Auraxian Inquirer News Report: Amerish Revamp Photos

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Ash87, Nov 6, 2013.

  1. Regpuppy

    Alien Planet in a scifi game. Black and orange foliage with green dirt isn't exactly out of the question, if the devs feel like it. :p
  2. vincent-

    OH GOD Terrain that makes me think about what I put into my vehicles loadout!? >.>
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  3. libbmaster

    It's... its just so beautiful.
  4. Regpuppy

    Yeah, now rockslide looks awesome and you don't have to burn tons of air resources to attack the ascent and raven's landing. I was initially worried that the damn lattice lane that lead through those two bases would be dead to me. lol
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  5. Bungee

    I think I can answer that.

    Northern Indar seems to be the answer. Its the place I like to fight most (and I will fight through other places to get to fight there)

    Why? Well its because of space. Indar has long uninterrupted glorious open areas of space that make for some very big vehicle and infantry fights.

    If you are fighting to get to a control points and you have to funnel through one or 2 chokepoints then tactically your options are very limited but there is a great deal of fluidity in the battle when the landscape is more open.

    Sure its not everyones cup of tea but its certainly popular enough to get people streaming back to Indar.

    The other factor is that there is an understanding that Indar is where the fight is at so everyone congregates there. Continent locking will fix all of this as Indar will become someone's home continent.

    I should say that Amerish with road tunnels will be very awesome though :)
  6. Zotamedu

    Too bad they'll ruin it with the stupid lettuce. The new Amerish looks amazing but I know it will be ruined by the addition of lettuce.
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  7. Pikachu

    I'm much more worried about the walls. Why do we need more than what Indar bases has?
  8. Nintyuk

    The main reason my outfit avoids amerish fights is because it lacks the lattice and there are no good fights at certain bases ever because they just get bypassed.
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  9. Zotamedu

    I see very few walls on the pictures in this thread. It seems they are working with elevation instead which is much better. It keeps the vehicles out but does not funnel the infantry battle into one huge choke.
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  10. Ash87

    New Image today



    This one is from Clegg, and it seems to be a base built into the side of a mountain.
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  11. NightmareP69

    So i guess they will finally add the abbilaty to swim maybe ? Atm. all that happens if you go into that one river on Amerish, you just walk thru it like there's nothing
  12. Ash87

  13. IamDH

    Wow. That looks brilliant

    What i really love is that each developer has his own "style". I'm not sure how i can explain what i mean but for example Clegg always goes for completely new ideas and incorporates his personal genius in them
  14. Ash87

    Yeah, this one is above and beyond what I expected though at the same time.

    Deepcore Geolab, looks like a base. I mean the walkway up to the air pad, the path around, the bridges over the road... this Looks Like someplace you would stick people. I am very pleased with this one.
  15. SenEvason that an underground room?! Have our prayers been answered?!
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  16. IamDH

    Yeah and they also answered the popular demand of adding tunnels and one of them has lights inside
  17. Ash87

    Couple bases do. Look up on page 2, at the pictures of hidden ridge mining. They have a tunnel Network under that base.
  18. libbmaster

    The second picture really reminds me of the Hossin bases, save with trees replaced with crystals!

    I love how the level design is getting better and better with each new redesign they work on. That spawn room looks like it will be mighty hard to camp with air and infantry, and forget about armor. (Anyone notice the teleporter room?)

    These bases just look stellar. The only possible reason I would not want a switch to the old PS1 lattice is because we would lose awesome bases like this.
  19. Ash87


    Basically at the start we had
    • Indar, Designed from the beginning, worse base design because it was inconsistent
    • Esamir, Designed next, decent base design but better placement of buildings overall
    • Amerish Good minimalistic base design, best of the original 3 IMO
    • Indar Revamp, Good base design, seemed to be improving
    • Esamir revamp, horrible design, but not because they did everything Wrong. I think that walls work, but the walls that were used and the placement of structures in Esamir were the Right pieces, just put in the wrong order. Like, someone trying to put together a car, but none of the parts really fit, so it runs like crap.
    • Hossin and Nexus, Pretty much the standard I hold bases up to at this point. You have proper use of real walls, you have good base defenses, you have vertical and horizontal combat possibilities, you have unmarked but obvious objectives built into the base (Elevated platforms, real walls) you have vehicles built out of the equation instead of just being separated like was the case in Esamir revamp...

    Now we have the Amerish revamp which is taking after Hossin and Nexus quite nicely.
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  20. libbmaster

    The esamir walls... good intentions, poor execution!

    In all seriousness though, I've always felt that if they put catwalks on the esamir walls, and changed nothing else, (Okay, maybe add a turret or two to the towers... and maybe an additional infantry only exit or two to some of the bases) I'd be totally fine with it.