Anyone use Phantom for close/mid range like the Nyx?

Discussion in 'Infiltrator' started by grin, Jan 4, 2013.

  1. grin

    I am a big fan of the Nyx and have used it up to the auraxium medal, but recently I have thought about the phantom as an alternative to the Nyx for the same close/mid range roles. My trials with the phantom seem to be inconclusive on this point and I wanted to know if anyone uses it as a close/mid range rifle like they would the Nyx.

    Based on spreadsheet data the Phantom would do more per shot damage(400 over 334), better damage over range(250 at 200m over 200 at 125m), have higher dps(1540 over 1453), slightly lower recoil(1.3 over 1.5), better damage per clip and ammo pool, while having a slower reload speed(3.6/4.6 over 2.3/2.9).

    The higher damage alone reduces the shots to kill heavy assaults with their shield up by 1 body shot or 1 headshot, or a rank 5 nanoweave heavy by 1 body shot but no change to headshots. The damage however does not change the number of body or head shots to kill unshielded infantry or nanoweave infantry. Obviously the phantom would kill weakened players much easier than the Nyx.

    The phantom has some interesting COF characteristics. It has zero(0) as it's minimum ADS standing and crouching COF over the 0.1 for the Nyx. It's moving minimum COF are slightly worse at 0.55 and 0.2 versus 0.25 and 0.15. The real issue with this gun is the COF bloom per shot. The phantom blooms by 1 per ADS or hipfire shot while the nyx only blooms by 0.125 for ADS and 0.25 for hipfire. This means the Phantom blooms 8 times more per ADS shot and 4 times more per Hipfire shot, requiring you to fire at less than the maximum rate to ensure multiple hits.

    The phantom has a good number of advantages over the Nyx but it's COF bloom would seem to make it unviable or less viable than the Nyx for the same roles. Does anyone have any experience with this gun?
  2. Plague Rat

    I use the impetus in this way. It's the NC equivilent. I just basically pretend it's a slug shotgun with a headshot bonus (which the scout rifles don't have) At closer ranges the scope sway won't be too problematic but you can still hold your breath for longer shots if you need to countersnipe something. I think these semi-auto snipers are some of the most versitile weapons in the infi arsenal.

    However, what the Nyx can do the Phantom cannot is equip a flash suppressor (like a suppressor but it still makes noise, you won't show on the map and it doesn't effect bullet drop or damage, some say it increases recoil but I haven't noticed) and the night vision scope. The Nyx also has remarkably tight hip-fire accuracy while the phantom's shots will go all over the place unless your target is pretty much point blank with the barrel shoved in their gut.
  3. The King

    I use it, sometimes I regret buying it though.
    As it's the same as the starting rifle, just without a scope and the ability to put lesser ones on.
    Hip shooting is very hard. in CQC, the delay on trying to put up the scope (not really close... like ~15m away) or go to iron sights makes you die more often than killing the person who saw you in the same time. Or you saw first but kept moving out of sight to make you put down the iron sights.

    I like it more than all the others I have.
    I really want to try out the two scouts, I think I would have more success killing people with those. But I really want to get the 800dmg bolt actions too. So... it seems like I have a problem.

    In other words, trial the Phantom, if you already did, use the starting sniper. If you like hip shooting, try it out. You will most likely not like it. The Full auto on it is not noticeable, you will most likely not remember to hold down the mouse. Even if you did, you really wont notice anything.
  4. Lavalampe

    I really love the Phantom.
    Since I got it I play more Infiltrator with very good results.
    My setup: 1x scope, suppressor and i think about buying the frontgrip

    The phantom has two more advantages over the nyx:

    1. While aiming down sight you can hold the firebutton and the gun will fire full-auto with its maximum firerate (231 rpm). Ok, you could also do this by clicking, but then you would have to click 3,85x per second which is hard to do. The full auto-mode is just more comfortable and deadly in close range.
    Note: The Phantom is the only sniper, that can do that. The TR or NC Versions don't have this ability.

