Are AV MANA turrets ever going to be fixed?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by AssaultPig, Sep 14, 2014.

  1. AssaultPig

    So, right now NC on Emerald are trying to take Mao tech plant. And it's basically impossible, because any vehicle that crests the hill from the tower gets immediately focused down by 3-4 AV MANA turrets firing from the roof of the main building.

    It's super frustrating to fight these things because in any kind of high-population circumstance they don't render at even moderate distance (~300m), and their accuracy is near-perfect well past that range. I know I could hit them, but even if I put an AP round right where the missile is coming from it wouldn't do anything.

    Could we please have a render fix for these stupid things that actually works?
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  2. AdmiralArcher

    yeah im still having this problem.......they need to register as actual vehicles because they still dont work like they should
  3. Flashtirade

    No, because the infantry counters to vehicles have to be uncounterable by the vehicles ;)
  4. AdmiralArcher

    which is totally why we dont have flares, ECM, smoke and mountains :)
  5. EliteEskimo

    The developers don't drive tanks, therefore they don't care about this issue. This has been a problem for over a year. Higby doesn't even have an hour among any of the MBT's.
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  6. _itg

    Get a sniper to go deal with them. It only takes one, and he doesn't even have to be particularly good.
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  7. Winfield

    If it's any sort of an organized group/outfit doing the AV-nesting your one sniper isn't going to do any good.
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  8. EliteEskimo

    You mean the sniper standing next to my tank, the same sniper which the AV turret would also not be rendering for and thus the sniper can't damage?

    It's really dissapointing that people still don't understand the concept of rendering, or the concept of a guy having to repeatedly go behind enemy lines to kill a single infinitly respawning AV turret is both incredibly boring and not rewarding.
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  9. Alarox

    1.) AV MANA Turrets have a range of 450m. At best, an Infiltrator can help at 300m. That's a 150m gap.

    2.) If the turret is on a higher angle of elevation than the infiltrator they can't get a headshot because of the hitbox.

    3.) Relying on random infiltrators to sit there and suppress AV MANA Turrets isn't practical or reliable at all. Unless you're telling me that I should have an infiltrator as my slave to go 150m into enemy territory and stare at AV MANA Turrets at a moment's notice?

    4.) You're ignoring the fundamental problem. Tanks can't hurt you passed 300m so why are you able to hurt them at 450m? You're not defending yourself, you're completely shutting tanks out of the fight.
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  10. CorporalClegg

    Had the same issue the OP had today as well. Tried sniping, couldnt approach due to good vehicle/sniper/infantry coverage. All we could really do was watch the magic rockets appear from thin air and bombard our vehicles. Before you respond "Yeah teamwork is OP", bear in mind that these turrets were completely not showing up for us and it was clear where they were as a rocket would spawn periodically from their location.

    With teamwork they are flat out uncounterable which is problematic.
  11. Alarox

    I'm usually not for trashing the developers... but in this respect you're right. It doesn't even seem to be an issue for them.

    Remember when they said that reducing the anti-infantry power of the tank cannons would allow them to reduce the power of anti-armor? That sounded like a great idea to me. Less farming and more opportunity for serious vehicle gameplay. What the hell happened?
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  12. \m/SLAYER\m/

    during zerg fights, there such lags with rendering:eek:
  13. _itg

    I know I'm ignoring the problem, but I didn't say it WASN'T a problem. It's just advice for the meantime, since this isn't likely to be fixed anytime soon. If you've got any squad/outfit buddies, surely it's not too much to ask for one to move up the line a bit to take out those engis. I play infiltrator more than anything else, and I can tell you it's not that hard to get within 300m of those turrets and get a decent firing angle, if I've been made aware of their location.
  14. Crayv

    Being able to kill a vehicle beyond infantry render distance is perfectly fine.

    Just ask any VS when someone mentions that the Lancer shouldn't be able to do this.
  15. Flashtirade

    "waah tanks are killing infantry from distances they can't respond to"
    "here, have this infinitely respawning wire-guided infinite ammo Decimator"

    "waah infantry are killing tanks from distances they can't respond to"
    "use combined arms l2p"

    Granted this double standard shows up in discussions about the relationships between air vehicles, ground vehicles, and infantry, but the AV MANA turret in either its past or current state aren't reasonable. Hell, artillery would have been better solution.
  16. AmitGr

    So, your direct counter is killing you?
    Get a gal drop with a squad on the tower and clean it up. Even if it fails, it will distract the engies in the turret and allow your tanks to advance.

    I do agree however that almost all northern Indar is lacking sufficient cover for advances, making some facilities (indar exc as an example) almost impossible to cap without outnumbering 3:1.
  17. AmitGr

    OR NC about ravens
  18. Leftconsin

    I have several things to add.
    First, I thought from the title that this would be about how AV turret mouse sensitivity is still hard locked at maximum sensitivity (unless someone found a workaround I was unaware of)

    2. This is all a problem with the game balance of "Infantry is always the trump card". Of course the AV turret is vastly more powerful than tanks. The game balance works around the idea that you should be able to lock out every segment of the game with infantry, and making the game easier for infantry. Seriously, what can an infantry not OHK? Galaxy, Liberator, and I don't know of a way for one infantry to OHK a new deploy shielded Sunderer.

    C) Mao is a hard tech plant to take from the north. Normally Galaxy drops on lines of AV turrets is pretty effective. Also normally doing a drop on the enemy base 1-2 back, hacking the vehicle terminal, and spawning an armor column behind enemy lines is also very effective at trashing tunnel visioned tanks and AV turrets.

    Point four. Attacking from another angle is often good. Try to organize a crash of A2G ESFs to shock the enemy line then come back with a sundy rush to establish some spawns on the back side of Mao while their line is weakened.
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  19. Xasapis

    My problem this period is of the opposite nature. It's very easy to find a good vehicle fight, however, infantry fights, especially without the constant interference of vehicles, are harder to find.
  20. Elrobochanco

    I would be perfectly fine with my AV turret appearing/having the hitbox of a MBT as long as it could take at least one tank/rocket and did AP damage output.

    SOE has never settled on a middle ground for them, right now they are fragile, and have limited range, OK damage but not crazy, but their entire use relies on a bug/visibility always messing up. They should be powerful in the ranges vehicles engage in and visible the same.
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