Just spent a few minutes shy of 3 hours playing (8:15-11:20) and my stats got boosted by 5 Deaths by Team 5 Suicides (falling off high places trying to flank enemy tanks or chase the jets) 54 Deaths by TR,NC 4 Kills I played 90 % Heavy Assault, but 2 of the kills I got were during my 7 or so Mins in a max when we breached a base. I spent the whole time in a Squad. No solo play during this round of play. Attacked Tanks and Aircraft for most the period. Played as Medic,Engineer,Max,Light Assault for brief minutes each once the tanks/air disappeared just to help infiltrate when we were breaching towers/bases and i thought that particular role would be more beneficial or saw a good oppurtunity to do so to help my team during the moments of no vehicles. Most my team was engineers/heals. Died mostly to infantry. Most my deaths to enemy infantry i fired first, a few occasions i didnt see who shot me but very rare. Think a manned sundy i was trying to take out killed me a few times. Overall it was fun consdering the frustrating performance. I killed 1 plane and assisted a few plane a few tank and a few sundy kills. Few meaning 2-3 total of each during the 3 hours. My accuracy with Rockets is 69% lockon AV 42% lockon AA 41% no lock dumbfire How do some of u other heavies do. Im very situationally aware, just have a hard time killing anything. Try to flank constantly moving around the enemy and several times clmbed up and around indars frustrating cliffs. Almost always see my target tanks/aircraft before i get fired at, usually see infantry first also. Just getting my butt kicked. I prefer to play healer/eng but we seem to always be bogged down by AA,AV so i go HA just to help with that and let the real good fps guys clear the infantry. Idk just feel meh in performance if not blatantly crappy. I seem to scare alot of tanks/aircraft into retreating. I mean constantly, but i cant seem to kill any. I check my map constantly to see if we r getting cut off or back capped, I spot so often its crazy ; P and i feel like a good player. I just dont have the kills to back it up. Would a heavy with a good performance post a video so i can see how u do it. Thx guys.
I play heavy all the time, it's pretty much all I play. Only thing I can recommend is getting the forward grip, remember to pull your mouse down as you shoot to compensate kick, and sometimes only shoot with bursts depending on distance - and most importantly, take your TIME - When I get LeroyJenkins, I get killed, when I take my time, my kills shoot up.
I play heavy a lot and my performance varies a lot.. If I try solo defending places against crazy odds.. Usually I end up dying a lot. and my K/D sucks.. But I really don't care about K/D, if I have to suicide 5 times before I get in to blow the Sundie.. I will.. Other times I'm in the right place at the right time and I am a murdering machine.. Then there are days where the server lag is horrible and I die continuously to ridiculous things. I have been frapsing a lot and built up about 2 terrabytes of uncompressed video. I just need to go through them and splice out some fun stuff to post. Everyone has their bad streaks, and remember a lot of the videos posted showing people kicking **** are the "best of". In other-words you miss their "opps I slipped off the wall" moments.
I was gonna chime in and offer advice until you started giving accuracy numbers with lockon rockets. Not only did I laugh hysterically at the blatant irony, but I also wept (in my head, at least) because people in need of advice on how to actually play heavy can still easily use these things.
i understand how to use them, keep target in the middle of your sights for 5-7 seconds then shoot, but how r u guys getting kills with them. I know how to use them. Just want to actually kill some tanks/aircraft before they get away. I think my playing is fine but my stats are saying otherwise. I dont play heavy to kill infantry. I only play it to kill vehicles, and im not actually killing any. I attack them every few minutes aggressively as close range as i can get and as close to their side/ rear as i can get. I just want to see how u guys flank them/ kill them cause i just get slaughtered. again and again and again...but i shoot a ton of em and make em retreat very often. idk maybe im actually doing ok, i just figured there has to be some good heavy assault guys that have some gameplay showing their cool tricks.
you don't pick armors or suits, you cert your suits ability to have better shield capability, if you want it.
Wish I played heavy so I could help you out. Only vid i have from playing mine isnt that impressive, killed around 5 guys. Only kept it because every one of the guys was getting shot by multiple people but i killed each one and thought it was funny. After reading your post i would suggest not fighting tanks and planes with your heavy. I kill them a lot inside of my tank or plane and unless there are a few of you together you will most often just land shots and die, and they will escape and repair. Even if there are a few of them I will kill at least one so you are just hoping you arent that one. Sad as it is the best way to counter each of those is by using one of your own. When using Heavy make sure to kick your nmg on to start each fight. Use ADADAD, you dont have to but i will be and will probably kill you if you arent. Dont crouch if you will get fired at unless you can tell they are shooting you in the head. Dont be first guy in or stand a little behind that hero guy and let him get shot. Dont ever stay in same place you just killed someone, picture being them as they spawn and where they are going (right back to where they saw you last) and get in a position to backshot them when they come back for you. Doing a lot of little things right can go a long way towards overcoming whatever is getting you killed, be it facing superior numbers or people with too much twitch skill.
