Are The Suppressors Worth It?

Discussion in 'Infiltrator' started by RayDrazon, Jan 11, 2013.

  1. RayDrazon

    I don't have much experience as Infiltrator so this is why I'm asking.

    I am currently playing as VS, with the Parallax.

    So, is the suppressor or flash suppressor worth getting? If so, which one and why?

    Please post and comment below. Thanks.
  2. Wobberjockey

    i was unaware the flash suppressor was even available on a parallax. if it is, by all means get it.

    the suppressor on the other hand will DRASTICALLY increase the bullet drop on the rifle

    the flash suppressor doesn't affect bullet drop onr shot noise, but it DOES hide you on the map, which when sniping at range, it likely the most useful feature of a suppressor on that rifle
  3. Rogueghost

    The only class I would recommend a suppressor for is light assault.
    And that's just to reduce the chance of someone looking up.
    With other classes the increased bullet drop does not make up for slight increase to stealth.
  4. Katsuragisama

    I could maybe see running with a flash suppressor, only for the the reason of sniping at night. There have been a few times where I see a muzzle flash and scope in on that area, only to find an enemy infiltrator and take him/her out.

    As far as removing you from the minimap, I keep reading that when you cloak it removes you from the minimap anyways. I have a Parallax and RAMS .50 myself, so when ever I shoot I just cloak while waiting to chamber another round. I might actually pick up a flash suppressor later tonight.

    If an actual supressor doesnt effect VS accuracy with a semi (not sure if it does, havent paid attention), I could see using that. I have one for my Spectre as I sometimes prefer that when in CQC. That and if they're close enough the people around the now dead body, have no idea where it came from. But I definitely would not use a suppressor on a bolt action.
  5. Benton!

    Just use the suppressor on your handgun. Its all you need for CQB.
  6. Ravenorth

    Never used the flash suppressor, but about suppressor:

    It depends, if you mostly shoot your enemies at range, it may only impair you, so its better to buy it only for pistol. As a cqb infiltrator I use suppressors on my every weapon, even on bolt actions. It´s probably best used on Nyx, since it makes it nearly silence, no one will probably never hear your shooting and that is a big advantage.
  7. Wobberjockey

    for the VS, i would reccomend supressors on the artemis and the nyx, or perhaps the low optics sniper rifles. but certainly not on anything where you are using a 6x scope or more
  8. Village

    Silencers are highly worth it for mid range sniping if you can sneak out of a camped spawn room and start picking off stationary enemies one by one. I have gone on a 30 kill streak by sneaking out Saerro Listening Post on Esamir when we were defending and locked in the spawn rooms. Got on the nearby hill and picked enemies off while all the vehicles were oblivious to my location. If you don't have a silencer everyone will see you on the mini-map as a red dot.
  9. MarkyO

    Pretty much this.

    I have 3 styles of Infiltrator play..

    1. Close Combat

    Which is basically going behind or very near enemy lines and picking off medics and other infiltrators or just any stationary target. I have a silencer equipped at all times for this.

    2. Long Range

    Standard sniper practices. Stay waaaaay back and spam the **** out of Q and pick off people.

    3. Hacker

    This guy is the "I'm gonna do sneaky **** like steal turrets and cap flags to be ******* annoying." Scout rifle + silencer.