    2. The 400 dmg are a very huge advantage over the 334 dmg from the nyx. In close combat you completly negate maximum-nanoweave with the 400 dmg. When you're using the Nyx and the enemy is wearing nanoweave level 1 (which just costs 1 certpoint) you 1 extra bullet when you bodyshot him. This could be deadly for you!
    Another thing is the use of an suppressor at mid-range. There aren't any drop off rates released yet, but when the dmg from the nyx falls by just 2 dmg points, you need an extra shot. The Phantom has more buffer with its 400 dmg until it falls beyond 334 dmg.

    I absolut recommend the phantom.
    I've got really good runs with it and nearly every time I kill 2-3 guys before they can stop me. :)
  5. SavageSage

    I posted about this yesterday, but the tl;dr:

    The phantom out performs the Nyx at extreme close range and longer ranges, but it just feels sloppier some how, not as wieldy. It's also louder than the Nyx when both have suppressors, the Nyx is damn near silent.

    I prefer the Nyx personally but I use both a lot and usually when I'm in more open terrain I'll take the Phantom instead for it's better sniping ability.
  6. Angelus359

    The phantom has sniper sway
  7. Innate

    The Phantom is better than the Nyx in all the ways that matter. It 3 shots non-shielded heavies. It kills in 1 headshot + body shot (where the Nyx requires 2 headshots). Its damage falls off at nearly half the rate. So where the Nyx is struggling with damage at ~50m, the Phantom is hardly affected. The combination of increased damage, decreased shots to kill, and slower fire rate makes this gun so much easier to learn, aim, and use than the Nyx. The one big disadvantage it has at range (sniper sway) can be dealt with very effectively with experience, whereas the Nyx's drawback at range (big damage drop) can not. At close range, sniper sway is almost completely irrelevant.

    The one advantage the Nyx has is hipfire. The problem with this advantage is it's incredibly marginal for the class as a whole. The guns you can reliably beat in hipfire range (with equal initiative) are non-Rebel pistols, MCG, sniper rifles (including the Phantom), and NC LMG's that try to hipfire instead of ADS. All other guns (though I may have missed one or two) you will draw (so you'll win or lose 50/50, 60/40 etc.) or just straight up lose unless you get lucky. In effect, the gun itself is bad at hipfire even though it's 99% better than the other hipfire options you have.

    If you have Auraxium with the Nyx, you should switch to the Phantom for a week. I'd recommend the 2x reflex (and that's from someone who uses 1x/IRNV on every other gun). It's easier to learn and use than the Nyx, and in the situations where it really matters it's simply better than the Nyx.

    /edit - I just wanted to restate Lavalampe's very good but subtle point. You can completely ignore all the Nanoweave garbage. Nanoweave seems to have been created just to enrage infiltrators, but the Phantom doesn't care.
    • Up x 1
  8. The King

    No it's not. I am sure 99% of the people ages 12-55 can do that.

    If I tried hard enough, I can do 8.5 clicks per second.
    If I play as a slow clicker, I can do around 5 clicks per second..
    If I pretend I am firing a gun in this game or sniper, I am clicking 6.5 times a second and I am not going crazy.
    (I am also laying on my bed as I am d doing this, which is where I play)
    It may sound hard, but it's not at all.

    Can test it yourself. (or test in game and see that you really do not gain shooting speed by holding it down)

    Anyways, like I said, the full auto has no real benefit since you are able to click fast enough all the time.
  9. Ravenorth

    I have auraxium on Phantom, but after I bought Nyx I just couldn´t go back using Phantom anymore. Bullets leave no trace, completely silent with suppressor and good hipfire. I can rack up a way more kills with it than ever with Phantom + the possibility to use NV scope makes it even better.
  10. Rigsta

    This is a popular topic :)

    RE the above, I prefer the Ghost over the Phantom so far. So I roll with Nyx, Ghost or Parallax depending on the sort of ranges I'm likely to engage at.
  11. gunshooter

    fyi semi auto sniper rifles are unaffected by resist shield. For this reason alone the phantom is probably worth looking into.
  12. ghnurbles

    I prefer the Nyx for CQC work, as it has much better hip-fire and is a lot quieter.
  13. grin

    Thanks for all the responses. I think I will try out the Phantom a little more and see If I want to buy it.