Flak armor? Isn't that only for anti-explosion armor? But I get killed way more by infantry than by Tanks or even Air. What's the best suit to defend yourself from actual small arms fire?
Some useful tips I can give ya: - Foregrip, compensator, and 1x or 2x sight - Get in the habit of toggling your shield right before you enter a room. - Build a reflex that as soon as you take a hit, toggle your shield. - ADS right before you turn a corner when in a busy fights. - Resto kits - Flak Armor Now not all of these will apply all the time, gotta judge by the situation. Sometimes you might need a 3.4x scope, sometimes you just gotta sprint into a room and hipfire, or because your shield makes you slower you're better off just sprinting to cover like a madman instead of toggling the shield.
Infantry use explosives too. Grenades, C4, underbarrel grenade launchers, etc. Also the only suit slot that protects against small arms fire is the nanoweave armor, and at max level it does not increase your health enough to completely cover the damage from one bullet from 90% of weapons. I think rank 2 will make it take one more bullet to kill you with most guns if you want to try that though.
u know u have a point. I've been concentrating so hard on killing them with my heavy i didnt think about just killing them in general. Im gonna look into an anti tank magrider with maybe an AA 2ndary gunner. Cause really i just wanna kill them bastages. ; P thx bro
I dont have a lock on rocket, too much fun without and I'm still using default as TR HA. Make your first shot from fairly close and make sure you will be able to track where the armor will try to flee to. Try to stay to the sides of them and shoot the back or the side..Keep moving and learn the timing between their reloads. You ar better off, IMO, to move towards them at angles than away the closer you are the harder you are to target. If they are coming straight at you let them and jump over them then place a shot in their rear. Once they get low on health they will try to run, chase them and shoot the guy repairing once they stop...finish him. Don't obsess over one tank if there are many damage them as you can and let others in the area finish them if you need to. Also for good infantry kills with HA in CQC wade right in to them at a steady walk, aim for the head and dont let off the trigger, when one goes down aim for the one behind. I can get 2-5 before they realize what is going on, react and kill me...Thats the fun thing about respawn games...dieing doesn't matter.
Doing well as a heavy assault in infantry vs infantry fights are no different from playing any other class and trying to do well in fire fights. You just need to learn the basics of first person shooting. Then you practice practice and practice, and don't worry about dying because you need to die to learn from your own mistakes. Having twitch reflex helps, it's not exactly something that everybody's got so if you find yourself spazzing out when someone's shooting at you, you just need to learn to relax and try to let your hand/eye coordination take over. In any FPS games, if you are not making bullet contact, you're going to lose. So make sure you aim properly, you react properly, and you get hit registers. If you truly want to learn how to first person shoot, first thing you want to do is to put down the rocket launchers. The rocket launchers do not work like guns, their physics are different, the lock-ons are nothing like having to manually aim a gun at someone. Rocket launchers can get you some kills and help you blow up some vehicles for sure. But from the post I think you truly want to learn how to shoot better in gun fire. Know that different guns work better than others in different situations. Some guns excel in close quarter combat, those that you see in front of you. Some guns do better with medium range, while other guns do much better at long range. So make sure you pick the right guns for the right situations, and the right cert upgrades because some guns can be handled better with a forward grip + the right scope. Some close quarter guns work well with advanced laser sight. If you find yourself spraying a lot, you'll want to learn when to stop spraying and to switch to burst mode. Spraying is bad for hit registers, if the bullets aren't making contact, your shots are just missing. If you try very hard to aim head high on your first shots, you'll get more head shots. But if you need to squeeze the trigger longer, make sure to move the gun down because the recoil will likely make you miss a lot when you're focused on a smaller head target. It's not everybody's thing, not everybody's going to be good at shooting at another face to face. That's why in FPS games there are always support roles where you can still gain exp by not having to kill people. If you enjoy blowing up vehicles, then I say keep doing it if that's what makes the game fun for you. Look at engineers, they don't got rocket launchers but they have very good tools at blowing things up.
Np. Like bruce lee said "flow like water" . Dont get hung up on trying one class when it isnt working. If you are open to playing everything and switch to best tool for the job each time you will end up having a much better time. If you get an aa top turret i would stick with default main turret unless you are a really crack shot. If you get the AP anti tank instead of HE you need to be dead on when you shoot the softies, and tbh that is the main advantage of the prowler and its 2 shots, its the best at killing infantry.
Each class has a different rhythm than every other class. It's a strong point of PS2 but it also requires time and patience. I still get absolutely owned as a HA. It's extremely frustrating sometimes.
You can check out some of the newer broadcasts on my twitch.tv channel. I am almost always a heavy although I run a battle rifle most of the time. http://www.twitch.tv/effreem/videos?kind=past_broadcasts