[Suggestion] auraxium weapons

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Ragnarox, Dec 3, 2014.

  1. Ragnarox

    Why are some auraxium weapons soooo bad? Well I am talking bout VS side Medic weapons.
    My medic is disappointed by aur. weapons :/

    Shotgun "The Chaos" is a weaker version of the standard shotgun with 3.5 spread and only 8 ammo per mag. (and it isnt heat mechanic) WTF? (nova is far more superior)
    AR "Darkstar" long range weapon with 3.4x scope with awful cqc. WTF? (even standard AR is better than this ****)

    Why dont they have something special? New sound, new effects? Cmon guys same models on 100 guns? make something new if you are not focused on repairing hit detection or performance (fps) issues.
  2. FateJH

    My opinion is Auraxium weapons should have always have been trophy weapons.