxes? I stopped using them after they nerfed the comet 75% down 4 shots in a clip to 1. Ya 4 straight shots in row from one arm was OP, but the current 1 shot reload they took it to far. I can't recall the last time I died from the NC, & TR AV weapons either.
  9. Vorpal

    I don't think I've died once to an AV MAX weapon, ever, from any empire.
  10. Armchair

    They're ok if you're fighting ludicrous numbers of armor from a high ground position....so they're ok if you're defending the crown from an armor blob.

    But beyond that, I'd never pull them for anti-armor work. I've killed far more infantry than tanks with my falcons.
  11. Deathcapt

    Comet is Amazing, you're crazy, I rolled a VS alt, and was murdering people with the single comet, it's like a sniper rifle that can hit tanks. I rock the dual falcons on my MAX all the time, they're pretty solid. Keep in mind, that not only do the MAXs have a significantly larger health pool, giving them much better survivability against vehicles, but they also have a much higher Ammunition pool. MAX AV weapons also, are much easier to hit long range targets with dumb fire, as their projectile speed is almost the same as a Tank shell.

    I have killed several Mag Riders with my Falcons, as well as sunderers, and lightings. They reload much quicker, and allow you to absorb a direct hit without dying, making them much better when defending a base.
  12. Armchair

    In other words, the falcon rounds are extremely slow.

    As far as I'm concerned, MAXes are MORE vulnerable to vehicles than standard infantry due to their large size and slow speed. The extra health is amazing against small arms fire, but not particularly useful against HEAT/HE rounds. A heavy assault is likely to fire his rocket and run. The max is likely to get hit in the face with a HEAT round.

    You can fight tanks with AV maxes, but the main advantage is the large pool of ammo.
  13. Pikachu

    I find the NC dual falcons to be a fair weapon. Projectiles move faster than rockets and has greater range than unguidied ones. Realoads faster and has more ammo. The tradeoff is when vehicles are far away where guided missiles are superior. As long as their is some cover to hide behind I think the falcon is good, no change needed. I do have not played the other factions so I can not speak for them.
  14. LameFox

    I actually don't mind them DPS wise, but admittedly they look terrible compared to how well bursters do their thing. You've got to realize though it's nothing like a rocket launcher, the MAX AV weapons are a more sustainable, less burst-damaging weapon.