So, I don't actually play Infiltrator, but I do play LA, which is similar enough for the purposes of this thread. I think. Yeah... Anyway... I had this idea, that you cert into a unique Infil thing, then whenever you spawn as an Infil, you receive a kill contract to hunt down a squad or platoon leader in one of the opposing factions. When you kill them, you receive maybe 10-20 certs (I'm not sure how many tbh, as I don't know the average earning rate for an Infil) and then the contract is put on a cooldown (determined by the cert level of the thingy), after which you can get a new one. Of course if you are in a squad, the contracts of all Infils in that squad would be shared, so if there are three Infils, then you have three targets, with the rewards shared among those three Infils. And the squad leader could also receive a significant bonus for each fulfilled contract. As I've stated, I don't usually snipe, but if this were added I would probably convert. Imagine getting a squad of a few Infiltrators together and going after a heap of HVTs. You could also have it so you get bonus points if you aren't spotted when you make the kill, for getting a OHK, for being a certain distance away, for surviving long enough after the assassination to reach a resupply station, etc. DISCUSS!
I think something along these lines would certainly add to the meta-game. I think class-specific objectives would help a good bit, and adding a reward for sniping a squad or platoon leader (or some other high priority target), or hacking something specific, or staying unspotted for a certain length of time whilst getting kills would help encourage forward-thinking and more team-oriented infiltrators. My Two Cents; Stay Fr0sty -MisterFr0st
A big problem with contracts like that is that there's really no point in assassinating the squad/platoon leaders. Their ability to command has nothing to do with being alive and on the field. Plus, if they're near a medic or spawn point, they'll just be right back where they were a few seconds later. The real priority targets for snipers are people like engis (whether sitting in a turret or repairing a vehicle), medics, and of course, other snipers. Snipers also make a difference through sheer attrition, like any other class. You don't really need contracts for these things, though.
Yeah, but the point is not actually to make Infiltrators more effective or useful, just to make playing them more interesting. Why thank you
It would be cool, but I don't think the team has the talent/manpower/budget to create features like that. If they did, PS2 would be a stand-out title and it would be WAY more popular than it currently is. As it stands, they are averaging 1 new vehicle every 2 years. Doesn't bode well for new features.
Well.. it wont take much. Like, during game Infis might be able to see a dude glowing red- and every infi in zone gets objective Kill glowing dude with - KNIFE . Glowing dude gets message =You are Hunted SIR ! . Infis get a nice XP for the kill he gets nice XP boost to infi kills...
And then everyone would play as infil in hope to get mere 10 certs... while medic tucked behind the corner and ressing the zerg makes ton times more with little effort.