[Suggestion] AP rounds for infantry

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by 1NieMamPomyslu1, Aug 23, 2014.

  1. 1NieMamPomyslu1

    That's a pretty crazy idea but it might work.
    So, the every faction has it's own hard hitting carbine, my idea is to give it exclusively AP ammo capable of doing some damage to armor and MAX suits (same amount as explosive bolts for crossbow but without splash damage)
    To compensate, recoil will be heavily increased and bullet velocity slightly decreased (maybe make damage to infantry a bit lower to prevent everyone from running with it)
  2. ColonelChingles


    What is with the sudden rush of "I want my itty bitty rifle to penetrate heavy MBT armor" threads lately? Has Infantryside2 gotten so insipid that things are boiling down to having them be able to take a pistol or SMG to a tank?

    Anyhow to avoid an aneurism, I'll quote myself...

    :eek: for emphasis.
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  3. KenDelta

    No , I don't want another threat to my farmehicle.
    Imagine if 10 people run ap rounds and come yoloing at your tank.
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  4. 1NieMamPomyslu1

    Point of this is to make it dangerous for tank to yolo a 2 or more squads of infantry (because I aim for ~25 mags to seriously harm a tank), also keep in mind the fact that it's not something that you are given by default, it has serious disadvantages, (at least it should have, if the ones I gave are too low, text another examples) and are available only to one carbine (hc1 cougar for TR, ac-x11 for NC, and smth for VS I just don't know the name)
  5. \m/SLAYER\m/

    if you not infiltrator, you have access to 2 "AP" bricks:D
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  6. Zotamedu

    An anti-materiel rifle for the infiltrator would be pretty fun. Doing a full auto carbine with AP-rounds make little sense but a big **** rifle might. For the history nerds it even makes sense because there have been a number of those around since the invention of the tank. see Mauser 1918 T-Gewehr. They were also used during WWII and they were effective for awhile until the armour got too thick but there were version effective against the Panzer III. They also saw some use in later jungle based conflicts where MBTs could not be used because of the terrain. The smaller lighter tanks could still be damaged buy a heavy rifle. Now rifles for doing direct damage to tanks are gone since MBTs has way too thick armour for that. But anti-materiel rifles are still around and they can still cause serious damage to a MBT by destroying exterior equipment such as periscopes, machine guns and even the tracks. They are still effective against lighter vehicles. Most famous is the Barrett M82.

    So back to the realms of fantasy. It would be pretty fun for an infiltrator to be able to tag tanks and vehicles. Damage close to the explosive bolt seems a reasonable starting point. To keep it from replacing the other high bolt actions, you would need to give it lower velocity and a heavy drop which would make it less effective against infantry. The drop is not as big of a deal against the much larger vehicles.

    So would it be effective? Probably not. Useful? Not very likely. Fun? Yes I think so.
  7. NinjaTurtle

    Please dont make any more suggestions.

    Thia would effectively remove vehicles completely from the game.

    Worst forum idea in quite a while
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  8. Shatters

    Infantry are already the worst threat to any vehicle in the game. If anything infantry should be made LESS effective vs armor, not the other way around.......
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  9. 70g50

    You allready have it. It´s called rocket launcher.
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  10. Captain Kid

    Planetside 1 had it and it was fun taking out maxes with ap rounds.
    But we don't have loadouts in this game.. and bullets already damage maxes, one man planes and buggys.
    I would not mind an increase in damage for those targets and maybe certain vulnerable spots on a tank where they take damage as well.
  11. MotionBlured

    We can already damage ESF's and Harassers with small arms, and it's hardly worth the effort.
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  12. Flag

    Unfortunately the vehicle damage model doesn't support vulnerable spots at this point.

    What are you talking about? If you're in a squad and get attacked by a harasser, shooting it with the infantry primaries is the best counter to it. And everyone can do it, not just HAs.
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  13. MotionBlured

    And it takes EVERYONE to maybe kill it. It's not really an effective counter.
  14. lothbrook

    Umm no, you get 3-4 guys shooting at your harasser you need to leave or kill them quickly, an NC max for example can instagib a harasser if you get too close to them with its shotgun arms, lol. Small arms probably do too much damage to harassers right now.
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  15. Flag

    First of all, you don't have to kill it. Second, if you get a full squad to shoot it it will die in seconds.
    So either the Harasser dies, or it will have to retreat.
  16. MotionBlured

    An NC MAX in close range isn't a fair comparison, and just chasing it away doesn't make it effective.
  17. DatVanuMan

    Only VS should get this ammunition, and it should take 15 magazines to deal of a 167 damage weapon to take 5% of hp out. Because lets face it, vehicles SUCK now.
  18. Freedom Fries

    Yeah...I think it could work. Here's how I imagine it.


    He must be using a commissioner.
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  19. Celenor

    Make MAXes properly immune to regular bullets, then give MAX penetrating AP rounds.

    But never tank-penetrating.

    Edit: But they can maul harassers! Game needs that badly.
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  20. LT_Latency

    Tanks were garbage in WW1. They just got bombed by artillery